
wài fānɡ tóu zī
  • foreign investment
  1. 合作方式:独资。需外方投资及构成:资金、技术、设备等。

    To the foreign investment and composition : capital , equipment , technology .

  2. 他也热衷于开放出口市场和鼓励外方投资。

    He is also in favour of opening up export markets and encouraging foreign investment .

  3. 外方投资方&德国IKS公司是世界上著名的制造和销售各类机械刀片的跨国集团。

    The foreign investor – IKS Klingelnberg GmbH is a world famous multinational enterprise producing and selling all kinds of mechanical blades .

  4. 对外方投资的比例,贵方有没有限制?

    Be there any restriction on the proportion of Investment by the foreign party ?

  5. 外商投资企业外方投资资本金可以开立外汇帐户保留外汇,经国家外汇管理局批准后可以结汇。保证人由汇票债务人以外的他人担当。

    FIEs could also open forex accounts to hold foreign-invested capital , and they could sell from these accounts upon the approval of SAFE . The guarantor shall be any person other than the one already liable for the bill .

  6. 而在市场经济体制下,政府投资,社会力量投资、政府与社会力量联合投资、外方投资、中方与外方联合投资等形式形成多元化的投资主体结构。

    However , government investment , social strength investment , joint investment of government and social strength , foreign investment , joint investment of foreigner and Chinese , have come into the plural construction of investment subject in the market economy .

  7. 吸引的外方直接投资创下历史新高,并且实现了两代领导人之间的平稳过渡。

    Foreign Direct Investment at record levels while managing an orderly transition to a new generation of leaders .

  8. 外方的投资退出方式采用在合作期年度内等额固定回报形式收回投资,即投资方每年获得固定收益回报。

    Way out of foreign investment in cooperation with a fixed return of the year in the form of matching to recover the investment , that is , fixed-income investors get an annual return .

  9. 似惟有本文提出的“特殊信贷说”,可比较适当地说明中外合作经营企业外方先行回收投资法律制度的基本特征。

    It seems that the " special loan " doctrine forwarded by this article will tell the actual characteristic of the regime .

  10. 本章以分析外方先行回收投资之资金来源为进路,在对既有学说进行批判的基础上提出了笔者之见解。

    The author criticizes the existing doctrines by analyzing the source of the bankroll and then gives his own view in this Chapter .

  11. 中外合作经营企业外方先行回收投资的法律性质新探

    A New Perspectives on the Legal Nature of the foreign party 's Recovering its Investment in Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures ahead of Time

  12. 第二章对外方先行回收投资之实质进行探讨,深度解读外方先行回收投资制度。对于外方先行回收投资之实质,学者们争论已久,提出了各种不同的学说。

    As for the essence of the foreign party 's recovering investment ahead of time , it has long been discussed and there are various doctrines about it .

  13. 对于中外合作经营企业外方先行回收投资的法律性质,现行的各种学说均不能作出准确的界定。

    The right opinions can not be found on the Legal Nature of the foreign party 's Recovering its Investment in Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures ahead of Time by now .

  14. 在中国的合资基金公司,人们期待外方合作伙伴贡献投资组合管理和风险控制方面的专长,本土合作方负责销售和分销。

    In Chinese fund ventures , the foreign partner is expected to contribute expertise in portfolio management and risk control , while the local partner drives sales and distribution .