
  • 网络ups;standby power;eps;power
  1. 基于DSP的备用电源自动投入装置的研制

    Research on the Automatic Switch of Standby Power Supply Based on DSP

  2. 介绍备用电源自动投入装置的发展和基于PLC的备用电源自动投入装置在黄龙滩电厂新机组中的应用。

    Development of standby power supply automatic switch-in equipment based on PLC and its application to new units in Huanglongtan hydropower plant are introduced .

  3. 基于组态软件平台的PLC备用电源自动投入装置的应用

    Application of PLC backup power supply auto-activating device based on configuration software platform

  4. 介绍了一种可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)在备用电源自投中的应用方案。

    An application method of programmable logic controller ( PLC ) for automatic bus transfer was introduced .

  5. 备用电源自动投入在DCS中的实现

    A Realization of Backup Power Source Automatic Switch in DCS

  6. 正如可靠的数据中心会配备备用电源和冗余的Internet连接,预防性的定期系统维护和热备用可以大大提高可用性。

    Proactive and regular system maintenance and hot spares boost availability , as does a robust data center replete with backup power and redundant connections to the Internet .

  7. UPS不仅仅是一个备用电源,它还具备电力净化的功能。

    UPS is not only a spare power supply , but also one with the ability to filter the power input .

  8. 10kV备用电源容量确定浅见

    A humble opinion about determining the capacity of 10 kV spare power

  9. 500kV变电站紧急备用电源控制回路的改进措施

    Improvement for 500 kV Substation Emergency and Stand-by Power Control Circuit

  10. 该地带的优点在于它关闭备用电源的所有周边设备如扬声器,游戏机和DVD播放器。

    The beauty of the strip is it turns off stand-by power to all peripheral items , like speakers , game machines , and DVD players .

  11. 10kV分段备用电源自动投入装置误动作事故分析与处理

    Accident analysis and treatment of the misoperation of 10 kV partition automatic operation device of stand-by power

  12. 110kV变电站备用电源自动投切装置的设计改造

    Design Modification of the Auto Power Switch Device used in 110 kV Substation

  13. 110kV进线备用电源自投装置升级改造

    Upgrading of 110 kV Input Reserve Power Auto-switch Device

  14. 110kV远方备用电源自动投入装置的研制及其应用推广

    Development and application of the 110 kV remote auto-switch-in device of stand-by power supply

  15. 110kV电网备用电源自投的改进研究

    Study about Improvement for Automatic Transfer to Reserve Power Source on 110 kV Power Network

  16. 220kV电网多种功能备用电源自动投入装置的研究设计和应用

    Research , design and application of automatic switching devices of standby power for 220 kV transmission network

  17. S7-200PLC在低压备用电源自动投入中的应用

    Application of S7-200 Used in Auto-Switching of Low-Voltage Power Auxiliary Supply

  18. 浅析6kV备用电源自动投入试验的另一种方法

    Analysis on another test method for automatic closing-in of 6 kV reserve power supply

  19. 本设计利用ARM微处理芯片、采样电路、TFT显示屏等构成双电源自动切换系统,实现对常用、备用电源的自动切换。

    This design using ARM micro processing chip , sampling circuit , TFT display screens , etc constitute a double power supply switch system , the realization of common , the automatic backup power supply switch .

  20. 经在某城区110kV电网中的应用与实施,较好地实现了多级串联电网远方备用电源自投。

    The scheme has been employed in 110 kV network to implement far-away reserve power of multi-level series network .

  21. 66kV新阳变电所备用电源自动投入装置的整定计算

    Setting calculation of auto-input equipment of reserve power supply in 66 kV Xinyang substation

  22. 在DCS中采用回路控制板完全实现了备用电源自动投入(BZT)功能,替代了原有的继电器搭接BZT装置。

    Full functions of backup power source automatic switch are realized with loop control board of distributed control system to substitute the original relay equipment .

  23. 基于TCP/IP以太网通信技术研制了数字式网络备用电源自投装置,在串联接线的电网接线方式下能实现多座变电站间的电源互为备用。

    A TCP / IP based digital device to automatically switch the emergency substation power source is developed . Using this device the power source of each substation can be used as the reserve power source for other substations under the serial connection mode of power network .

  24. 本文提出在现有地下工程中,采用PEMFC发电机取代柴油电站,构成一个没有排烟、不需伪装的清洁高效电源作为备用电源势在必行。

    This paper proposes that it is necessary to replace the diesel engine power station by adopting PEMFC generators to constitute a non-smoking , non-camouflage , clean and high-efficient mothball power source in the existing underground engineering .

  25. CSB-21型数字式备用电源自投装置整组试验方法总结

    Test Method Originality of CSB-21 Digital Type Spare Power Supply 's Automatic Commission Equipment Without Switch Driving Motion

  26. 本文从作为备用电源使用的胶体蓄电池产品设计思路分析入手,详细地分析了胶体电池与AGM电池的根本区别,从中得出胶体电池固有的技术特点。

    This article , starting from the design of GEL battery as backup power supply , explains the fundamental differences between GEL battery and AGM , from which the technical characteristics of GEL battery are concluded .

  27. 介绍了西宁西郊变电站备用电源自动投入装置的控制方案和特点,并采用可靠性高的可编程逻辑控制器(简称PLC)对变电所330kV备用电源自动投入装置的控制进行了设计。

    A control method and its feature of automatic circuit close device for 330 kV backup power at Xining transformer substation are introduced , and its control part has been designed by using high reliable programmable logic controller ( PLC ) .

  28. 传统的110kV进线备自投装置因无法判断故障部位,有可能将备用电源拖到故障系统,从而造成故障扩大及对正常备用电源系统的冲击。

    Traditional 110 kV input reserve power auto-switch device ( LBTZ ) can not exactly determine fault points , so it may put reserve power into fault system and expand fault ranges .

  29. 以5V电源为例,阐述一种可以广泛应用于各种电子仪器的内含稳定的瞬时备用电源的电源的设计方法和元器件的选择。论述了微机式备用电源自动投切装置工作原理。

    This paper describes the design and the elements selection of a regulated power supply with instantaneous stand-by source , taking 5V regulated power supply for example . It can be widely used in any kind of electronic instru-ment .

  30. 采用PLC作为备用电源自动投入的控制和执行机构,不仅实现起来简单,而且功能上的改进只需修改软件即可实现,是一种简单、高效的BZT实现方法。

    As a simple and high efficient method , using PLC as an automatic switch-in controller and actuator of standby power supply is easy to be realized , as well as its function can be easy improved , while amending software is only needed .