
  1. 最后利用经典层合板理论构建了木/竹复合城市客车底板弹性模量的预测模型。

    Finally , the prediction model of elastic modulus is found by using classical laminate theory .

  2. 在木/竹复合城市客车底板的静态特性的研究中,研究了跨距对木/竹复合城市客车底板的弯曲弹性模量的影响并分析了原因;

    For wood-bamboo composite city bus floor , the effects of span on Modulus of elasticity ( MOE ) and Modulus of rupture ( MOR ) were investigated and analyzed .

  3. 人居健康与复合生态城市发展&历史及国际标准

    Human Settlement Health and Comprehensive Ecological Urban Development - History and International Standards

  4. 崇明岛作为面向21世纪的生态型海岛,将建成环境优美、功能完善的复合生态城市。

    As an ecological island of 21 century , the Chongming Island would be constructed into a compound ecological city .

  5. 随着社会经济发展及城市建设水平的提高,人们提出了扩大城市容量和复合开发城市空间的要求。

    As the development of the social economy and the level of urban construction enhancement , people require to enlarge the urban capacity .

  6. 传统产业复兴、社会项目建设、文化社会事业发展、市民生活品质提升等共同构成了经济单赢格局下的复合性城市议题。

    Traditional industries renaissance 、 Social projects 、 Cultural and social development 、 Enhance the quality of life of the people together constitute single economic win pattern of compound urban issues .

  7. 但是,当而对经济社会转型过程中产生的诸多跨部门、跨领域的复合性城市议题时,分隔性治理模式也会产生治理失效的困境。

    But the Separated Governance model also produce plight of governance failure . When faced with the Many cross-sectoral , cross-cutting compound urban issues that Generated in the process of economic and social transformation .

  8. 城市风貌作为城市长期发展中形成的城市特质的一部分,是经济发展、文化变迁的结晶,是城市历史资源、自然资源、社会资源等综合产物,是一种高度复合的城市资本[1]。

    City scape as a city of long-term development of the city is characteristic of the economic development and cultural changes , is a natural resources , social and economic resources and comprehensive and is a highly complex city of capital .

  9. 通过盆栽试验研究了玉米对重金属(Zn、Pb、Cu、Cd、Ni)-有机物复合污染的城市排污河道疏浚底泥修复的根际作用与相关机理。

    Pot experiment was conducted to study effects of rhizosphere in phytoremediation of heavy metal-organic contaminated sewage river sediment by maize .

  10. 采用水解酸化SBR法混凝沉淀复合工艺对城市垃圾渗滤液进行处理,确定水解酸化、SBR法和混凝的最佳运行参数。

    Urban landfill leachates were treated by composite process of hydrolytic acidification-SBR-chemical coagulation and sedimentation , and the optimum processed conditions of the anoxic , SBR and coagulation were achieved .

  11. 柔性复合材料改造城市燃气管道性能研究

    Study on properties of civil gas pipeline through modification with flexible composites

  12. 复合污染的城市河道水在光催化氧化作用下的变化规律

    Change law of urban river water with complex pollution under photocatalytic oxidation

  13. 复合真菌对城市河流污水处理的模拟研究

    Study on The Simulation of Treating Sewage in Urban Rivers with Compound Fungi

  14. 基于自然经济社会复合系统的城市生态规划

    The City Ecological Planning Based on the Nature - economy - society Complex System

  15. 孔网钢骨架聚乙烯复合管在城市燃气地下管网中的应用

    Application of the Meshed Steel Frame Polyethylene Compound Pipe in Underground Urban Gas Network

  16. 地下空间、城市绿地复合开发与城市的可持续发展

    Composite Exploitation of Underground Space and Green Place of City with Sustainable Development of City

  17. 土地垂直复合利用是城市土地节约集约利用的重要内容。

    Vertical and compound land use is an important part of Intensive Utilization of urban land .

  18. 对复合型的城市公共空间与城市交通一体化设计方法的探讨

    A discussion on the design method of the integration of compound urban public space and urban transportation

  19. 城市生态环境是一个自然、经济、社会的复合系统,城市自然生态环境的质量与城市居民的生产、生活息息相关。

    The Urban ecological environment is a natural , economic and social composed system , and its quality is interrelated with city 's produce and daily life .

  20. 文章强调复合界面对于城市街道有机更新的指导意义,并以长沙市黄兴南路步行街为例,说明了复合界面对城市街道更新改造的实际意义。

    Giving an example of the development and renewal of the Huangxing Pedestrain Street , the thesis also explained the significance of compound-interface to the organic renewal of the urban street space .

  21. 淹没式复合型MBR处理城市生活污水的效能研究

    Study on Pollutants Removal Performance of an Innovative Submerged Hybrid Membrane Bioreactor for Municipal Wastewater Treatment

  22. 城市游憩商务区(RBD)的形成能够促进城市特定功能区功能复合化、提升城市形象,并带动城市复兴。

    The formation of RBD can promote the functional composite of specific functional areas , enhance the city 's image , and promote urban regeneration .

  23. 利用水生动植物构建的复合生态系统对城市景观水进行处理,结果表明:在一定范围内,NH3-N,P随进水浓度的提高,处理效果越好,COD去除率幅度提高较小;

    To treat Landscape water in city , the ecosystem dominated by aquatic animals and plants is studied . The result shows : in limited range , the higher the influent concentration is , the higher efficiency is , but the removal rate of COD increase slowly ;

  24. 复合酶制剂处理城市景观水体的试验研究

    Experiment on treatment of urban scenic waters by compound enzyme

  25. 复合微生物菌剂处理城市污染河流的静态模拟

    Simulated studies on the application of Compound Microorganisms in the process of city polluted-river

  26. 复合菌群处理城市污染水体的试验研究

    Treatment of urban polluted waters by complex bacterium

  27. 玻璃钢泡沫复合材料矩形管道城市排水工程应用探讨

    The study of the rectangular grp & prf composite conduit applied to the municipal sewerage

  28. 优势复合菌群用于城市生活污水净化新技术的研究

    Study on New Technic of Purification of Polluted City Domestic Sewage by Using Superior Complex Strains

  29. 基于复合生态理论的城市复兴&记哈尔滨市花园街街坊概念规划设计竞赛方案

    Urban Renaissance Based on Multi-Ecology Theory & the Project of HuaYuan Street 's Conceptual Design Competition in Harbin

  30. 基于复合系统的区域城市化综合发展水平评价研究&以甘肃省为例

    Study on Comprehensive Evaluation of the Compound System of Regional Urbanization Level & Taking Gansu Province as an Example