
  • 网络Flysch formation
  1. 其上部为一套变质的复理石建造,下部为变质的火山-沉积岩建造。

    The upper part of it is a suit of metamorphic flysch formation , and the lower part , metamorphic volcanic-sedimentary rocks .

  2. 下扬子区中上元古界,可以分为四个构造层次.中元古界早期构造层,为一套巨厚的地槽型火山碎屑岩及砂泥质复理石建造,形成于1900-1400Ma;

    The middle-upper Proterozoic of lower Yangtze area can be divided into four structural layers : the first one , formed at early stage of middel Proterozoic ( 1900-1400Ma ), was characterized by a suit of geosyncline pyroclastic rocks and flysch formation ;

  3. 志留系砂砾岩构成4个沉积旋回,为典型的复理石建造,含油气层位于旋回的底部,4个旋回均已倒转。

    The reservoirs occur at the bottom of each cycle . All of the 4 cycles have been inverted .

  4. 南区岩性为复理石建造,生物以深海相笔石为主。

    In the south area , there are mainly flysch and deep sea facies fossil , such as Graptolites in fossil feature .

  5. 在广东东部是一套陆相沉积火山岩复理石建造。松潘甘孜印支地槽西康群复理石建造沉积特征及其大地构造背景

    The sedimentary features of the flysh formation of the Xikang Group in the Indosinian songpan & garze geosyncline and its geotectonic setting