
wài huì jiāo yì
  • Foreign exchange transactions;foreign exchange deal/transaction
  1. 他的万贯家财都是通过外汇交易得到的。

    He made his millions on currency deals .

  2. 在外汇交易中,美元上涨了0.45个百分点。

    On the foreign exchanges , the US dollar is up point forty-five .

  3. “胖手指失误”指的是金融市场中的键盘输入错误,比如股票市场或者外汇交易市场。交易员在输入购买或者出售指令时出现非常大的偏差,比如交易的股票或合约有误,价格有误,或者出现其他的输入错误。

    A fat-finger error is a keyboard input1 error in the financial markets such as the stock market or foreign exchange market whereby an order to buy or sell is placed of far greater size than intended , for the wrong stock or contract , at the wrong price , or with any number of other input errors .

  4. CityIndex的库克警告称,几率在外汇交易中发挥了很大作用。

    Mr Cooke of City Index warns that chance plays a large role in currency trading .

  5. FXOMS(ForeignExchangeOrderManagementSystem)是美国Statestreet公司开发并正在使用的一个外汇交易订单管理系统。

    FXOMS ( Foreign Exchange Order Management System ) an foreign exchange management system in use which is developed and used by State street company .

  6. OptionsGroup预计,外汇交易领域一名董事总经理的奖金可能会下降15%,至100万-150万美元。

    In foreign-exchange trading , a managing director could expect a15 % drop in bonus to $ 1 million to $ 1.5 million , Options Group predicts .

  7. VaR及其在外汇交易市场的应用

    VaR and Using in Forex Market

  8. 投机者、交易商和市场信心(sentiments)对外汇交易市场的波动影响巨大。

    Speculators , traders and sentiments contribute significantly to the volatility of the FX markets .

  9. 无本金交割远期外汇交易(Non-deliverableForwards,简称NDF)本质上是一种对未来价值进行定价的衍生品合约。

    Non-deliverable forwards – or NDFs – are essentially a derivatives contract pricing future values .

  10. 据两名消息人士介绍,中国银行(bankofchina)已叫停在国内市场与某些欧洲银行进行的一系列普通外汇交易,原因是中行对欧洲越来越大的金融风险感到担忧。

    Bank of China has stopped dealing with some European banks on a series of ordinary currency transactions in the Chinese market because of concerns about mounting financial risks in Europe , according to two sources with knowledge of the matter .

  11. CLS与我国商业银行外汇交易清算方式的变革

    CLS and the Reform of Settlement Method for Foreign Exchange Transactions by Our Commercial Banks

  12. 国际清算银行(BIS)2010年的调查发现,约60%的外汇交易发生在海外。

    According to a 2010 survey by the Bank for International Settlements , approximately 60 per cent of foreign currency transactions are conducted offshore .

  13. 弗兰克表示,有关从国会正在考虑的otc市场改革措施中豁免外汇交易的提议,不会被采纳。

    He said mooted exemptions for foreign exchange trades from the OTC market reforms being considered by US Congress would not be adopted .

  14. OTC交易和集中撮合交易有着各自不同的特点,满足了不同外汇交易的需求。

    All forex trading is ultimately concluded either through OTC trading or matched trading , both of which meet divergent demands for forex transactions .

  15. 据推广英国金融行业的私营部门组织伦敦国际金融服务公司(InternationalFinancialServices,London)统计,伦敦占据了全球外汇交易成交量的36%,而排名第二的纽约所占比重为14%。

    London accounts for 36 % of global foreign-exchange trading : the next-biggest player , New York , is responsible for 14 % of turnover , according to International Financial Services London , a private-sector group that promotes the U.K. financial industry .

  16. 大家所熟知的1992年英镑钉住汇率制事件中,外汇交易市场的操盘手实际上已经挑战了英国央行(BankofEngland),不仅如此,他们甚至迫使英镑贬值并从中获利达数十亿英镑。

    In the well known case of the GBP peg in1992 , the major players in the FX market actually challenged the Bank of England , no less , and forced a devaluation of the GBP , making billions in the process .

  17. CLS是近年来在全球范围内兴起的一种外汇交易清算方式。

    Continuous Linked Settlement ( CLS ) is a foreign exchange settlement method that has emerged in recent years around the world .

  18. 以三井(mitsui)为例,随着日本放弃金本位,三井从外汇交易中赚取了数百万美元。

    Mitsui , for example , made millions of dollars from currency trading as Japan left the gold standard .

  19. 詹姆斯托宾(jamestobin)曾提议对外汇交易征税,以稳定浮动的汇率,并在一个金融日益一体化的世界里,实现更大的国家货币政策自主权。

    James Tobin proposed a tax on foreign exchange transactions to stabilise floating exchange rates and achieve greater national monetary policy autonomy in a world of increasing financial integration .

  20. ebs的数据显示,第三季度外汇交易量上升,据德意志银行(deutschebank)和瑞银(ubs)报告,其7月至9月的外汇交易业务收入颇丰。

    Figures from EBS show a rise in foreign exchange trading volumes in the third quarter and Deutsche Bank and UBS reported strong revenues from their foreign exchange businesses between July and September .

  21. 国际清算银行(bis)资料显示,人民币在全球外汇交易额中所占比例尚不足1%,而美元占比达到86%。

    The currency accounts for less than 1 per cent of global currency trade , compared with 86 per cent for the US dollar , according to the bank for international settlements .

  22. BIS报告同时表明,伦敦在外汇交易领域的优势有所增强,目前占全球成交额的36.7%,高于2007年的34.6%。

    The BIS report also showed that London has increased its dominance of the currency world , accounting for 36.7 per cent of global turnover , up from 34.6 per cent in 2007 .

  23. 国际上越来越愿意接受人民币的迹象之一是,日本消费电子集团索尼(Sony)周二宣布,已在香港成立外汇交易子公司。

    In a sign of growing international acceptance of the Chinese currency , Sony , the Japanese consumer electronics group , announced on Tuesday that it had established a currency trading operation in Hong Kong .

  24. 另外的两个有一定特色的创新点:一是将银行风险管理的风险价值(VAR)技术引入到个人外汇交易的风险概率测算,二是将市场心理纳入到汇率趋势影响因素统筹考虑。

    There are also two innovations of this paper . One is taking VAR of bank risk management into risk probability accounting of personal foreign exchange trade . The other is taking market psychology into consideration of exchange rate change .

  25. 国际清算银行(BIS)3年一度的最新调查显示,英国市场在全球外汇交易额中所占比例已经从2004年4月的31.3%,跃升至今年4月的34.1%。

    The UK 's share of foreign exchange trading volumes jumped from 31.3 per cent in April 2004 to 34.1 per cent in April 2007 , the latest triennial survey from the Bank for International Settlements has revealed .

  26. 德意志银行亚洲外汇交易部门联席负责人延斯沙夫-汉森(JensScharff-Hansen)表示:该市场将会成指数式增长。

    This market is going to grow in an exponential way , says Jens Scharff-Hansen , co-head of foreign exchange trading for Asia at Deutsche Bank .

  27. 巴西政府再次扩大了其令人畏惧的金融活动税(iof)一种针对外汇交易的税收的课征范围,这一次针对的是巴西企业5年期以内的海外借款。

    The government has again extended its dreaded " IOF " , a tax on foreign exchange transactions , this time to overseas borrowings by Brazilian companies maturing in up to five years .

  28. 据Euromoney的最新年度调查显示,德意志银行在外汇交易市场的占有率为15.18%,花旗集团为14.9%。

    Deutsche Bank holds a 15.18 % market share in currencies dealing , according to the latest annual Euromoney benchmark survey . Citigroup commands a 14.9 % share .

  29. 上述议定书由“国际外汇交易与衍生产品协会”(isda)主持制定,以求在不透明的信用衍生产品市场上让投资者更容易知道,如果发生债务违约,他们持有的合约将会怎样。

    The protocol , created under the auspices of International Swaps & Derivatives Association , is intended to make it easier for investors in the opaque market for credit derivatives to know what will happen to their contracts if debt defaults occur .

  30. 然而,把购买股票作为一种外汇交易途径,是一种危险的做法。

    But buying shares as a proxy currency trade is dangerous .