
  • 网络media;the mass media
  1. 本论文研究结果认为,大众传播媒体对我国CBA篮球联赛的发展能够起到一定的促进作用。

    The study shows that mass media do promote the development of CBA league match .

  2. 大众传播媒体与CBA篮球联赛同属社会现象,随着社会的发展与科技的进步两者之间的关系日益紧密。

    Mass media and CBA are both social objects , and the relationship between them get more and more close with the development of society and scientific technology .

  3. 我们大家都受大众传播媒体的影响。

    We are all subject to influences from the mass media .

  4. 手机媒体将成为新兴的大众传播媒体形式。

    The handset media will become the emerging mass media form .

  5. 大众传播媒体每天把很多信息提供给我们。

    The media supplies us with lots of information every day .

  6. 大众传播媒体对大学生体育价值取向的影响研究

    How the Mass Media Reflets Sports Value of the College Students

  7. 试论大众传播媒体对大众体育发展的影响

    Research on Affect of Public Transmission Medium With Sports for All

  8. 试论大众传播媒体对高等教育的影响

    The affection of the function of mass media to the university

  9. 大众传播媒体在我们学校是一门非常热门的课程。

    Mass media communication is a very popular program in our institute .

  10. 年轻人易受大众传播媒体的影响。

    Youth are susceptible to the influence of mass media .

  11. 大众传播媒体在湿地保育教育方面占有重要地位。

    Mass media can play an important role in wetland conservation education .

  12. 互联网成为新一代大众传播媒体,己是不争的事实。

    Internet as a new generation of mass media has been absolute fact .

  13. 电影是一种大众传播媒体,属于影音文本类型。

    Film , an audio-visual text type , is a medium of mass communication .

  14. 体育运动的发展应积极、合理的利用大众传播媒体。

    The development of sports should be positive , reasonable to use the masses medium .

  15. 大众传播媒体除了赚钱,也要负起社会教育的职责。

    Besides making money , mass communication media should also assume the responsibility of social education .

  16. 以英语为媒介的大众传播媒体日益渗透到社会生活的方方面面,以英语新闻为主导的世界舆论,每天都在影响甚至操纵着人们的思想意识。

    Propaganda , which is dominated by English news , is influencing even controlling people 's ideology .

  17. 而大众传播媒体对于青少年性教育的负面作用明显,这一问题美国尤为突出。第四部分对我国完善与发展青少年性教育的思考和建议。

    And mass media play a more negative than positve role in adolescents'sexual education , especially in America .

  18. 大众传播媒体、电话、网络已全部都改进了通讯全球化造福社会。

    Mass media , the telephone and the internet have all improved global communications to the benefit of society .

  19. 高中生体育锻炼习惯的养成受到大众传播媒体和体育信息接受量的影响。

    High school students develop the habit of exercise by the mass media and sports information of the amount received .

  20. 互联网本质上仍是一种大众传播媒体,同样可以成为思想政治工作的有力工具。

    Internet is a kind of mass media in nature . It can also become a powerful method of ideological and political work .

  21. 网络作为一种新的大众传播媒体,在为高校思想政治工作提供新的教育平台的同时,也提出了新的挑战。

    As a new medium , Internet provides the new education method and fresh challenges for our ideo - logical work of colleges and universities .

  22. 创新和丰富法制宣传教育形式,强化大众传播媒体和新闻通讯单位的社会责任。

    V.Intensifying the organization and leadership over legal publicity and education , and mobilizing all forces of the whole society to participate in this work .

  23. 作为一种大众传播媒体,新闻在人们的日常生活中起着日益重要的作用,越来越受到人们的重视。

    As the mass media , news plays an increasingly important role in people 's daily life and has been received much more attention from people .

  24. 报纸是历史最为悠久的大众传播媒体,它与电视、广播、杂志合称为广告的四大媒介。

    As a mass medium with the longest history , newspaper together with television , broadcasting and magazine is known as four major media of advertisement .

  25. 而现在,我们进入了全球化时代,在大众传播媒体及多重文化的影响之下,如何形成新兴宗教的新趋势呢?

    Now as we enter the era of globalization , how will new trends in mass media and multicultural exposure impact the genesis of new religions ?

  26. 大众传播媒体的议程设置作用会受到各种因素的影响;议程设置理论研究对我们详细考察传媒的舆论导向过程具有一定的启发意义。

    The function of mass media agenda setting is affected by many factors and the study of agenda setting theory enlightens the process of investigating mass media orientation .

  27. 新时期中国大众传播媒体在政治态度、政治价值观、政治思想的形成、维护、发展中扮演极其重要的角色。

    China 's mass media in the new period plays an extremely important role in the forming and developing of its political attitudes , political values and political thought .

  28. 近年来为确定,辩论的议程被设置了不是从学术界内部,但在大众传播媒体和以各种各样的政界。

    In recent years for certain , the agenda of the debate has been set not from within academia , but in the mass media and in various political arenas .

  29. 近年来由于大众传播媒体的影响越来越广泛,而新闻作为其信息传播的最主要途径已为越来越多人关注,人们对其的研究也越来越多。

    Owing to the widespread influence of mass media , news , as a main means of diffusing information , becomes the subject of a great deal of intellectual scrutiny .

  30. 同时,主要以大众传播媒体为中介的流行文化,已然成为年轻女性间的新霸权,重新形塑性别建构场域中的权力关系。

    At the same time , mediated popular culture has emerged as the new hegemonic force among the younger women and reconstituted power relations in the field of gender movement .