
  • 网络Tarim block;tarim massif
  1. 阿尔金北缘断裂与阿尔金主断裂在80km深度处交汇,并继续向南陡倾下插到150km,反映出塔里木地块向南陆内俯冲于阿尔金山及柴达木盆地之下。

    The two faults may meet at a depth of 80 km , then continue to underthrust steeply southward to 150 km , suggesting that Tarim block has been underthrusted southward beneath the Altun Mountains and the Qaidam block .

  2. 塔里木地块上石炭统的古地磁研究

    A study of Upper Carboniferous paleomagnetism for the Tarim block

  3. 塔里木地块(台)一盆地构造运动特征

    Characteristics of tectonic movement of Tarim platform - Basin

  4. 塔里木地块北部二叠-三叠系的磁性地层学研究

    Permo-Triassic magnetostratigraphy in the northern Tarim block

  5. 塔里木地块北部横向构造及断条模式

    Transverse structure and model of fault slivers in the northern part of the Tarim block

  6. 塔里木地块西南缘上古生界古地磁学研究

    Paleomagnetic Study of Upper Paleozoic Erathem Along the Southwestern Margin of Tarim Block , China

  7. 塔里木地块和柴达木地体的古地磁数据表明,阿尔金断裂至少经历了四期活动。

    The paleomagnetic results of Tarim and Qaidam indicate that Altyn Taugh fault has experienced complicated tectonic activity .

  8. 东天山康古尔塔格金矿带位于塔里木地块东北部晚古生代阿齐山-雅满苏岛孤带的北缘。

    The Kanggultage gold ore belt is located in the northern Late Paleozoic Aqishan Yamansu island arc belt in the northeast of Tarim plate .

  9. 塔里木地块相对较稳定,其西部运动速度高于东部运动速度,作顺时针方向旋转。

    The Tarim Basin is stable relatively , the velocity of west area to Tarim is higher than that of the east , rotates clockwise .

  10. 西昆北带分别以库地&喀什塔什断裂和西昆北冲断裂与西昆中带和塔里木地块南缘拗陷带相隔。

    The basin-range junction belt on the southern margin of the west Kunlun-Tarim basin can be divided into the northern West Kunlun belt and the southern Tarim depression belt .

  11. 因此,阿尔金东段可看作为一个转换挤压变形带,它可能为塔里木地块与柴达木地块斜向会聚作用的产物。

    Therefore , The eastern segment of the Altun fault zone may be considered as a transpressional deformation zone which resulted from oblique convergence between the Tarim block and Qaidam block .

  12. 而正因为塔里木地块以断条形式向南天山的俯冲行为,使得山前坳陷冲断带(及天山)发生分段。

    It is just because the subduction of the Tarim block in the form of fault slivers that segmentation of the piedmont depression thrust belt ( and Tianshan belt ) takes place .

  13. 印度板块、塔里木盆地、东欧地块、西伯利亚地台、华北地块、扬子地台、东南沿海褶皱系均表现突出。

    Some blocks are more obvious as India plate , Tarim basin east Europe block , Siberian plate , North-China block , Yangtze , etc.

  14. 在塔里木和准噶尔地块下方150~400km深度存在上地幔低速体,其中塔里木地块一侧的上地幔低速物质上涌到南天山地块的下方;

    Beneath the Tarim and Junggar block , in the depth range from 150 km to 400 km , exist low-velocity anomalies . One of them on the Tarim side rises to bellow the south Tianshan .

  15. 其中,塔里木与南天山地块的差别非常明显,它们之间的分界线在通常认为的南天山山前断裂以南和库车以北地区。

    Among them , there are obvious differences between The Tarim basin and south Tien Shan . The boundary between these two blocks should be located to the south of the frontal fault of the southern Tien Shan and to the north of Kuqa .