
  • 网络parietal peritoneum;Superficial fascia
  1. 壁腹膜和空肠粘膜瓣修复胆管缺损后的光镜和扫描电镜观察

    The Light Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope Observation After Common Bile Duct Repair with Parietal Peritoneum and Jejunum Mucosal Flap

  2. 方法采用盲肠刮擦及切除右侧壁腹膜和腹膜下一层肌肉的方法制备SD大鼠腹膜黏连模型;

    Methods The rat adhesion models were established with ablating the right peritoneal wall and muscle below peritoneal and scraping the cecal surface .

  3. 大网膜和肠系膜上种植率100%,横膈膜、壁腹膜、肝、肾表面有无瘤细胞种植例数差异不具有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The rates of plant of gastric cancer cell were 100 % . The rate of plant does not have statistically significant differences in the diaphragm , peritoneal wall , liver , kidney surface ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 足月胎儿腹腔脏器及壁腹膜分裂线

    Cleavage lines of peritoneum of the abdominal viscera and wall in full-term fetuses

  5. 盆壁腹膜间皮细胞有丰富的内质网和高尔基复合体,但小泡缺如。

    The mesothelial cells on the pelvic wall displayed abundant endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus , but scanty vesicles .

  6. 通常,壁腹膜分裂线主要呈横行环绕腹壁走行,但在腹下区却呈纵行或扇形走向。

    In general , the lines encircling the internal abdominal wall run in horizontal plane , but they presented a longitudinal or a fan-shaped patterns in hypogastric region .

  7. 作者认为在标准的低位肠造瘘术中,结肠的浆膜和浆肌层与壁腹膜和腹横筋膜缝合在一起。

    The authors explain that in a standard blow-hole colostomy , the omentum and seromuscular layers of the colon are sutured to the peritoneum and the rectus fascia .

  8. 结果:①壁腹膜光滑、增厚29例(90.6%),其中均匀增厚26例,局部不规则增厚3例,18例增厚的腹膜有明显强化;

    Results : The main CT manifestations of tuberculous peritonitis appeared as follows : ① Thickened parietal peritoneum in 29 cases ( 90.6 % ), including smooth in 26 and irregular in 3 , as well as obviously enhanced thickened parietal peritoneum in 18 ;

  9. 目的检测终末糖基化产物(AGEs)在尿毒症患者血中的水平及在血管壁和腹膜上的表达及探讨其可能意义。

    Objective To determine the serum level of advanced glycosylation end products ( AGEs ) of uremia and its expression in the vascular wall and peritoneum of dialysis patient , meanwhile to explore its possible significance .

  10. 非断离腹壁韧带腹膜外剖宫产术式探讨

    Study on No-Cut-off Abdominal Wall Ligaments for Extraperitoneal Cesarean Section

  11. 壁层腹膜修复胆管缺损模型组织中转化生长因子-β1的表达

    Implication of transforming growth factor - β 1 expression in the repaired bile duct defect with free parietal peritoneal graft

  12. 终末糖基化产物在尿毒症患者血清中的水平及血管壁和腹膜上的表达

    The serum level of advanced glycosylation end products and its expression in the vascular wall and peritoneum of uremic patients

  13. 6例(31.5%)腹腔积液;3例(15.8%)大网膜、肠系膜和壁层腹膜广泛结节样增厚。

    Seroperitoneum was seen in 6 cases with thickened parietal peritoneum , greater omentum and lesser omentum in 3 cases .

  14. 但由于病灶深藏在胃肠壁或腹膜后,早期诊断、精确定位困难,从而影响临床治疗效果。

    However , since the lesion is usually hidden deeply within the gastrointestinal wall or retroperitoneum , it is hard for early diagnosis or accurate localization of the tumor , the effect of clinical treatment is therefore largely affected .

  15. 当盆腔腹膜缝合完毕,不缝合壁层腹膜,用0/2薇乔线从左向右连缝合筋膜及1/3腹壁脂肪,折回褥式皮内缝合皮肤,术后不拆线。

    Continuously suturing the fascia , the 1 / 3 portion of the abdominal fat and the skin with 0 / 2 vicryl suture without suturing peritoneum parietal . After opertion , there is no need to remove the abdominal stitches .

  16. 结果先天性腹内疝与胚胎发育期中肠的旋转与固定不正常及肠转位时脏层与壁层腹膜愈接不全或肠系膜的部分退化或薄弱有关;

    Results The causes of congenital intra abdominal hernia were related to malrotation of intestine and abnormality of intestine fixation during embryogenesis , to erroneous juncture of visceral layer peritoneum with parietal peritoneum , and to partial degeneration and weakness of mesentery .

  17. 结论:用穿刺导管从腹前壁经腹膜直抵椎间盘前面,椎间盘前方的小肠被T型杵状压腹器自动推开,从而可经双侧髂血管之间由前面较安全地穿入椎间盘中点。

    Conclusion : In operation , the mesenterial intestine in front of the disc is pushed off by the " T " type of clubbed abdomino-presser and puncture inlet can be made through the peritoneal cavity to the front of nucleus pulposus of the disc .

  18. 覆盖于盆腔脏层和壁层的腹膜(2)性别而存在差异。

    The peritoneum follows the surfaces of the pelvic viscera and walls ( Fig2 ) with differences between the sexes .

  19. 一个有意义的切面超声现象&前腹壁正中线腹膜外带状脂肪沉积

    Paradox of straightness and center ; a significant ultrasonography & the extraperitoneal fat deposit along the midline of the anterior abdominal wall

  20. 手术应用原切口入路的简化腹膜前修补法,显露腹股沟管壁结构,游离腹膜前间隙,植入Marlex网片。

    The operation included : simplified preperitoneal repairing through the previous incision , exposing the structure of the inguinal canal , freeing the preperitoneal space , positing a patch of marlex mesh .

  21. 发生腹壁气肿及穿刺点感染各1例。结果:497例中63例无法满意处理残端或盲肠壁内阑尾、腹膜外位阑尾而中转开腹。

    Additionally , abdominal subcutaneous emphysema and puncture port infection were encountered in 2 cases . Results : 497 cases of laparoscopic appendectomy has no complication except 11 abdomen abscess , 9 subcutaneous emphysema and 6 dorsal-scapular pain .