
  • 网络Spare parts Management;spares management
  1. 在备件管理的主要环节引进ABC分类控制法、定量分析法等科学管理方法,可降低备件成本,增加企业利润,取得最佳的管理效益。

    This paper introduces some scientific management methods such as ABC classification controlling method and quantity analysis method in the key points of the spare parts management . Hence it can make the spare parts cost decrease , enterprise profits increase and the management performance best .

  2. 及时制用于备件管理

    Application of Just-In-Time in Spare Parts Management

  3. ERP系统下的备品备件管理解决方案

    The manage solution of repair piece spare part under the ERP system

  4. 基于BP神经网络的ABC分类法在油田备件管理中的应用

    The Application of ABC Classification Based on BP Neural Network in the Oil Spare Parts Management

  5. 运用ABC法进行备件管理

    ABC Method Applied for Spare Parts Management

  6. 应用Struts框架开发备件管理系统的研究

    Research of an Implementation of Management System of Spare Part Based on Struts Framework

  7. ERP是由多个功能模块组成的,本文对ERP系统中的备件管理作了初步研究。

    ERP is made up of several function modules . The paper preliminarily studied the spare part management in ERP system .

  8. 基于PowerBuilder技术的物资备件管理系统的建设

    Construction of PowerBuilder Technology - Based Materials and Spare Parts Management System

  9. 最后用VISUALBASIC语言研发了一套包括机舱设备状态监测与安全评估模块、船舶应急事件处理模块、船舶机舱设备维修管理模块及船舶设备备件管理清单模块的软件系统。

    Finally , by use of the Visual Basic programming language , it introduces design of ship engine-room management system , which is composed of condition monitoring and safety assessment module , engine room emergency module , engine-room maintenance module .

  10. 系统采用MVC框架,使用AJAX页面技术、数据和业务分离等一系列的先进技术对备品备件管理进行开发。

    Spare parts management is exploited by using a series of advanced technology such as the MVC framework , AJAX page technology , data and operational separation technology .

  11. 在分析J2EE的体系结构和技术优势的基础上,讨论了采用B/S架构和基于J2EE技术开发的备品备件管理软件在稳定性、安全性、移植性、扩展性等方面都具备了强大的生命力。

    Based on the analysis of advantage for the architecture and technology of the J2EE enterprise application framework , the software architecture takes the advantage of J2EE architecture and Web / Server architecture is discussed .

  12. 针对ABC分类在设备维修备件管理中不足以区分重点备件的缺陷,将层次分析法与ABC分类相结合应用于设备维修备件的分类。

    Because the most important spare parts can not be distinguished from ordinary spare parts only using ABC classification , a new method , ABC classification based on AHP , is provided in this paper .

  13. 对供应商管理库存(VMI)这一相对较新的集成库存管理模式,本文通过以联想在VMI方面实际探索经验为案例,分析VMI对优化库存、提升备件管理水平方面的重要作用。

    For vendor managed inventory ( VMI ) of this relatively new mode of integrated inventory management , this essay try to explore the importance of VMI in spare parts inventory optimization .

  14. 针对生产管理维修缺乏规划以及备件管理混乱两大薄弱环节,以可靠性为中心的维修RCM理论为指导,利用故障数据统计、状态监控、成本分析等方法,对机务维修生产进行RCM动态管理;

    With the guidance of the Reliability Centered Maintenance , imposing the method of data statistics , state monitoring and costs analysis , it carries out aircraft maintenance trend management .

  15. 本文结合储备模型在备件管理中的应用情况,提出了时间概率储备模型(TPIM)。

    In this paper , a Time Probability Inventory Model ( TPIM ) is formulated based on the application of the inventory model in spare part management .

  16. 汽车企业集群备件管理及信息系统设计

    Spare part management and information system design in auto enterprise clusters

  17. 冶金动力企业的备件管理研究

    Research on the Spare Parts Management of the Metallurgy Power Enterprise

  18. 价值工程在矿机备件管理中的应用

    Application of Value Engineering in the Mine Engine Spare Part Management

  19. 关于继电保护备品备件管理模式的探讨

    Discussion on the management mode of spares for relaying protection equipment

  20. 机动备件管理的微机远程数据通讯网

    A Microcomputer-Based Remote Data Communication Network for Machine Spare Parts Management

  21. 武钢备件管理信息系统数据库的设计和连接

    Design and Connection of Database for Spare Parts MIS in WISCO

  22. 自动化立体仓库在港口备件管理中的应用

    Application of Automated Storage and Retrieval System in Port Spares Management

  23. 油田企业优化备件管理的设想

    Thoughts and Optimization of Spare Parts Management in Oil Field Corporation

  24. 企业备件管理与决策支持系统的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Spare Parts Management and Decision Support

  25. 备件管理工作的好坏,直接影响企业生产经营的正常活动。

    Spare parts management directly affect the normal production and operation activities .

  26. 工程建设中备件管理的超前性问题探讨

    Brief Discussing the Further-advance Features of Spare Parts Managing in Project Building

  27. 协助负责相关零备件管理,控制维修费用。

    Spare parts management , repair and cost control .

  28. 冶金企业供水系统备件管理探讨

    Discussion on Spare parts Management of the Water Supply System for Metallurgical Enterprises

  29. 基于工作流的矿山企业备件管理信息系统

    A Management Information System of Spare Parts Based on Workflow for Mining Enterprises

  30. 基于剩余寿命的矿山设备备件管理技术研究

    Based on the Residual Life of the Mining Equipment Spare Parts Management Technology