
  • 网络Popular Literature and Art;Art and Literature for the Masses
  1. 谈20世纪90年代中国大众文艺的后现代特征

    On The Post modernity of Chinese Popular Art in 1990s

  2. 20世纪中国大众文艺的理论与实践事实上又总是蕴涵着国家神话的实质。

    And Chinese mass literature and art in the 20th century always contained the essence of state myth .

  3. 这些通俗文章写作是秋白在系统理论指导下的自觉行为,是其对所倡导的革命大众文艺主张的实践或实验。

    The composition of these popular articles was his self-conscious behaviour that was led by a systematic theory .

  4. 从文化意义上来说,大众文艺运动是一场回归传统的思想运动。

    From culture significance , the movement of the mass culture means a thought movement which returns to tradition .

  5. 大众文艺是20世纪90年代中国社会最为突出的审美文化现象,它业已成为20世纪90年代社会审美文化的一个鲜明的表征。

    Popular literature was a prominent cultural phenomenon and even became a distinct characteristic in the Chinese society of 1990s .

  6. 在这一历程中,《文艺报》对城市大众文艺的建构起到了重要的作用。

    During this time , The Journal had played a role in fueling on the construction of urban public art .

  7. 在笔者看来,其本身也蕴涵着现代文化的几种重要的类型先锋文化、通俗文化、精英文化在大众文艺市场面前的一种自我调整。

    I think it also contains a few important types of modern culture . They are pioneer culture , popular culture and elite culture .

  8. 近日,中国第一本“互动图书”将由大众文艺出版社、浪网、厘头工作室三方联合推出。

    In a few days the first " interacting book " in China will be published jointly by Popular Culture & Arts Publishing House .

  9. 传统出版:《大话英语聊天室》由大众文艺出版社推出图文并茂的传统(质)书。

    Traditional publishing : Dahua English Chatroom will be published by Popular Culture & Arts Publishing House in paper books with illustrations and pictures .

  10. 要注意到的是,大众文艺并非已经为大众所拥有,却是有待创造的东西。

    It should be noticed that mass literature and art is not something having existed or belonged to the populace , but waiting to be created .

  11. 戏曲艺术作为民间文化形态一旦随着大众文艺创造进入政治权力的视野,便终结了自身的自在状态,成为必须被予以改造的对象。

    When came into the eyeshot of political power to produce mass literature and art , folk culture needed to be changed and ended its former appearance .

  12. 民间文艺、通俗文艺和大众文艺是历史上曾经依次出现过的审美文化形态,它们都是特定历史时期的产物,具有那个时代的独特烙印。

    The civilian literature and art , popular literature and art and mass literature and art are all aesthetic cultural forms that appeared in turn in history .

  13. 大众文艺在中国的勃兴自有其特殊的原因,主要是:市民阶层的扩大,渴望表达本阶层的文化趣味,谋求本阶层的话语权利;

    With enlargement of townspeople stratum , they yearned for expressing their own stratum 's cultural taste , so that they can seek the right to express their own views ;

  14. 现代中国的大众文艺从20世纪第一个十年起步,逐渐发展壮大,并成长为中国现代新文艺的主流。

    Popular literature of contemporary China was initial stage from the tenth year of the 21st century . It was going from strength to strength and had become the essential aspect of Chinese modern new literature .

  15. 尤其是大众文艺迅猛发展,成为学界瞩目的文学艺术潮流。因此,学界加强了对大众文艺的研究并提出众多的评判标准。

    Among this , popular literature and art is concerned in such high level by academic circles for its impetuous development that academic circles has strengthened the research and has put forward many standards of critique .

  16. 其三,大众文艺会把人引向堕落。西方马克思主义理论家对文化工业、大众文艺的批判无论对20世纪人类正确观念的形成和发展,还是对文艺、美学理论本身的发展,都具有不可磨灭的价值。

    The criticism of the theorists of Western Marxism on cultural industry and popular art is of everlasting value to the formation and development of correct ideology of the 20 th century people , and to the development of literary and aesthetic theory itself .

  17. 文化的主人是大众,文艺新闻的主人亦是大众。

    Culture is the owner of the mass , the master is also a popular literary news .

  18. 赵树理实践着这种鲁迅对新知识分子存在价值的确认,体现出了鲁迅所说的在大众化文艺创作中知识分子自我改造的必要性和先导作用。

    Zhao Shu-li practiced the confirmation of the existing value of new intellectuals advocated by Lu Xun , which suggested the necessity of self-transformation and the guide function of the intellectuals during the creation of the popular literary and art .

  19. 大众传播与文艺产品的商品化

    Commercialization of Public Propagating and Literary , Artistic Works

  20. 传媒批评是指利用现代传媒工具进行的一种大众化的文艺批评方式。

    Media criticism , a mass literary criticism using modern media means , must be faced properly .

  21. 从小说理论研究的角度来看,这是革命的大众化的文艺理论指导解放区小说理论发展的开始。

    From novel theoretical research , this time is when the popularity of revolutionary literature starts to guide the literature in liberated area develops .

  22. 另一方面也取决于它适应新环境的开放能力。大众文化时代的文艺发展,需要一种开放的文艺精神、发展的文艺观念和常变常新的文艺形式。

    The development of literature and arts of popular culture depend on developing ideas and continuously renewing forms .

  23. 由于当代人们主要是通过大众媒介来接受文艺产品,故大众传播业对文艺产品产生着不可估量的影响。

    At present , as we accept literature and art products mainly through public media , the public propagating has an inestimable effect on the products .