
  • 【地】polymetamorphism
  1. 多期变质作用、多相变质作用与变质作用p-T-t轨迹

    Polymetamorphism , polyphase metamorphism and metamorphic p-T-t paths

  2. 据此,绘制了以温度和压力为变量的施莱纳玛克斯束图解,进而推测了在多期变质作用过程中的温、压变化。

    According to this , the diagram of Schreinmakers bundle in which temperature and pressure are regarded as two forcible variants , can be drawn .

  3. 区内高级变质杂岩总体上呈近东西向延伸,经历多期变质变形作用改造。

    The high-grade metamorphic complexes , extending from east to west , experienced multiple phases of deformation and metamorphism .

  4. 在岩体的中心部位发育两条角闪岩相变质带,其变质条件由早期中&高压中温向晚期低压高温演化,变质作用为多期碰撞变质作用。

    In the center of the pluton , there exist two amphibolite facies metamorphic zones , and their metamorphic conditions were evolved from medium-high pressure to low pressure .

  5. 矿区出露地层主要为上太古界五台群一套经历了多期变质变形作用的中级区域变质岩系,变质程度为角闪岩相。

    The stratas exposed are mainly comprised of a suit of middle-grade regional metamorphic rocks of Wutai group , upper Archaean . The rocks had undergone multi-stages of metamorphism and deformation of amphibolite facies .

  6. 高级变质岩经历了多期变质和部分熔融作用。

    These high-grade metamorphic rocks have experienced multiple stages of metamorphism and partial melting .

  7. 由于多期强烈的变形变质作用,区内孔兹岩系的地层结构十分复杂。

    Very complex structures and characteristics of khondalite series were caused by poly phases of metamorphism and deformation .

  8. 造山带经历了高压相系&中低压相系多期、多相变质作用,主要构造形迹为韧性剪切带,其次为穹隆构造、弧形构造。

    The belt experienced a series of metamorphic faces from high pressure to middle and low pressure in stages , and essential structural features are ductile shear belt , dome and arc structure .