
  • 网络Consumption abroad;Consumer Abroad
  1. 均可持身份证件、购物收据以及从这些商店获得的加盖海关图章的GlobalRefund退税支票等,来工商银行办理即时现金退税业务或通过您指定的账户收取款项,享受到“境外消费、境内退税”的便捷服务.

    you can take your identification certificate , shopping receipts , and Global Refund 's refund checks with Customs ' seal acquired from these shops to ICBC to handle spot cash duty refund or collect fund from your designated account . You enjoy convenient service of consumption abroad and refund at home .

  2. 教育服务贸易中高等教育境外消费的比较研究

    Comparative Research on High Education Consumption Abroad of Education Service Trade

  3. WTO框架下,国际教育服务主要通过跨境交付、境外消费、商业存在和自然人流动四种方式提供。

    Under the framework of WTO , international educational services are offered mainly by means of cross - border payment , beyond-border consumption , commercial existence and population flow .

  4. 首都高等教育境外消费出口现状分析

    Research on actual state of Beijing higher education in consumption abroad

  5. 中国多年来一直是世界境外消费的主要进口国之一。

    China is one of main importers in consumption abroad .

  6. 我国高等教育境外消费出口市场研究

    Study on Chinese High Education Export Market of Consumption Abroad

  7. 发达国家境外消费教育服务贸易及其启示

    On Overseas Consumption and Education Service Trade in Developed Countries

  8. 河南高等教育境外消费服务贸易的研究

    The research of consumption abroad of international higher education service trade in Henan Province

  9. 境外消费教育服务贸易的现状及我国的对策

    The Actual State of Trade In Service of Consumption Abroad and China 's Policy

  10. 《服务贸易总协定》明确地将高等教育归类于服务贸易,进而将留学生教育纳入教育服务贸易的方式2即境外消费。

    The General Agreement on Trades in Service ranged higher education into service trade unassailably .

  11. 中澳教育服务贸易出口的比较分析&基于境外消费的视角

    Comparative Study on Consumption Abroad of Trade & in educational services Between China and Australia

  12. 运用比较成本理论、要素禀赋论等经济学理论对教育境外消费进行理论分析。

    Comparative Advantage Theory and Factor Endowment Theory are used here to analyze education consumption abroad .

  13. 论后过渡期我国境外消费教育服务贸易

    China 's Consumption Abroad of Education Service Trade in the Post-Transitional Period : Current Situation and Countermeasures

  14. 还是必须我在境外消费,月内境内就得还款?

    Or must I am consumed outside the condition , the churchyard inside the month have to reimbursement ?

  15. 现阶段,借鉴发达国家经验,大力发展我国境外消费教育服务贸易应做到以下几点:加强质量和特色建设;

    At the present period , China has to fulfill the following tasks to enhance the international education service trade : quality and characteristic ;

  16. 当前国际境外消费教育(留学生教育)服务贸易发展迅速,但也呈现出极端的不平衡,国际留学生市场基本上由发达国家垄断。

    The international consumption of education service trade extends rapidly . On the other hand , the international education market is monopolized by the developed countries .

  17. 这种贸易方式可以通过过境提供、境外消费、商业存在、自然人流动等方式进行。

    This kind of trade way can be offered through being in transit , consumption abroad , commercial presence , natural person flow etc. and go on .

  18. 境外消费教育服务贸易是教育服务贸易的一种重要提供方式,而且越来越成为各国开展国际贸易竞争的一个重要领域。

    Educational trade in service of consumption abroad is one important kind of supply in Educational trade in service . And it becomes more and more popular for countries to compete in this area .

  19. 同时,美国是第二大境外游消费市场,该国游客在境外消费了1220亿美元,德国、英国、法国游客位列其后。

    Meanwhile , outbound travelers from the US , the second-largest outbound market for tourism spending last year , spent 122 billion USD abroad . Travelers from Germany , the UK and France trailed behind .

  20. 对我国境外消费教育服务贸易发展中的现实问题进行了详细的阐述和分析,并提出进一步发展我国境外消费教育服务贸易的对策。

    This paper expounds and analyzes in detail the practical problems existing in the development of Chinese educational service trade for offshore consumption , and advances some countermeasures for developing Chinese educational service trade for offshore consumption .

  21. 近年来国际境外消费教育服务贸易(留学生教育)规模不断扩大,与此同时,境外消费教育服务贸易的市场分布呈现出一种极不均衡的状态,形成国际留学生市场由发达国家垄断的局面。

    In recent years , while the international consumption and education service trade is constantly expanding , the market distribution is in a state of extremely disequilibrium , with the international students market monopolized by developed countries .

  22. 2016年,中国游客的境外消费总额达2620亿美元,较2015年增加了12%。赴境外旅游的中国游客数量增加了6%,至1.35亿人次。

    Chinese travelers spent 262 billion USD on foreign trips in 2016 , a 12 % increase over the figure in 2015 , while the number of outbound tourists rose 6 % to 135 million in 2016 .

  23. 联合国世界旅游组织近日发布的数据显示,去年中国游客的境外消费额在全球出境游客中居首,且是美国游客的两倍多。

    Chinese tourists continued to spend more than any other country 's outbound travelers last year , while more than doubling the spending by their US counterparts , according to data released by the United Nations World Tourism Organization .

  24. 在此基础上,文章从服务贸易的四种形式(跨境交付、境外消费、商业存在和自然人流动)出发,利用现有的统计数据,展示了我国教育服务进出口贸易发展现状。

    Based on a large amount of data , the paper analyzes the development of Chinese educational service trade from four modes of service trade ( Cross-border supply , Consumption abroad , Commercial presence and Presence of natural persons ) .

  25. 我国入世后,对境外消费方式下的市场准入没有限制,虽然从签约起有五年的过渡期,但目前我们已进入入世后过渡期,因此竞争日益激烈。

    There is no restriction on market access concerning the mode of overseas consumption after China entered WTO . So far China has entered the latter part of its five-year transition period after the entry and the competition will be increasingly fierce .

  26. 介绍了金融服务贸易的构成要素,涵盖可贸易金融服务的范围,国际金融服务的提供(包括跨境交付、境外消费、商业存在、自然人流动四个方面),国际金融服务贸易的统计。

    This part introduces the elements of financial service trade , the scope of tradable financial service , the offer of international financial service ( including Cross-border Delivery , Consumption Abroad , Commercial Presence and Movement of Natural Persons ), and the statistics of intentional financial service trading .

  27. 市场观察人士说,这个转变是中国游客境外奢侈品消费支出减速的原因之一。

    The shift is contributing to a slowing rate of luxury spending overseas , say market watchers .

  28. 在中国境外的消费市场上,我们的影响力非常有限,甚至是不存在,他表示。

    Outside of China , our presence in the consumer segment is very limited or even non-existent , he said .

  29. 联合国世界旅游组织表示,自2012年以来,中国已经成为了最大的境外游消费市场。而2016年这一数据也标志着中国游客境外消费连续第13年呈两位数的增长。

    The UNWTO said that China has been the largest outbound travel market since 2012 and that 2016 marked the 13th consecutive year that China saw double-digit growth on outbound tourism expenditure .

  30. 我国旅游热点城市境外游客的消费决策特征分析

    Characteristic analysis in consume and decision of foreign tourists in China ′ s famous tourism cities