
  • 网络peripheral storage device
  1. 可以将重要的车载信息,如车内温度、车胎胎压及速度等信息,存入外围存储设备:IDE接口的CF卡或硬盘,或遵守USB1.1协议的移动硬盘中,供将来分析研究。

    The control information of automobile , such as temperature , velocity and tyre pressure , can be compressed and saved in CF card or mobile disk .

  2. 存储系统在其构成层次上,包括处理器片内高速缓冲器、片外随机访问存储器,以及外围存储设备;

    From the view of the hiberarchy of its construction , memory / storage system includes the on-chip cache memory , the off-chip random access memory , and the peripheral storage devices ;

  3. 目前USB接口已经成为计算机外围设备、移动存储设备、数码产品乃至移动通讯设备与计算机互连的首选标准接口。

    USB interface has become the most inclined standard interface for the interconnection between PC and peripheral devices , such as portable storage devices , digital products and portable communication devices .