
shēnɡ fǎn kuì
  • acoustical feedback
  1. 而次源声反馈问题一直是影响管道有源消声系统的关键问题之一。

    And the acoustical feedback of the secondary source is one of the key problems that affect noise reduction in ducts .

  2. 探讨声反馈产生原因及提高多媒体报告厅扩声系统传声增益的对策,提出使用反馈抑制器是已建多媒体报告厅抑制声反馈的最佳途径;

    This paper discusses the cause of the production of acoustical feedback and the countermeasures to improve sound transmission gain of the sound amplifying system in the multimedia report hall .

  3. 基于DSP的声反馈抑制器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Acoustic Feedback Suppresser Based on DSP

  4. 在扩声系统及公共广播(PublicAddress,PA)中,声反馈是一个长期存在的问题。

    The acoustic feedback problem is a long-standing problem appearing in sound reinforcement systems and public address systems .

  5. 介绍一种用于盲源信号分离的快速独立分量分析算法(FastICA),尝试把该算法用于自适应有源噪声控制(AANC)系统中次级声反馈的控制。

    A new fast algorithm of independent component analysis ( Fast ICA ) applied to blind signal separation is introduced .

  6. NCMS系统用补偿的方法对次级源的声反馈和系统组件的非理想相移特性进行了双重补偿。

    The NCMS system compensates both the influence of secondary sourceacoustic feedback and the non-ideal phase property of the components .

  7. 用基于过零率的AEQ方法进行声反馈控制。

    We used the AEQ method based on zero-crossing rate to control acoustic feed-back . 4 .

  8. 为有效地消减次级声场对参考传声器的声反馈影响,声反馈通道被融合于控制器的设计过程中,以保证ANC系统的稳定性和降噪效果。

    To eliminate the influence of acoustic feedback of secondary sound field on reference microphone , the acoustic feedback channel has been integrated in the controller design , and so that the stability and noise reduction performance of ANC system is guarantied .

  9. 盲源分离用于次级声反馈控制的探讨

    Discussion of Blind Signal Separation Applied to Secondary Source Feedback Control

  10. 声反馈现象普遍存在各种扩声系统中。

    Acoustic feedback is a common phenomenon in public addressing system .

  11. 浅析歌舞厅声反馈产生原因及其对策

    The Reasons for Voice Feedback in Musical Hall and the Solutions

  12. 声反馈,是扩声系统中的一种常见现象。

    Acoustic feedback is a common phenomenon in public addressing systems .

  13. 室内扩声系统中声反馈的预防

    The Prevention of the Acoustic Feedback in the Interior Sound Amplifying System

  14. 声反馈抑制中的陷波器设计

    Inhibition Feedback The design of notch for acoustic feedback suppression

  15. 声反馈的产生直接导致声音出现失真。

    A direct result of acoustic feedback is sound distorted .

  16. 利用声反馈测声速的原理

    The principle of measuring sound velocity by using sound feedback

  17. 扩声系统中普遍存在由声反馈导致的啸叫问题。

    The acoustic feedback even howling is a well-known problem in sound reinforcement system .

  18. 这里产生的啸叫是由声反馈引起的。

    Howling produced here caused by acoustic feedback .

  19. 所以,声反馈控制是扩声系统中的一个重要课题。

    Therefore , the acoustic feedback suppression is an important topic in sound amplifying system .

  20. 但是,目前市面上的自动声反馈抑制产品,大多是国外品牌,价格不菲。

    However , most of automatic feedback suppressors in domestic market are imported from oversea and expensive .

  21. 因此,如果研制出具有自主知识产权的自动声反馈抑制器,将具有强大的市场竞争力。

    We must develop automatic feedback suppressor with own intellectual property to possess enormous competitive strength of marketing .

  22. 该方法能有效消除声反馈的影响,提高控制系统的稳定性。

    The method could effectively eliminate the influence of sound feedback and promote stable performance of the control system .

  23. 自动声反馈抑制算法包含两大算法:数字均衡算法和自动声反馈抑制算法。

    Automatic acoustic feedback suppression algorithm consists of two algorithms : digital equalization algorithm and automatic acoustic feedback suppression algorithm .

  24. 声反馈的出现限制了系统增益的提升,达不到扩音的效果。

    The emergence of acoustic feedback limits the increase of system gain , and can not reach the PA effect .

  25. 本文第二章介绍声反馈信号的特征和自动声反馈抑制的原理等。

    Chapter 2 of this paper introduces the characteristic of acoustic feedback signal and the principle of automatic feedback exterminator .

  26. 分析了多媒体综合教室的声反馈啸叫问题的成因和常规消除声反馈啸叫的方法。

    This article analyses the causes of producing sound feedback in multimedia integration classroom and the common methods of eliminating it .

  27. 传统的声反馈抑制方法,包括改善房间声学环境、在系统中串联均衡器或移频器等。

    Traditional feedback exterminating means include improving rooms ' acoustic property , cascading equalizers or frequency-shifters in the sound amplifying link , etc.

  28. 本文叙述抑制声反馈的频移器的设计,并进行了实验研究。

    This paper describes the design of a frequency shifter to suppress acoustic feedback , to be studied by the experimental method .

  29. 论述扩声系统声反馈形成机理及抑制方法和技巧。

    This article discusses the producing mechanism about sound feedback of loud-speaking system inside room and the methods and skills of restraining it .

  30. 在扩声系统中,由于同时使用了扬声器和麦克风,普遍存在声反馈现象。

    In a variety of sound reinforcement system , acoustic feedback is a widespread phenomenon with the simultaneous use of the speaker and microphone .