
wài lái ɡōnɡ
  • migrant worker
  1. 外来工子女人际信任与父母养育方式的关系

    Interpersonal trust of migrant worker 's children in relation to parental rearing behavior

  2. 这是一个来自中国西部陕西省的外来工说的。

    It was made by a migrant worker from west China 's Shanxi province .

  3. 他们是契约外来工的后代

    They are descendants of indentured importees .

  4. 结果:外来工除恐怖因子外,SCL-90总均分及其余各因子分均明显低于常模;

    Results : Except phobia factor , the general average and the other each factor scores of SCL-90 in outside workers were lower than the normal .

  5. 尤伦斯当代艺术中心(UCCA)位于798艺术区,每周还为首都的外来工儿童提供免费的艺术工作室。

    UCCA , located at798 art district , also offers a free art workshop every weekend for children of migrant workers in the capital .

  6. 外来工与二元社区&珠江三角洲的考察

    Migrant Labor and the Dual Community in the Pearl River Delta

  7. 对外来工骨折后焦虑情绪的心理干预

    Psychological intervention on anxiety emotion of adventive workers with bone fracture

  8. 外来工子女的城市融入状况与政策调适

    The Urban Inclusion Situation of Migrant Workers Children and Policies Concerning

  9. 作为群体的外来工之所以工资低,主要是最低工资标准丧失了调节作用,这是基本的、直接的制度缺陷。

    That the minimum wage was not functioning was the institution flaw .

  10. 外来工子女初中生心理弹性的结构及其相关影响因素研究

    The Resilience Structure and Its Related Elements of Children of Floating Population

  11. 深圳市外来工孕产妇贫血对妊娠的影响

    Influence of Maternal Anaemia on Pregnancy of Peasant-worker Women in Shenzhen City

  12. 结论对外来工提供心理卫生服务很有必要性。

    Conclusion It is necessary to provide psychological health services to migrant workers .

  13. 深圳市工业企业外来工心理健康状况调查

    Analysis on Psychological Status of Flowing Workers from Industrial Enterprise in Shenzhen City

  14. 来自亚洲基金会的报告:以社区为依托构建外来工社会支持网络

    Building Community-Based Social Support Networks for Migrant Workers

  15. 外来工职业病问题的现状及对策研究

    A Research of Present Situation and Countermeasure on the External Laborers Occupational Disease Problem

  16. 企业状况、认知程度、政府监督与外来工职业病防治&珠江三角洲外来工职业病状况调查报告

    The Floating Workers ' Occupational Diseases Protection : Enterprises , Knowledge and Government Monitor

  17. 签订固定期限合同的外来工不能成为工会的正式成员。

    Foreign workers on fixed-term contracts aren 't permitted to become full union members .

  18. 现行的居住证制度很长时间以来为人们所诟病,认为这是对外来工的一种歧视。

    The temporary residence permit system has long been criticized as a form of discrimination .

  19. 深圳市外来工职业紧张的现状及其影响因素

    Occupational stress and its influential factors in outside workers from industrial enterprise in Shenzhen City

  20. 目的探讨外来工职业紧张与工作能力的关系。

    Objective To discuss the correlation of occupational stress and work ability of nonnative workers .

  21. 对北京外来工的权利保护研究

    Study on Workers-immigrants ' Protection of Rights

  22. 外来工子女与本地学生城市就读适应状况比较

    A Survey on Migrant Workers ' Children 's Adaptability to Schooling Compared with their Urban Counterparts

  23. 方法设计封闭式调查问卷,对深圳市宝安区的外来工心理卫生需求进行抽样调查。

    Methods The needs of migrant workers on psychological health services in Shenzhen were surveyed by questionnaire .

  24. 结论:外来工子女心理弹性的两维8因子模型的结构合理,其量表具有良好的信度和效度。

    Conclusion : the structure of the resiliency scale is constructed rationally and has good reliability and validity .

  25. 这些被抛弃的别墅现在只好作为参加修建的外来工的住所。

    They now sit in limbo and are used as homes for the migrant workers who helped build them .

  26. 这个寒冬,实在有点酷,让很多外来工,都没有办法坐上“归家列车”。

    This winter is really cold , made the out-comer can 't get on the " home-going train " .

  27. 教育程度低、对工作岗位的危害认知不足、劳动强度大等,是外来工成为职业病患者的个人因素;

    Lower education , lack of knowledge , hard work are the personal causes of the floating workers occupational diseases ;

  28. 雅各·霍维茨是全美外来工联盟的主要组织者,该组织组织了帕尔米拉那场罢工。

    Jacob Horwitz is lead organizer for the National Guestworker Alliance , the group that organized the strike in Palmyra .

  29. 本文是对珠江三角洲外来工中的职业病患者的问卷调查报告。

    This paper is a report of a survey of the patients with various occupational diseases in the Pearl River Delta .

  30. 罢工引发的一些改变可能也会使将来外来工的日子过得更好。

    The strike would also spur some changes that may make life better for the migrants who come in the future .