
tǎ mén
  • Tower Gate;pyller
塔门[tǎ mén]
  1. 谁设计在拱桥两端镶有花岗岩的塔门?

    Who designed the arch bridge with granite-faced pylons at either end ?

  2. 踝关节塔门型骨折22例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of twenty-two cases of tower-door type of fracture of ankle joint

  3. 进水塔门机650/100kN回转吊起升方案的改进

    Improvement of lifting scheme for 650 / 100 kN intake tower slewing crane

  4. 高流湾及塔门渔民信用无限责任合作社

    " Kolauwan and Tap Mun fishermen 's credit co-operative society , unlimited "

  5. 在古埃及,在两边用或不用一塔门建造门口。

    In Ancient Egypt , doorways were built with or without a pylon on each side .

  6. 三种燕鸥今天仍在大鹏湾流连,只是没有飞入塔门以内的水域而已。

    All three species are still around at Mirs Bay today , except that they remain outside Tap Mun .

  7. 踝关节塔门型骨折是一种少见且治疗困难的关节内骨折。

    Tower-door type fracture of the ankle joint is a rare and intra-articular fracture which is difficult to be treated .

  8. 桥已被消防部门用水龙冲洗过了。谁设计在拱桥两端镶有花岗岩的塔门?

    The bridge had been hosed down by the fire department . Who designed the arch bridge with granite-faced pylons at either end ?

  9. 中国游客叶先生在参观卡纳克神庙时,在石头教堂、塔门和石柱间迷路了。

    Visiting the complex of ancient temples at Karnak , Chinese tourist Mr. Ye lost his way among the stone chapels , pylons and pillars .

  10. 那是因为他总是从旧塔门进教堂,而且总坐在后排人们看不见的地方。她急切地回答道。

    ' That 's because he enters by the old tower door and sits at the back , where he can 't be seen ,' she replied eagerly .

  11. 塔门标志进口或前进的大型建筑或建筑群他门将拆除那幢旧的建筑物改建新的。

    A large structure or group of structures marking an entrance or approach . They are going to demolish that old building and put up a new one .

  12. 路过教堂时,他仔细查看了一下那个旧塔门,只见上面覆满藤蔓,显然已经有些年头没有人出入了。

    On his way he passed the church , where he looked closely at the old tower door . It was covered with climbing plants , and clearly had not been used for years .