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  1. 结果示健康鼠大量菌感染及免疫抑制鼠小量菌感染均可引起致死性感染,而IL-12在小鼠系统性尖端赛多孢子菌感染中可能具有保护作用。

    It suggested that both the intact mice inoculated with large amount of fungi and the immunosuppressed mice inoculated with small amount of fungi led to lethal infection , while IL 12 might play a protective role in the murine systemic Scedosporium apiospermum infection .

  2. 目的为证实波氏假性霉样菌及尖端赛多孢子菌腹腔局部感染能否引起系统性疾病。

    Objective To certify whether local abdominal infection of Pseudollescheria boydii and Scedosporium apiospermum can induce systemic disease .

  3. 长有多孢子和羽状叶片的水生或沼泽生植物;广泛分布于除波利尼西亚以外的广大地区。

    Any of several spore-bearing aquatic or marsh plants having short rhizomes and quill-like leaves ; worldwide except Polynesia .

  4. GA-M31是一株诱变的酱油曲菌,其生长快、产孢子多、孢子发芽率高;

    GA M 31 is a mutant strain of soybean koji mold , which grows rapidly , produce more spores , and has high rate of germination .

  5. 湖南长沙地区疫霉菌的配对型有A2和A1A2两种类型,多以卵孢子形态在土壤中越冬;

    Two matching types ( A 2 , A 1A 2 ) of Phytophthora capsici are identified in Changsha region of Hunan , and they often overwinter in the soil as oospore .

  6. 禾谷多粘菌游动孢子超微结构观察

    Observation zoospore ultrastructure of polymyxa graminis

  7. 云芝多糖及银耳孢子多糖的抗突变作用

    Antimutagenic action of Polysaccharides from Coriolus versicolor , Polystictus versicolor and the spores of Tremella fuciformis

  8. 黑木耳多糖、银耳多糖、银耳孢子多糖的抗凝血作用

    Anticoagulative effect of Polysaccharides from Auricularia auricula Tremella fuciformis and Tremella fuciformis spores