
  • 网络Polyphonic;polyphony;Counterpoint
  1. 音乐审美心理学在复调教学中的应用&在第二届全国音乐心理学年会上的发言

    Applications of esthetical psychology of music to the teaching of polyphony

  2. 鲁迅复调小说的成因探析

    Discussion and Analysis of the Cause of Luxun 's Polyphony Novel

  3. 复调和函数及其Dirichlet边值问题分析

    Analysis of Dirichlet ′ s Problems for Complex Harmonic Functions

  4. 利用Fourier方法得到复调和函数的混合边值问题解的表示式及解的存在性定理并讨论了解的唯一性。

    By using the Fourier method , the representation and existence theorem of solutions of mixed boundary value problems for complex harmonic functions are obtained , the uniqueness of the solutions is discussed .

  5. 预应力度是P.P.从工业化社会单向度的现代性转向复调的现代性;

    The prestressing degree is an important concept in P.P. from one dimensional modernity to multi-dimensional modernity ;

  6. 这种新型结构的复调制滤波器组继承了一般DFT调制滤波器组的优点,例如:计算的有效性,设计的简单,信号的正负频率分量可以分割到不同的子带进行处理等等。

    This novel structure inherits the advantages of the DFT modulated filter banks , such as efficiency in computation , great ease in design , and partition of positive and negative frequency components for signals .

  7. 在细化选带频谱分析中,复调制细化方法(ZFFT)和线性调频Z变换方法(Chirp-Z变换)是常用的两种方法。

    Multiple Modulation Zoom Spectrum Analysis ( ZFFT ) and the Chirp-Z Transform ( CZT ) are widely used methods in the zoom spectrum analysis .

  8. 建立了复调和函数积分,得出了其Cauchy积分定理与Cauchy积分公式,并讨论了单位圆上复调和函数Cauchy积分公式的特征。

    The integral of complex harmonic functions are established and its Cauchy integral theorem and Cauchy integral formula are obtained . In addition , the characteristic of Cauchy integral formula for complex harmonic functions on unit disk are discussed .

  9. 谢德林《复调手册》中的对位技法研究南海红树林内生真菌No.B4代谢产物研究

    Research On the Counterpoint Technique in R.K. Shchedrin 's Polyphonic Notebook Metabolites of Mangrove Endophytic Fungus No.B4 from South China Sea

  10. 据巴赫最早的传记作者Forkel说,巴赫很不情愿在羽管键琴上演奏自己的复调作品。

    Forkel , one of Bach 's earliest biographers , tells us that Bach himself was not too happy whenever he had to perform particularly his polyphonic pieces on the harpsichord .

  11. 高师《钢琴基础教程》中的复调因素分析

    An Analysis on the Polyphonic Element in Rudimentary Lectures on Piano

  12. 这种写作技巧充分体现了复调小说理论强调的主人公思想意识的主体性特征。

    This writing technique embodies the subjectivity in a polyphonic novel .

  13. 在她的小说中,复调手法贯穿其叙事结构。

    In her novels , the polyphony is throughout the narrative .

  14. 手风琴复调作品演奏中的风箱处理

    How To Use The Bellows While Accordion Playing The Counterpoint Music

  15. 用作复调曲子的基础的旋律。

    A melody used as the basis for a polyphonic composition .

  16. 复调性赋予《八月之光》不息的生命力。

    The polyphonic features endow Light in August with eternal vitality .

  17. 众声喧哗:《喧哗与骚动》的复调特征研究

    Study on the Polyphonic Features of the Sound and the Fury

  18. 第五部分反观复调诗学理论在中国的传播和影响,通过对一些具体作家和本文的阐释,对中国现当代文学的发展提出一些建议。

    Part five studies Chinese modern literature by polyphony theory .

  19. 复调写作技法与音乐审美心理

    Polyphonic Techniques and Aesthetic Psychology of Music Talking about " Writing "

  20. 陈铭志音乐作品中复调艺术风格探索

    A Study on the Artistic Style in the Polyphony by Chen Mingzhi

  21. 二是形成复调的文本层面。

    Second , form and reply the transferring text aspect .

  22. 反讽的小说复调理论&兼论米兰·昆德拉的复调小说

    Ironic Theory of Polyphonic Novel : Commenting Milan Kundera 's Polyphonic Novel

  23. 复调形式与缤纷内容的精心契合&论小说《换位》的形式与内容

    Integration of Polyphonic Form and Hilarious Content in Changing Places

  24. 巴赫金的复调小说理论是以对话理论为基础的。

    Mikhail Bakhtin 's polyphonic novel is based on his dialogic theory .

  25. 基于复调制细化谱分析的间谐波检测方法研究

    Research on Inter Harmonic Detection Method Based on Zoom FFT

  26. 复调与狂欢,解构独白。

    Polyphony and carnival , the deconstructing of monologue .

  27. 钢琴教学中复调音乐的训练方法

    How to Practise Playing Polyphony in Piano 's Teaching

  28. 试析电影与小说《手机》的复调分层

    On the Polyphone Slices about the Movie and Novel of The Mobile Phone

  29. 第2章:文学与革命:造就别样的复调言说。

    Chapter 2 : Literature and revolution : Bringing up a different Polyphony .

  30. 复调和函数的混合边值问题

    The mixed boundary value problems for complex harmonic functions