
  • 网络The Score;Big Deal;Big business;Deal
  1. 我在奥斯丁见到他时,他与AlsopLouie签约已经满了一年,仍然在寻找第一笔大买卖。

    A year after signing with Alsop Louie , when I met him in Austin , he was still searching for that first big deal .

  2. 这将是桩大买卖,对吗?

    That would be a pretty big deal , right ?

  3. 销售好莱坞(hollywood)大片的盗版碟,在上海是笔大买卖,而卡迪俱乐部一直是移居中国的外国人和游客追捧的地方。

    Pirated copies of Hollywood blockbusters are big business in the city , and Ka de club has been the popular haunt for expatriates and tourists .

  4. 如果它能在未来几天里如大家所期望的那样表现良好,那么它不仅能够大大减少大火对建筑物和人员的破坏与伤害,同时也会给飞机的所有者——位于俄勒冈的美国长青国际航空公司(EvergreenInternationalAviation)带来大买卖。

    If it performs as well as expected over the next few days , it could not only mean less destruction of buildings and lives , but big business for the plane 's owner , McMinnville , Oregon-based Evergreen International Aviation .

  5. 现在,情人节是大买卖:根据IBIS世界公司的市场调查,去年情人节的销售额达到176亿美元;

    Today , the holiday is big business : According to market research firm IBIS World , Valentine 's Day sales reached $ 17.6 billion last year ;

  6. 毕竟,这宗IPO的背后有摩根士丹利、高盛集团和瑞士信贷这样的公司做后盾,它们自然知道怎样做成一笔大买卖。

    After all , the transaction has the backing of Morgan Stanley ( NYSE : MS ), Goldman Sachs ( NYSE : GS ) and Credit Suisse ( NYSE : CS ) . They certainly know how to pull-off a mega deal .

  7. 刚刚和大学医院做成了一笔大买卖。

    I 'd just madea big sale to the University hospital .

  8. 大买卖自己开电影院可是桩大买卖。

    ex : Owning a movie theatre can be big business .

  9. 干件大买卖,就有人知道你了。

    Do something big , and you 'll be known .

  10. 你知道,就是那种真正的大买卖。

    I mean , the one you really wanna land .

  11. 看来油酥点心在奥地利是大买卖

    Wow . Pastry must be serious business in Austria .

  12. 再船起航前搞定几笔大买卖。

    To settle some outstanding business before the ship sails .

  13. 现在有宗大买卖给你,你做不做?

    I have a big one for you , interested ?

  14. 如今,双方需要做一笔“大买卖”。

    Today , the two sides need a grand bargain .

  15. 经过一段时间,他甚至还完成了好几笔大买卖。

    Over time , he even made several big deals .

  16. 他替他的妈妈管理一家大买卖。

    He manages a large business for his mother .

  17. 这意味着他们可以靠一个电话订下大买卖。

    That means they can seal big deals with a single phone call .

  18. 失去一笔大买卖使得该公司的前途一片茫茫。

    The loss of a big deal darkened the future of this company .

  19. 我有…商业上的项目买卖大买卖

    I have a business offer deal that is ...

  20. 于是,繁殖优良坐骑就成了一桩大买卖。

    So breeding great mounts is big business .

  21. 对瑞士来说,打理富有外国人的财富是个大买卖。

    Looking after rich foreigners ' money has been big business for the Swiss .

  22. 比利:开电影院可是大买卖。

    Billy : Movie theatres are big business .

  23. 对各商家和消费者来说,所有这些都是大买卖,是双赢方案。

    All of these are big deals and are win-win for businesses and consumers .

  24. 这一似乎遭到遗忘“大买卖”依旧值得商榷。

    A " grand bargain " , seemingly forgotten , is still worth tabling .

  25. 你知道,那可是退休前的大买卖。

    You know , the big retirement score .

  26. 我们一起做过不少大买卖。

    We took some major scores together .

  27. 打那以后,他们搞定了其他几项大买卖(见表)。

    They have notched up several other big deals since then ( see table ) .

  28. 这项运动就是一桩大买卖。

    The sport is big business .

  29. 因为纳德要专心应付几宗大买卖,计划落空了。

    The scheme fell through because of some big business deal Ned had to attend to .

  30. 我们这当儿谈的可是大买卖。

    We 're talking big buckshere .