
  • 网络Mexican culture;Tex-Mex
  1. 对墨西哥文化的探索,玛丽的书很受欢迎。

    Exploring the Mexican culture , Mary 's book was popular .

  2. 墨西哥文化艺术一体化研究所

    Mexican Institute for the Integration of Art and Culture

  3. 之后,随着我学到越来越多的墨西哥文化

    And the more I learned about the Mexican culture

  4. 蝎子与墨西哥文化

    Scorpions : Part of Local Culture in Mexico

  5. 全国会举办庆祝活动,宣传墨西哥文化。

    There are festivals and events all over the country to highlight Mexican culture .

  6. 我喜欢真实的墨西哥文化。

    I love authentic Mexican culture .

  7. 银行高管米歇尔·希钦斯自小生长在美国和墨西哥文化的家庭中,父母一直强调教育的重要性,这让希钦斯最终取得了成功。

    Being raised by Mexican-American parents who emphasized the value of education helped bank executive Michelle Hitchings find success .

  8. 之后,随着我学到越来越多的墨西哥文化—我的搭档是墨西哥人—我越来越发现,

    And the more I learned about the Mexican culture my partner is Mexican - the more I learned that ,

  9. 因此,在印度和墨西哥文化中,开敞空间的玄学属性乃是伴随着它们所依赖的炎热气候。

    Therefore , in the culture of India and Mexico , the metaphysics property of the open space comes along with the hot weather they depend on .

  10. 结合墨西哥历史文化与鬼故事的黑色喜剧。

    Part Weird Mexican Ghost Story . Part historical black comedy .

  11. 那墨西哥的文化偏见是什么?

    So , what 's the cultural bias in mexico ?

  12. 拉加诺先生告诉记者,丰富的西班牙、墨西哥传统文化深深植根于圣达菲的手工艺与民间艺术中,包括陶瓷制作、编织等等。

    According to Ragano , a rich Spanish and Mexican tradition is deeply rooted in the city 's craft and folk arts like pottery making , weaving and more .

  13. Crown介绍说,阿纳萨齐吸收了其他来自墨西哥的外来文化,如保留了红色金刚鹦鹉和铜铃铛,但是我们不知道他们是否同样食用可可豆。

    The Anasazi imported other exotic items from Mexico , such as live scarlet macaws and copper bells , but we did not know that they were getting cacao too , says Crown .

  14. 你们参观墨西哥的玛雅文化历史的遗迹吗?

    Did you guys visit the Mayan cultural ruins ?

  15. 而最近又有墨西哥和加勒比文化的注入。

    And lastly is an influx of Latino culture from Mexico and the Caribbean .

  16. 墨西哥古代印第安人文化

    Ancient Indian Cultures in Mexico

  17. 墨西哥独特的文化土壤与地域风情造就了墨西哥电影在拉美电影史与世界电影史上的重要地位。

    Mexican cinema occupies an important position in the Latin American film history and the history of world cinema because of its unique culture and Geographical environment .

  18. 随之而来的,还有一丝墨西哥湾油气文化的气息。

    A slice of Gulf of Mexico oil culture came , too .

  19. 墨西哥提奥帝华坎文化(公元前100年到公元700年)拥有两座金字塔镶嵌于一座庞大的城市当中。

    The Teotihuacan culture ( 100 BC-AD700 ) of Mexico contained two immense pyramids embedded in what was a vast city .

  20. 在借鉴印度、墨西哥的保护传统文化与资源的经验基础上,以完善我国的传统资源的保护制度,协调文化发展权与知识产权的冲突。

    Based on the experiences of protection upon traditional culture and resources borrowed from India and Mexico , the article suggests that the protection system of traditional resources in our China should be consummated , and the conflict between the right of cultural development and intellectual property should be corresponded .