
  1. 大约37万地处低势的居民被紧急疏散,以防暴风带来的洪水造成人员死伤。

    The city worked to complete its evacuation of about 370,000 residents in low-lying areas where officials expected flooding to follow the storm .

  2. 通过分析大量的已知复合物结构,我们发现芳香环上的碳原子处的静电势比同一分子当中甲基和亚甲基上的碳原子处的静电势要高。

    By analyzing a diverse set of complex structures , we have found that the electrostatic potentials of the carbon atoms of an aromatic ring are higher than those of methyl / methylene atoms in the same molecule .

  3. 进一步分析发现负群时延与其在共振点处反常依赖于势阱宽度有关。

    It is shown that this negative group delay is closely related to its anomalous dependence on the width of the potential well around the resonance points .