
  • 网络Instruction
  1. 把退税理由写清楚,填写各栏时请参阅填表说明。

    Then write clearly the reasons and fill in all the columns by referring to the instruction .

  2. 请申请人认真阅读本表第四页的填表说明。

    Please read carefully the important notes on the last page before filling out the form .

  3. 填表说明及专业方向对应课程详见申请表。

    Form-filling guides and the required courses for specialization could be found in the application form .

  4. 让不吃午餐变得更费事:用人单位可以要求员工填表,说明自己不吃午餐的理由。

    Make skipping lunch difficult : Employers could ask workers to fill out a form stating their reasons for skipping the meal .