
  • 网络Great Shanghai;Grand Shanghai;Greater Shanghai;Grand Shanghai Restaurant
  1. 将西班牙纯正的悠闲生活带进大上海。

    Introduce the pure Spanish concept of leisure into great Shanghai ;

  2. 老城隍庙五香豆享誉大上海。

    The spiced broad bean of old city temple is famous in great shanghai .

  3. 一年后,他竟然在大上海拥有了一间小小的门面。

    One year later he opened a small store in Shanghai .

  4. 嘉兴,地处大上海经济圈。

    Jiaxing is one of the member of Shanghai big economic zone .

  5. 见证着大上海的变迁。

    They all bear witness to shanghai 's changes .

  6. 大上海经济区与大武汉经济区经济发展模式比较研究

    The Comparison between Economic Development Modes of Big Economic District in Shanghai and Wuhan

  7. 大上海旅游圈旅游资源配置研究

    Study on the distribution of tourist resources in the great tourist circle of Shanghai

  8. 嘉兴融入长三角的突破口、切入点与重要载体&融入大上海经济圈,发展嘉兴经济对策建议之二

    Suggestion on the Development of Jiaxing s Economy

  9. 发展大上海都市圈快速铁路系统巴黎阿姆斯特丹都市圈的启示

    Developing Rapid Railway System in Greater Shanghai Metropolitan Area & Experience from the Paris-Amsterdam Megalopolis

  10. 《陇海线上》、《黄人之血》、《大上海的毁灭》是其代表性作品。

    His representative works are On The Longhai Line , Yellow People 's Blood , and The Destruction of Large Shanghai .

  11. 没落贵族家世与大上海洋场社会的生活背景造就了张爱玲的贵族气质和平民气质。

    The declining aristocrat clan and luxurious social background in Shanghai brought up both Zhang Ailings aristocrat temperament and civilian temperament .

  12. 先去了大上海时代广场,《少林足球》里星爷就在这里踢过一个易拉罐,记得吗?

    Visited SH Time Square first , do you remember Stephen Chow kicked a coca tin here in " Shaolin Soccer "?

  13. 以科学的历史辩证观分析大上海计划在上海近代史上的地位;

    This paper analyzes the function of the " Great Shanghai Plan " in Shanghai 's modern history by scientific historical dialectics .

  14. 23岁生日的一个寒冷雨夜我怀揣200元来到大上海,这一切就像发生在昨天。

    It seems like yesterday when I turned 23 and came to Shanghai with 200 yuan on a cold and rainy night .

  15. 稳健的地标造型,精湛细腻的材质工艺,恒久百年的外墙西班牙石材,与大上海都市风貌珠联璧合。

    Solid landscape , exquisite craftsmanship , eternal outer wall of Spanish stone , perfectly pairing with the urban feature of Great Shanghai .

  16. 大上海从建立伊始,就有一种任何城市都无法比拟的气质。

    From the day when Shanghai was set up , it has a kind of incomparable makings which are totally different from any other cities in China .

  17. 很难相信时间过得如此快;23岁生日的一个寒冷雨夜我怀揣200元来到大上海,这一切就像发生在昨天。

    I cant believe how time flies . It seems like yesterday when I turned 23 and came to Shanghai with 200 yuan on a cold and rainy night .

  18. 10年前下榻上海,华亭宾馆首屈一指,因为它是大上海第一家五星级宾馆。

    Ten years ago when I stayed in Shanghai , the Sheraton Huating Hotel came first on everybody 's list because it was the only five - star hotel in the city .

  19. 上任伊始的他每天就是这样背靠大上海的繁华与旧梦,微笑着迎接每一个以繁忙为始终的日夜。

    He , the new Consul General who has just taken his office , greets each of his busy day and night with smile while backing against the flourishing and reminiscent Shanghai .

  20. 本文主要探讨了大上海都市圈、中心城市强心、产业差异和集聚、地区间的竞争与合作等四个方面的问题。

    This paper discusses mainly four questions : the first metropolitan region of China , enhancement of function about the central city , difference and clusters in industries , and competition and cooperation between regions .

  21. 作为上海特别市期间,市政府加大了城市建设的力度,并对整个城市进行系统的规划,特别是1929年实施的大上海计划,标志着上海的发展进入了新阶段。

    During Shanghai as a special city period , the municipal government speeded up the construction and carried out a systematic plan of the whole city , especially the " big Shanghai plan " which was put up in 1929 .

  22. 以经济发达、交通量大的上海地区为研究背景,建立相应的数学模型,分析评价高速公路收费的综合效益。

    At the background of Sanghai area with prosperous economy and huge traffic , corresponding mathematical model is established to analyze and evaluate the synthetical effect of tolling .

  23. 它所含有的重金属Cu,Cd,Ph,Zn的含量均大为超过上海市农业土壤背景值和JENSEN底泥污染评价值。

    The contents of heavy metals such as Cu , Cd , Pb and Zn are more greatly than the background level of Shanghai agricultural soils , and JENSEN pollution evaluation value for sediments .

  24. 在华东地区已经有18例人感染H7N9禽流感病例,三大主要城市上海、南京和杭州都暂停了活禽交易,中国其他地区情况也比较紧张。

    Three major cities in China have suspended trade in live poultry while the rest of the country remains on edge after 18 cases of H7N9 in humans have been reported in East China .

  25. 解读莫斯科大停电确保上海电网安全运行

    Ensuring safe operation of Shanghai Power Grid on dissecting blackouts in Moscow

  26. 大范围的上海市区至少有1340万人。

    The greater Shanghai area has at least 13 . 4 million people .

  27. 从五大基准看上海创意产业

    Five Big Data of Shanghai Creativity Industry

  28. 同时,在临近的大城市&上海,也进行了同步采样,分析了其中的黑碳。

    Meanwhile , it was simultaneously sampled in neighboring city & Shanghai and analyzed black carbon .

  29. 这些省份的人均钢铁消耗量大多远低于上海或北京。

    Most of these provinces consume significantly less steel than Shanghai or Beijing on a per capita basis .

  30. 不过,内地股市的涨幅更大,其中上海a股指数上涨了1.34%。

    However , mainland shares rose faster , with the Shanghai a share index increasing 1.34 per cent .