
  1. SOA包含许多服务,每个服务中都定义有一个或多个策略且以不同的级别修正。

    SOA contains many services , each with one or more policies defined and revised at different levels .

  2. WS-Policy将策略定义为由一个和多个策略断言组成的集合。

    WS-Policy defines a policy to be a collection of one or more policy assertions .

  3. 它还支持多个策略决策点(PDP)技术(包括LDAP和TFIM),以便为SOAP、MQ和HTTP传输协议强制执行ESB安全。

    It also supports multiple Policy Decision Point ( PDP ) technologies including LDAP and TFIM to enforce ESB security for the SOAP , MQ and HTTP transport protocols .

  4. PMS可以通过允许客户端服务通过域名访问策略集合中的多个策略取得策略设置来实现一个服务通知另一个策略的能力。

    The PMS can implement the ability for one service to inform another of the policy by allowing client services to fetch policy settings by domain name across multiple policies in a policy set .

  5. 一个企业可以使用多个策略部署,进而组织包和资料库。

    An enterprise can employ several strategies to organize packages and repositories for deployment .

  6. 策略仓库能够在集中管理和处理多个策略及其相关信息。

    Strategy warehouse can centrally manage storage and processing of multiple strategies and related information .

  7. 设置名在策略中是唯一的但可能存在于多个策略中。

    Setting names are unique within a policy but might exist in more than one policy .

  8. 首先,在进化中同时并行多个策略与参数组合来提高个体多样性。

    Firstly , different strategies with different parameter values were adopted to enrich the population diversity .

  9. 使用优先级规则对多个策略进行组合,形成最终的决策结果。

    Second , we use priority rules to combine of multiple strategies to form the final decision results .

  10. 要减少此冗余,您需要侧重于导致启用多个策略的面向服务的组织的转换活动。

    To reduce this redundancy , you need to focus on transformation initiatives that result in more policy-enabled service-oriented organizations .

  11. 如果策略组包含多个策略组,系统使用主策略的需求类型。

    If the strategy group contains more than one planning strategy , the system proposes the requirements type of the main strategy .

  12. 旅发局透过参与多个策略工作小组及会议,与业界及政府有关部门保持紧密联系。

    The HKTB works closely with the tourism industry and relevant government departments through its participation in a number of strategy groups and forums .

  13. 可重用性&用一个平台包括多个策略和规则以组合的方式满足具体的业务需求是一个主要的进步。

    Reusability – having a platform on which to include multiple policies and rules to be used in combination to meet new specific business needs is a major step forward .

  14. 投机者作为整个游戏的主体,他们拥有多个策略,众多的理性个体竞争有限的资源,根据其表现资源重新分配给表现好的经纪人,从而达到系统优化配置。

    Speculators as the main body of the entire game , they have multiple strategies , many of the rational individual competition of limited resources , in accordance with the performance of resources re-allocated to the good performance of brokers , to achieve optimal allocation .

  15. 其中,IDE使用多个变异策略和二项式交叉策略产生后代个体。

    Therein , IDE employs several mutation strategies and the binomial crossover of DE to generate the offspring population .

  16. 本体映射中多个关键策略的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Multiple Key Strategies in Ontology Mapping

  17. 也可以将一个存储区域与多个存储策略关联。

    You can associate storage areas with more than one storage policy .

  18. 这种操作是必须的,由于需要将多个片断策略组合成一个策略。

    This operation is necessary due to the fragmented way policies could be constructed or acquired .

  19. 选择一个或多个颁发策略。有效的签名可包含您选择的任何一个颁发策略。

    Select one or more issuance policies . A valid signature can contain any one of the issuance policies you select .

  20. 已经导入了多个公共策略集,可供附加到服务和客户端组合单元。

    Several common policy sets are already imported and ready for you to attach to your service and client composition unit .

  21. 扩展站点的基础架构使得销售者可以实现多个营销策略、使得增加销售并提高客户可信度。

    The extended sites infrastructure allows the seller to implement multiple go-to-market strategies , leading to increased sales and improved customer loyalty .

  22. 该算法将防火墙策略转化为一棵策略匹配树,通过对多个防火墙策略匹配树进行比较来进行差异检测。

    This algorithm transforms a firewall strategy into a strategy matching tree , and detects the difference by matching those firewall strategy matching trees .

  23. 而混合策略则包括多个纯策略,可以由人们从中选择,而根据情况,每种选择都带有特定的概率。

    a mixed strategy would consist of two or more different pure strategies , to be chosen at random , but with specified probabilities for each strategy according to the contingency .

  24. 创建多个服务策略有助于满足这一要求,这么做就可以为每类请求设置适当的目标,而不是为应用程序的所有请求设置单一目标。

    Creating multiple service policies helps with this requirement by allowing appropriate goals to be set for each potential type of request , rather than a single goal for any request to the application .

  25. Rails将使用一个JOINSQL语句或一个执行多个查询的策略。

    Rails will use a JOIN SQL statement or a strategy in which multiple queries are performed .

  26. 重点阐述了自管理的IPSAN存储系统的体系结构和性能策略,详细地介绍了多个不同性能策略的具体算法。

    This paper emphasizes on demonstrating the architecture and performance strategies of self managed IP SAN storage systems , it will specify several important algorithms of performance strategies in details .

  27. 因此,几乎每一个视频标准都相应有自己的一个或者多个码率控制策略。

    Therefore , almost every video coding standard has one rate control strategy and even more .

  28. 完成这些之后,服务的标准定义可以被扩展为多个端点之上策略支持。

    In doing so , a formal definition of the service can be extended to support policies based upon endpoint definitions .

  29. 在本文中,我只是用紧凑表达式指代使用一个或多个选项的策略。

    In this article , I 'll just use compact expression to refer to policies using one or more of these options .

  30. 更具体来讲,安全区是一个或多个需要通过策略来控制入站和出站流量的网段的集合。

    More specifically , a security zone is a collection of one or more network segments requiring the regulation of inbound and outbound traffic through policies .