
  • 网络migrant worker
  1. 北京市顺义区外来农民工麻疹知识及危险因素调查

    Awareness of measles-related knowledge among migrant workers in Shunyi District , Beijing

  2. 苏州市外来农民工维权意识调查

    An Investigation into Migrant Workers ' Consciousness of Maintaining Their Rights in Suzhou

  3. 太原市城中村外来农民工流动群体的现状分析

    Taiyuan City Mobile Groups of Migrant Workers from Outside the Status Quo Analysis

  4. 城市外来农民工的健康状况及影响因素研究

    Health Status of Migrant Workers and Its Relationship with Socio-demographic Factors in Urban Area

  5. 惠州外来农民工问题研究

    The Huizhou Foreign Farmer Work Problem Research

  6. 外来农民工暴民文化心理状况调查及其影响因素分析

    A Survey about the Culture of the Rioter and its Influential Factors in Rural Workers

  7. 建立外来农民工最低生活保障制度的可行性分析

    Feasibility Study on Constructing the System of Ensuring a Minimum Standard of Living for Rural Labor Migrants

  8. 本研究通过问卷调查和访谈对外来农民工子女在上海公办学校和民工子女学校的适应情况进行了分析。

    This paper tries to introduce the method of educational voucher to deal with the problem of the compulsory education of peasant workers children .

  9. 结果海宁市外来农民工对预防急性肠道传染病知识较缺乏,知晓率平均仅为35.25%;

    RESULT Haining city external labourer 's knowledge of preventing the acute intestinal infectious disease were deficient and the knowing rate were only 35.25 % .

  10. 报告显示,同一时期,城市外来农民工数量超过1亿人,总量达到26200万人。

    The report shows cities have also assimilated about 1 billion more farmer-turned-workers over the same period , bringing the number now at 262 million .

  11. 改革开放之后,随着我国农村产业结构调整的逐步深化,外来农民工这一群体也逐渐壮大,随着外来农民工数量的不断增加,农民工权益问题也随之出现,成为党和国家高度重视的社会问题。

    After the reform and open policy , the number of peasant migrants has been improving with the deepening of the rural industrial structure in our country .

  12. 从外来农民工犯罪角度这方面,对犯罪数量、种类,特别是侵犯财产类犯罪进了分析。

    In this chapter , the author analyzes the number and classification of crimes , and especially assets-offending crimes in respect of floating migrant rural worker crime .

  13. 福州作为一个沿海省会城市,外来农民工人数众多,农民工继续教育问题具有一定的代表性。

    As a provincial capital city along the coast , Fuzhou has a large number of migrant workers , whose continuing education is , to a certain degree , highly representative .

  14. 通过这些措施,以期能较好地改善福州市外来农民工的继续教育境遇,促进学习化社会建设和终身教育理念的构建。

    Through these measures , this thesis aims to better improve the circumstances of continuing education of migrant workers in Fuzhou , promoting the construction of a learning society and the construction of the concept of lifelong education .

  15. 在此基础上,提出杭州都市圈外来农民工定居的思路、具体途径和公共政策,在一定程度上为解决农村劳动力城市化问题提供一个思路和政策研究。

    On this basis , we proposed ideas , specific ways and public policy on the settlement of foreign rural labor force of Hangzhou metropolitan . To some extent , we provide a thought and a policy research on urbanization of rural labor .

  16. 铁道部称今年春运期间乘客将超2.578亿人次,“春运大军”中大多数都是放寒假的大学生以及回家过年的外来农民工。

    According to China Railway , more than 257.8 million passengers are expected to travel by rail during this year 's chunyun . Most of them are college students on their winter vacation and migrant workers returning home for the Chinese New Year celebrations .

  17. 本文以浙江省外来青年农民工为对象,探讨青年农民工人文贫困现状这一话题,试图从知识贫困、人力贫困和权利贫困三个维度分析青年农民工人文现状。

    With migrant workers in Zhejiang as an example , this paper , discusses the humanistic poverty of migrant workers from three aspects , i.e.in knowledge , in social ability and in human rights .

  18. 外来务工的农民工由于早期教育缺失,导致自身的素质和受教育水平相对有限,难以较好地适应城市生活,因此对农民工进行继续教育很有必要。

    Lacking of the early education , migrant workers are limited by their cultural quality and level of education , which in turn makes them even harder to adapt to the city life , hence , it is quite necessary to study the continuing education of migrant workers .

  19. 中国的城市化过程极为特殊,主要表现在城市人口中形成了一个庞大的外来人口(或农民工)集团。

    The process of China ′ s urbanisation is extremely special , which results in forming a huge group of migrant population ( or peasant workers ) .

  20. 在昆明工作时间长短和距离效果在外来务工人员及其农民工迁出昆明决策行为中影响很少,但对于城市融合却有很显著的意义。

    In Kunming , the length of work experience and distance effect on migrant labors in their decision-making behavior to move out of Kunming is little impact , but there is very significant urban integration of meaning .