
  • 网络Foreign company;foreign-invested companies;Foreign capital company
  1. 因为我希望在外资公司获得更富有挑战性的工作机会。

    Because I wish to get a more challenge opportunity at a foreign capital company .

  2. 中国加入WTO后,随着外资公司不断涌入中国保险市场,国内保险市场的竞争愈发激烈起来。

    As the foreign insurance companies constantly pouring into Chinese insurance market after China joined to WTO , the competition in the internal insurance market becomes more and more fierce .

  3. 中国加入WTO以后,全球快递公司迅速完成了从合资公司向全外资公司的转变,全面进入中国市场。

    Since china entry to the WTO , the competitive speed of the Multi-national Express companies alternated from the joint venture companies to whole foreign-owned companies , comprehensive access to the Chinese market .

  4. 只有一家外资公司将中国用作出口基地。一年前,日本本田汽车(Honda)开始从中国广东向欧洲出口Jazz两厢轿车。

    Only one foreign company is using China as an exporting base – Honda began shipping Jazz hatchbacks from Guangdong to Europe just over a year ago .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO和投资环境的日益改善,越来越多的外资公司在中国设立分公司和办事处开展业务,它们对人才的需求十分迫切。

    With China joins WTO and the investment environment improving day by day , more and more foreign capital multinational company sets up the subsidiary company and branch office to launch business in China , they need smart people urgently .

  6. 昨日,美国私人股本基金凯雷(carlyle),成为第二家宣布计划在中国募集一只人民币计价基金的外资公司。

    Yesterday Carlyle , the US-based private equity fund , became only the second foreign company to announce its plans to raise a renminbi-denominated fund in China .

  7. 从外部环境来看,我国已加入WTO,WTO协议要求我们给予外资公司以国民待遇,同时要求我国法律在立法和实施过程中严格遵循透明度原则。

    According to outside circumstance , our country has already entered into WTO , under the WTO agreements the corporations with foreign capitals should be entitled national treatments , and we should carry out the transparency during the legislation and performance of the laws and regulations .

  8. 外资公司通过签署一系列协议(而非直接持有多数股份&北京方面在互联网内容服务行业禁止这种做法)来获得该VIE的控制权。

    Instead of directly owning a majority stake in that company , which Beijing prohibits in internet content services , the foreign company secures control of that company through contracts .

  9. 蒙牛希望借助中粮集团的全国经销网络,利用这笔投资与达能(Danone)等外资公司在酸奶等利润率较高的产品上较量一番。

    China Mengniu hopes to utilise Cofco 's nationwide distribution network and to use the investment to take on foreign groups such as Danone in higher margin produce such as yoghurt .

  10. 那次调查发现,外资公司有性别歧视的概率低于中国民营企业或国有企业。该调查由加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSantaBarbara)和厦门大学的两位教授主持进行。

    Foreign-owned films were less likely to discriminate based on gender than private Chinese firms or state-owned enterprises , according to the study , which was conducted by a pair of professors from UC Santa Barbara and Xiamen University .

  11. 尽管不少地方政府正在纷纷提高最低工资水平,但备受媒体关注的较大幅度薪资上涨,来自于外资公司的下属企业,特别是日资(本田(Honda))和台资(鸿海(HonHai))公司。

    While many local governments are raising minimum wages , the larger wage increases , and the one the media have focused are affiliates of foreign companies , especially Japanese ( Honda ) and Taiwanese ( Hon Hai ) companies .

  12. 曾担任高盛(GoldmanSachs)董事长的保尔森敦促中国,应允许外资公司控股中国国内投资银行和资产管理公司&目前中国这两类合资公司中的外资比例上限分别为33%和49%。

    Mr Paulson , a former Goldman Sachs chairman , urged China to let foreign companies take majority control of domestic investment banks and asset management companies – where they were currently limited to 33 per cent and 49 per cent stakes respectively in joint ventures .

  13. Malmquist指数分析表明寿险公司的生产力增长更多的源自于技术进步,且中资公司生产力增长比外资公司更依赖于技术进步。最后,根据实证结果,本文给出了改进寿险公司效率的建议。

    Malmquist Index analysis shows the productivity growth of the life insurance company more from technological progress , and the progress of the productive forces of the Chinese-funded companies than foreign companies depend more on technological progress .

  14. 在外界期待已久、先前被普遍称为小QFII的人民币QFII方面,外资公司也不要指望会获得比中资资产管理公司更好的机会。

    Opportunities for foreign companies are not expected to be any better compared with Chinese asset managers when it comes to the long-awaited renminbi-QFII ( RQFII ) programme , previously commonly referred to as the mini-QFII .

  15. 总部设在北京的公众与环境研究中心的创始人马军在空气污染地图上点名曝光了40家外资公司,其中包括法国轮胎生产商米其林(Michelin)和德国化工公司巴斯夫(BASF)。

    Ma Jun , founder of the Beijing-based Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs , has named 40 foreign companies on the Air Pollution Map , including Michelin , the French tyre-maker , and BASF , the German chemical company .

  16. 提及外国高管和政府最近所抱怨的政府采购规定,工业集团西门子的首席执行官罗旭德(peterloescher)表示,在华经营的外资公司“期望在公开招标中获得平等对待”。

    Addressing government procurement practices , a recent area of complaint by foreign executives and governments , Peter Loescher , chief executive of Siemens , the industrial conglomerate , said foreign companies operating in China " expect to find equal conditions in the fields of public tenders " .

  17. 一派认为,从福喜获得原料供应的麦当劳、肯德基、星巴克(Starbucks)和其他美国餐饮公司是中国掀起打击外资公司风潮下的牺牲品,而此类行动从1年半前中国媒体批评星巴克咖啡定价就开始了。

    The first was that McDonald 's , KFC , Starbucks , and the rest of the U.S. restaurants getting supplies from OSI were victims of China 's crackdown on foreign companies - a trend over the past year and a half starting when Starbucks was criticized by Chinese media for the price of its coffee .

  18. 你们城市里有很多外资公司吗?

    Are there a lot of foreign companies in your city ?

  19. 记者未能联系到这些外资公司有关人士请其发表评论。

    The foreign companies could not be contacted for comment .

  20. 他表示匈牙利为比亚迪这样的外资公司提供了理想的投资环境。

    He suggests Hungary provides an ideal environment for foreign companies like BYD .

  21. 在国内的国际速递市场上,外资公司通过价格竞争和提高其服务的可察觉使用价值提高了其竞争力。

    The international air express companies enhanced their competency through price competition and service improvement .

  22. 有在外资公司工作的经验者。

    Working experience in foreign company .

  23. (无用而充满煽动性的总统)。外资公司和银行的撤退导致经营成本的增加。

    The costs of doing business have risen as some foreign companies and banks have backed away .

  24. 一家大型外资公司雇员在中国被拘留很不寻常。

    It is highly unusual for staff of a large foreign company to be arrested in China .

  25. 我们俩以前都在外资公司里工作。

    Both of us used to work in foreign corporations and were overwhelmed by the work there .

  26. 他还说:这些诋毁惯犯都是外资公司,总部就设在汉堡(指德国小报猖獗)。

    He also said : These serial defamers are foreign owned companies with their global headquarters in Hamburg .

  27. 为了2008年的北京奥运,大型外资公司在计划增加大量临时员工。

    FOR the2008 Olympics in Beijing , big foreign companies are planning to add swarms of temporary employees .

  28. 当环境改变时,已经与本土公司建立伙伴关系的外资公司将享有竞争优势。

    When conditions change , foreign firms that have partnered with local players will enjoy a competitive advantage .

  29. 最后,中国将取消禁止外资公司持有现有证券公司少数股权的禁令。

    Finally , it would lift the ban on foreign companies taking minority stakes in existing securities firms .

  30. 该公司成立之初的目标客户为外资公司和大型中国企业,公司不经营实体零售店铺。

    It set out to target foreign-owned operations and top Chinese companies , and does not operate retail stores .