
  • 网络Utility Vehicle;MPV;multi-purpose vehicle
  1. 今年9月,本田汽车推出了多用途车杰德(Jade),该款车型特意为中国市场设计了一个三排座椅版,以迎合中国消费者对车内空间的要求。

    In September , it launched the Jade , a multi-purpose vehicle with a three-row-seat version for China to cater local preference to roomy space .

  2. 本实用新型为智能型组装式车厢多用途车,是一种交通工具车辆。

    The utility model provides an intelligent multi-purpose vehicle with an assembled carriage , which is a vehicle of transportation .

  3. 琪琪家住在一幢公寓的30楼。在驾驶运动型多用途车(SUV)回家的路上,车上的音响系统播放着迪士尼的CD。

    In the family 's sport-utility vehicle on the way home , a Disney English CD plays over the sound system .

  4. 中国汽车工业协会(ChineseAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers,简称:中汽协)的数据显示,2014年中国轿车、运动型多用途车(SUV)和多功能乘用车(MPV)的销量为1970万辆,同比增长9.9%。

    Sales of passenger cars , SUVs and minivans increased 9.9 per cent year-on-year to 19.7m units in 2014 , according to the Chinese Association of Automobile Manufacturers .

  5. 以塔塔汽车(TataMotors)旗下的捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)为例,这个品牌通过销售运动型多用途车(SUV)获利,这是中国最畅销的乘用车型。

    Take Tata Motors-owned JaguarLand Rover , which has profited from selling SUVs , the fastest-selling passenger segment in China .

  6. Lewis表示,这些精明的二次购车者在贷款的帮助下将购买豪华车或运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    This sophisticated second-time buyer with access to financing likely will purchase a luxury or utility vehicle , Ms. Lewis says .

  7. 目前该公司在华生产的汽车包括中型汽车索纳塔(Sonata),以及圣达菲(SantaFe)等运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    The auto maker 's current China lineup includes the midsize Sonata sedan as well as the Santa Fe and other sport-utility vehicles .

  8. 提出了一种新型液压驱动混合动力运动型多用途车(SUV)的设计概念。

    The conception of a new type of hydraulic hybrid sport utility vehicle ( SUV ) was presented .

  9. 中国许多能支付起这个价格的富有消费者都会选择高端的运动型多用途车(SUV)和豪华轿车。

    For that amount of money , many wealthy Chinese consumers are choosing high-end sport-utility vehicles and luxury cars .

  10. 由于油价飙升导致市场对运动型多用途车(SUV)的需求下降,底特律的汽车生产商仍在为此苦苦挣扎。

    Detroit is still digging out from the fall in demand for sport-utility vehicles caused by the climb in gasoline prices .

  11. 8月7日,一名驾驶保时捷(Porsche)运动型多用途车的男子在杭州市东城撞死了一位16岁的打工妹。

    On Aug.7 , a man driving a Porsche SUV struck and killed a16-year-old female migrant worker in the eastern city of Hangzhou .

  12. 可能CUV应解释为炮弹型多用途车。

    Maybe the CUV stands for Cannonball Utility Vehicle .

  13. 丰田在密西西比州的工厂位于图珀洛附近,原本计划生产丰田汉兰达(Highlander)运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    Toyota 's Mississippi plant , near Tupelo , was originally supposed to build the Highlander sport-utility vehicle .

  14. 今年,随着XC90运动型多用途车(SUV)的推出,人们将首次见识李书福对沃尔沃品牌的影响。该款产品是沃尔沃被中国收购后开发的第一款车型。

    His first influences on the Volvo brand will be seen this year with the XC90 SUV launch , the first model developed under Chinese ownership .

  15. 这对底特律三巨头来说尤其不利。这三大车商主要依赖利润率较高的运动型多用途车(SUV)和其他较大的车型。

    That is an ominous trend especially for Detroit 's Big Three , which rely on the higher profit margins of sport-utility vehicles and other big models .

  16. 这家汽车制造商表示,他们将在田纳西州斯普林希尔生产下一代SRX多用途车。

    Automaker says it will begin producing next generation SRX to display in Springhill , Tennessee .

  17. 2009年,一名坐在黑色运动型多用途车(简称SUV)内的沉默男子开始在印度西部拉贾斯坦邦的小镇戈拉耶德(Kolayat)周边购买大片干旱贫瘠的农用土地。

    A taciturn man in a black SUV started buying up tracts of arid agricultural land around this small town in the western Indian state of Rajasthan in 2009 .

  18. 尽管如此,它对印度汽车业来说还是一个警告,它提醒印度汽车业注意:柴油车正受到越来越大的反对,尤其是受富裕阶层欢迎的车体较大较重的运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    But it is a warning sign to India 's car industry of the growing backlash against diesels - especially larger , heavy sport utility vehicles popular among the wealthy .

  19. 他们事先未与其他高管商议,便将原计划在该厂生产的“汉兰达”(Highlander)运动型多用途车(SUV)换成了普锐斯(PRIUS)混合动力汽车。

    They had switched to the Prius , a gasoline-electric hybrid , from the Highlander , a sport-utility vehicle , without first consulting other key executives .

  20. 这家汽车制造商表示,他们将把凯迪拉克SRX多用途车的生产线从墨西哥迁至美国。

    The automaker says it 's moving production of its Cadillac SRX crossover SUV out of Mexico into the US .

  21. 最近一个周日的上午,BelindaLin和丈夫走进上海的一个汽车经销店提车。她原以为这辆斯巴鲁(Subaru)运动型多用途车(SUV)会方便他们的生活。

    Belinda Lin and her husband walked in to a Shanghai car dealership on a recent Sunday morning to pick up a Subaru sport-utility vehicle that she thought would make life easier .

  22. 他写道:如果大量的新型德系豪华CUV(混合型多用途车)在市场上得以热销,那么欧洲OEM(原始设备制造商)厂商的市场份额可能会面临一些上行风险。

    If the numerous new German Lux CUVs are well received in the market , he writes , there may be some upside risk in the market share of European OEMs .

  23. 三菱汽车昨日表示,从今年年中开始,该公司将从标致采购2.2升柴油发动机,用于三菱欧蓝德(Outlander)运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    Mitsubishi Motors Corporation yesterday said that from the middle of this year it would start procuring 2.2-litre diesel engines from Peugeot for its Outlander sports utility vehicles .

  24. 此外,去年售出的SUV及其他类型多用途车有90%左右为柴油车,很多德国造的豪车也是如此。柴油要比汽油便宜不少。

    However , about 90 per cent of the SUVs and other utility vehicles sold last year , and many German-made luxury cars , are fuelled by diesel , which is substantially cheaper than petrol .

  25. 这家拥有86年历史的汽车制造商正处于关键时期。该公司正在执行一项110亿美元的五年期投资计划,希望藉此强化中国市场销售轿车和运动型多用途车(SUV)的产品线。

    This strategy comes at a pivotal time for the 86-year-old car maker , which is in the midst of an $ 11 billion five-year plan to introduce new cars and sport-utility vehicles and build sales in China .

  26. 混合动力公共汽车新型液压驱动混合动力运动型多用途车的研究

    Study on a New Type of Hydraulic Hybrid Sport Utility Vehicle

  27. 他表示,一款加长运动型多用途车的销售情况很好。

    One vehicle a stretch sport-utility vehicle sold well , he said .

  28. 欧洲两大汽车集团合作开发的多用途车

    Utility-type Vehicle Co-developed by Euro Two Auto Groups

  29. 克莱斯勒基本只在北美运营,其销售的四分之三来自于卡车、运动型多用途车和微型客车。

    Chrysler operates almost exclusively in North America and gets about three-quarters of its sales from trucks , sport-utility vehicles and minivans .

  30. 马斯克表示,他的龙2飞船内部空间至少得容得下一部运动型多用途车。

    And as Musk notes , the inside of his Dragon 2 rocket offers about as much space as a sport utility vehicle .