
  • 网络Foreign Financial Institution
  1. 21世纪初,中国加入WTO,根据与世界贸易组织的协议,中国在加入WTO后5年内逐步实现外国金融机构的完全准入。

    In the 2000s , China joined in the WTO , according to an agreement with the World Trade Organization , China would entirely open the market to foreign financial institutions .

  2. 随着加入WTO以后的中国金融市场的不断开放,中国国内金融企业不仅将面临本国金融市场上来自外国金融机构的严峻挑战,而且还得面向全球,参与国际市场竞争。

    Following continuous opening of China financial market after entry WTO , the domestic finance enterprises of China not only will confront severe challenge from foreign financial institutions in China financial market , but also be faced with the whole world and participate the international competition .

  3. 今年2月,英国央行下属的审慎监管局(PrudentialRegulationAuthority,简称PRA)阐明了立场。该局试图在欢迎外国金融机构和保护英国不受金融动荡影响之间取得平衡。

    In February , the Prudential Regulation Authority set out its approach as the authorities attempt to strike a balance between welcoming foreign finance and protecting the UK from financial instability .

  4. 外国金融机构正就沃尔克规则(VolckerRule)向美国监管机构发出如潮的抱怨,这加大了该规则可能被修改得温和一些的几率。沃尔克规则旨在禁止银行从事自营交易。

    US regulators are facing a flood of foreign complaints about the Volcker rule aimed at banning proprietary trading at banks , increasing the chances that the measure may be watered down .

  5. 它们投资外国金融机构也遵循了同样的逻辑。

    Their own forays are following the same logic .

  6. 中国将加强同外国金融机构合作

    China will strengthen co-operation with foreign financial institutions

  7. 由于中国的其他章程限制了外国金融机构向他们的在华机构注资,国内融资的“掉链子”造成了严重的后果。

    The scarcity of domestic funds is crippling because other rules hold foreign institutions back from injecting capital into their Chinese operations .

  8. 目前,每间外国金融机构可以购买或认购一间中国银行不超过20%股权。

    Currently , a foreign financial institution can purchase or subscribe for up to20 % of the equity interest in a PRC bank .

  9. 对无论是英国政府还是德国政府而言,向一家大型外国金融机构整体出售一家银行在政治上可能难以过关。

    It would be politically difficult for either the British or German government to sell a whole bank to any big foreign institution .

  10. 外国金融机构与本国金融机构合并、概括承受或概括让与者,亦同。

    This same rule applies to foreign financial institutions which merge with domestic financial institutions , or categorically assumes or assigns both assets and liabilities ;

  11. 允许外国金融机构在合资企业中持有大多数股份将有利于技术决窍的转让,这对于中国资本市场的发展是必要的。

    Allowing foreign financial institutions to hold majority stakes in JVs would facilitate the transfer of know-how necessary for the continued development of Chinese capital markets .

  12. 金融中介机构包括国有商业银行、证券公司、外国金融机构、保险公司、股份制银行和其他地方金融机构。

    These intermediaries could include state-owned commercial banks , securities firms , foreign financial institutions , insurance companies , publicly listed banks and other local financial institutions .

  13. 取消外商投资金融领域的地域限制,外国金融机构可申请在全国任何省市设立金融机构;

    Geographic restrictions on FDI in financial sectors will be abolished , foreign financial institutions may apply to set up branches in any provinces and municipalities all over china ;

  14. 例另外,据观察人士说,广东国际信托投资公司倒闭案损害了包括日本在内的外国金融机构对中国的信用。

    Some observers say that the bankruptcy of GITIC has actually made the foreign financial institutions , including some Japanese financial institutions , lower their credit rating of China .

  15. 上述计划尚未制定细节措施,但即便是日本在这方面与美国达到一致,也会给外国金融机构带来巨大的影响。

    Details of the moves have yet to be hammered out , but even bringing Japan into line with the US would have a big impact on foreign financial institutions .

  16. 外资并购中国金融机构,是指外国金融机构购买中国金融机构的资产或股份的法律行为,它具有私法、公法的双重属性。

    Foreign merger and acquisition means a legal act that foreign financial institutions buy assets or shares of native financial institutions . It has the dual attributes of civil law and public law .

  17. 正如特纳所指出的,还需要解决一些相关问题,尤其是通过外国金融机构分支发放的贷款,以使这种方法完全有效。

    There are collateral issues to be addressed as flagged by Lord Turner , particularly with regard to lending through branches of foreign financial institutions , in order to help make this approach fully effective .

  18. 随着我国经济金融的进一步开放,我国商业银行面对的是一个更加开放和广阔的外汇业务市场,但同时也面临着更加残酷的同业竞争,尤其是来自外国金融机构的业务竞争。

    With the opening fatherly of economy and finance of our country , our commercial banks are facing a more prosperous foreign market and a more cruel competition of the same trade , especially the competition from the foreign banks .

  19. 说句公道话,过去,中国人看到过少数几家外国金融机构拿着额度持币观望,希望直接从当时已成定局的人民币升值中获利,或者将其配额借给其他机构,例如对冲基金。

    To be fair , in the past , the Chinese have seen a few foreign financial institutions keep their quotas in cash , hoping to simply profit from the then inevitable appreciation of the renminbi , or lend their quotas to others , such as hedge funds .

  20. 从根本上促进我国贸易融资业务创新与发展,需要扩大民营金融机构和外国金融机构开展贸易融资业务的市场准入,逐渐取消对金融机构的业务管制和促进资本市场的成熟与完善。

    To fundamentally promote the innovation and development of trade financing services , we need to expand market access of trade financing services of private and foreign financial institutions , gradually remove the business restrictions of financial institutions , and promote the perfection and maturity of capital market .

  21. 我国加入WTO后,银行不仅面临着同行业之间的竞争,而且面临着同外国大金融机构之间的激烈竞争。

    After China 's entry into WTO , banks are not only facing domestic competitions but also huge competitions from large overseas financial institutions .

  22. 这些规定禁止任何外国金融新闻机构直接与中国客户打交道。

    The rules forbid any foreign financial news company from dealing directly with Chinese clients .

  23. 除了要达成一项协议外,它所面临的最大挑战仍在于说服中国监管部门:为什么应该允许外国金融投资机构参与到竞购中来。

    Aside from striking a deal , the biggest challenge remains convincing Chinese regulators why foreign financial investors should be allowed a ticket to the game .

  24. 美国政府将打击一种有争议的避税安排。据信,这种安排每年可让美国和外国的金融机构避税数亿美元。

    The US government is to crack down on a controversial tax avoidance scheme believed to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year to US and foreign financial groups .

  25. 虽然持有股份是受限制的,但外国银行和金融机构对于投资中国仍然十分看好。

    Although the shares is restricted , foreign banks and financial institutions invest in China is still very bullish .

  26. 他进一步指出,经中国人民银行批准,国内银行、外国银行和金融机构可经营外汇业务。

    He further noted that domestic and foreign banks , and financial institutions could engage in forex business , with the approval of the PBC .

  27. 一些外国政府和国际金融机构也向我们贷款。

    Some foreign government and international banking establishment also make loan to us .

  28. 外国金融公司及监管机构也被迫直接向美国政府提供那些拥有海外账户的美籍人员的信息。

    Foreign financial firms and regulators are being pushed to provide information on accounts held by Americans directly to America 's authorities .

  29. 这就是说,外国的银行和金融机构对这些金融企业进行贷款时,必须进行风险分析,审慎从事。做事情轻举妄动,不审慎。

    That is to say foreign banks and financial institutions need to perform risk analysis and act prudently and cautiously in extending loans to these financial firms .

  30. 通过完善国内相关立法规范,可以有效地对本国资本市场进行监管,同时也可以有效地对进入中国的外国资本以及外国金融机构进行监管;(2)关于完善国内相关司法程序。

    China can effectively regulate both the domestic capital markets and the foreign capital and financial institutions as well by virtue of the perfection of the domestic laws and regulations ; ( 2 ) on the perfection of domestic judicial process .