
  • 网络sound trademark;SOUND MARK;sound branding
  1. 随着声音商标在社会生活中占据越来越重要的地位以及人们对这一事实的认识的不断加深,声音商标尤其具有巨大的现实意义。

    With the sound mark playing a more and more important role in our social life and the constantly understanding of the mark , it real have great practical significance .

  2. 声音商标是商品或服务的提供者以音乐或某种特殊声音构成的,用来区分同类商品或服务的来源的可识别性标志。

    Sound mark is a recognizable mark that goods or services providers constituted by music or some kind of especial sounds , to distinguishing the source of the same kind of goods or services .

  3. 该部门还称,声音商标注册的审核工作是相当谨慎的,至今得以通过的都比较少,并表示会在晚些时候给出最终裁决。

    According to TRAB , the board is very careful about approvals of sound trademarks , with few successful cases so far . The court will release its final verdict at a later date .

  4. 但是,我国新《商标法》对声音商标的规定不够具体,仅限于增加了声音这一种可注册的商标形式。

    However , The provision of the sound mark in the new Chinese Trademark Law did not clear enough , it limited to added the " sound " can be registered as a kind of trademark form .

  5. 由于我国新《商标法》已明确规定了声音商标可以注册,所以,研究重点应该转变为研究声音商标注册过程中可能会存在的问题。

    Because of The new Chinese Trademark Law has been clearly defined sound marks can be registered , the emphasis of the research of the sound mark should change to the issues during the process of the application for registration of the sound marks .

  6. 然而,基于声音商标有别于传统商标的独特性特征,再加上我国目前对于声音商标的保护仍处于探索期,理论基础和实践发展尚不成熟,相关的法律制度尚不完善。

    However , owing to the distinctive features of sound mark which differ from traditional mark , and the protection of sound mark was in the exploration period , the development of theoretical basis and practical is not mature and the relevant legal system is not perfect yet .