
  • 网络complex event
  1. 事件被发送到一个诸如BusinessEvents的复杂事件处理引擎。

    Events are sent to a complex event processing engine such as Business Events .

  2. 基于复杂事件处理的RFID中间件的研究与设计

    Research and Design of RFID Middleware Based on Complex Event Processing

  3. 他那时正试图把导致这一局面的一系列复杂事件理出个头绪来。

    He was trying to ravel out the complicated series of events that had led to this situation .

  4. 基于复杂事件处理技术的RFID系统数据分析

    Data Analysis Using Complex Event Processing Technology in a RFID System

  5. 面向RFID的复杂事件描述语言研究及应用

    Research And Application Of Complex Event Description Language for RFID System

  6. 面向RFID系统的复杂事件处理机制与方法

    Mechanism and Method for Handling Complex Event in RFID System

  7. 复杂事件处理在大规模RFID数据通信中的应用研究

    Application Study on Complex Event Processing in Massive Communication Based on RFID

  8. 大规模RFID复杂事件检测优化技术研究

    The Study On Detecting Optimization Of Large-Scale RFID Complex Event

  9. 基于内存受限的RFID复杂事件处理优化算法

    RFID complex event processing optimization algorithm with memory constraint

  10. 多维度的RFID复杂事件处理优化算法研究

    Research on Multi-dimensional RFID Complex Event Processing Optimization Algorithms

  11. 复杂事件处理技术在RFID中间件中的研究

    Research of Complex Event Progressing Technology In RFID Middleware

  12. 不可靠RFID数据上的复杂事件处理研究

    Complex event processing over unreliable RFID data streams

  13. 基于复杂事件处理机制的RFID数据流处理方法

    RFID data stream processing technology based on CEP

  14. 本文首先介绍了RFID中间件技术和复杂事件处理技术并对现有的RFID中间件解决方案存在的问题进行归纳总结。

    This paper first introduces the RFID middleware technology and complex event processing technology .

  15. 针对发生时间戳乱序的RFID原子事件流,文章提出了一种新的复杂事件检测方法。

    A new method is presented for detecting complex events over out-of-order RFID data streams .

  16. 乱序RFID数据流上的复杂事件检测方法

    A Method for Detecting Complex Events over Out-of-order RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification ) Data Streams

  17. 一个更广泛的事件驱动架构概念,不仅是超越事件驱动SOA的,还应该包括实时信息流和分析,以及复杂事件处理。

    A broader event-driven architecture stretches beyond event-driven SOA , to include real-time information flow and analysis , and complex event processing .

  18. TraceabilityServer的警报功能能够直接与复杂事件处理(CEP)引擎集成。

    The Traceability Server alerts capability enables direct integration into a complex event processing ( CEP ) engine .

  19. 针对以上提到的问题,本文采用了将RFID中间件技术和复杂事件处理技术进行融合的设计理念。

    For the above-mentioned problems , this paper adopts the design concept that integrates RFID middleware technology and complex event processing technology together .

  20. 随着象Windows这样基于GUI操作系统的出现,GUI开发平台依靠复杂事件模型来设计和构建单个应用。

    With the arrival of GUI-based operating systems like Windows , platforms for GUI development relied on complex event models to design and build standalone applications .

  21. 最后结合RFID复杂事件描述语言和RFID复杂事件处理相关技术,设计实现RFID数据与事件管理系统。

    Finally , combining with RFID complex event descriptive language and processing technology , this thesis designs and realizes data and event management system of RFID .

  22. 复杂事件处理(ComplexEventProcessing,CEP)系统和事件驱动架构(EventDrivenArchitecture,EDA)都被认为会在目前和未来的精致繁杂的系统设计中扮演重要角色。

    Complex Event Processing ( CEP ) systems and Event Driven Architectures ( EDA ) have been identified as playing a larger role in sophisticated systems today and in the future .

  23. 面向RFID应用的复杂事件处理主要从事件流中查询符合特定模式的事件序列。

    Complex event processing for RFID oriented applications system mainly queries sequence of events that match specific patterns of sequence defined by high-level application from the event stream .

  24. 到2008年,他预言将出现CEP的标准、语言和复杂事件模式搜索引擎。

    By2008 , he foresees the emergence of CEP standards , languages and complex event-pattern search engines .

  25. 此问题所需的处理类型称为复杂事件处理或CEP。

    The type of processing needed for this problem is called business event processing , or BEP .

  26. 最后以面向制造业的RFID应用为例对基于复杂事件处理技术的RFID数据处理模型进行了研究并说明了其应用优势。

    The proposed model can extract meaningful events for business applications . Finally , a case for the manufacturing of RFID applications based on this model was studied to demonstrate its advantages .

  27. 通过分析RFID复杂事件在实际应用中存在的特点,本文提出了一些列的优化策略,可以有效地降低在事件处理过程中的内存消耗。

    Third , after analyzing the characters of RFID Complex Event in practical applications , this paper propose a series of optimization strategies which can reduce the memory cost during the processing .

  28. 复杂事件处理(CEP):根据相关性将总线上的事件处理为聚集的能力。

    Complex Event Processing ( CEP ): the ability to process events on the bus as an aggregate by correlation .

  29. 复杂事件处理(CEP)就是这样一种能够低延时地过滤、关联、聚集和计算大规模应用产生的RFID数据的处理技术。

    Complex Event Processing ( CEP ) is such a technology for low-latency filtering , correlating , aggregating , and computing on RFID data produced by large-scale applications .

  30. 此外,随着RFID技术的广泛应用,缺少复杂事件检测和事件关联处理的RFID中间件已经不能满足应用系统大规模、实时数据的需求。

    Moreover , with the wide application of RFID technology , RFID middleware of lack of complex event detection and event correlation processing can not meet the application requirements of large scale and real time data .