
  1. LeRicher由夏尔•孔帕尼翁(CharlesCompagnon)在毗邻L’Office小餐馆的地方创办。

    Le Richer was created by Charles Compagnon of the nearby bistro L'Office .

  2. 路透社(Reuters)在其评论中报道称,印度石油天然气公司总裁R•S•夏尔马(R.S.Sharma)表示,这家印度国有企业将与中国公司展开合作,寻求在更多海外石油资产中持有股权。

    R.S. Sharma , president of ONGC , says the state - controlled company is looking for stakes in many more overseas oil assets in collaboration with Chinese firms , in comments reported by Reuters .

  3. 记者联系不上阿里巴巴请其置评,而Paytm创始人维贾伊•谢卡尔•夏尔马(VijayShekharSharma)不愿讨论他的融资计划。

    Alibaba could not be reached for comment , while Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma declined to discuss his fundraising plans .

  4. 印度商业和工业部长阿南德.夏尔马(AnandSharma)称这个决定是一个“突破”,他说,各国一致认为有必要达成新的全球贸易协议。

    Indian Trade Minister Anand Sharma called it a " breakthrough ," and said there was a unanimous affirmation of the need to clinch a new trade deal .

  5. 最伟大的保守党首相温斯顿•邱吉尔(WinstonChurchill)曾经告诉夏尔•戴高乐(CharlesDeGaulle),在欧洲和广阔天地(远海)之间做选择的时候,英国总是把目光投向欧洲以外。

    Winston Churchill , the greatest of all Tory prime ministers , once told Charles de Gaulle that faced with a choice between Europe and le grand large ( the open sea ), Britain would always look beyond Europe .

  6. 这么多年来一直在夏尔。

    All these long years , it was in the Shire .

  7. 最近有一些陌生人经过夏尔。

    There 's been some strange foik crossing the shire .

  8. 做实验时,夏尔马用的是蜡烛燃烧产生的废气。

    In his demo , Sharma uses the flame of a candle .

  9. 离开夏尔赶到布里村

    Get out of the Shire . Make for the village of Bree

  10. 他返回宁静的夏尔,回到家人身边。

    He returns to his family in the peaceful shire .

  11. 这么多年来他就在夏尔

    All these long years , it was in the Shire

  12. 夏尔最近有很奇怪的人路过。

    There 's been some strange folk crossing the Shire .

  13. 派在电影中是由苏拉•夏尔马扮演,本图。

    Pi is played in the film by Suraj Sharma , pictured here .

  14. 夏尔马随后在这瓶可乐里发现了泥土和其它沉淀物,而在另一瓶还未开启的可乐里发现了避孕套。

    He found the condom in the other unopened bottle , PTI reported .

  15. 这不能留在夏尔!-没错。

    But it cannot stay in the Shire ! -

  16. 这名字在夏尔之外不安全。

    That name is not safe outside the shire .

  17. 袋底洞、袋射排、哈比屯、西区夏尔。

    Bag End , Bagshot Row , Hobbiton , Westfarthing , the Shire .

  18. 夏尔马承认墨水还可以更黑。

    Sharma admits the black could still be blacker .

  19. 一半的夏尔人都被邀请了天呀!

    Half the Shire 's been invited - Gracious me

  20. 就在那里,夏尔呢?-

    Oh , it 's over there now . Where 's Sherl ? -

  21. 还记得夏尔吗,弗罗多先生?

    Still remember the Shire , Mr Frodo ?

  22. 山姆:你还记得夏尔吗?

    Sam : Do you remember the Shire ?

  23. 我们还在夏尔,会有什么事?

    Sam , we 're still in the Shire . What could possibly happen ?

  24. 不过我相信他心里还是爱着夏尔的

    I think in his heart , Frodo 's still in love with the Shire

  25. 也许离开夏尔是个错误的决定,皮聘。

    I think we might have made a mistake leaving the shire , pippin .

  26. 欢迎,夏尔的佛罗多只有你见过邪眼!

    Welcome , Frodo of the Shire , one who has seen the Eye !

  27. 我是来自夏尔的霍比特人。

    I 'm a Hobbit from the Shire .

  28. 你出生于夏尔的山丘小河间。

    You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire .

  29. 夏尔开垦纪元1400年九月第二十二日。

    The 22nd day of September , in the year 1400 , by Shire-reckoning .

  30. 因为在夏尔以外这姓是很危险的

    That name is not safe outside the Shire