
  • Volkswagen;VW;Volkswagen AG
  1. 据《国际商业时报》报道,随着大众汽车公司从碳排放丑闻中恢复元气,电动汽车的销量有望增加。

    According to the International Business Times , electric car sales are expected to increase as Volkswagen is still recovering from its emissions scandal .

  2. 国内环保团体就德国大众汽车排放作弊事件提起环境公益诉讼。

    A domestic environmental group has filed an environmental public interest lawsuit1 against Volkswagen over the company 's cheating on emissions2 readings .

  3. 大众汽车在本年度汽车行业中出类拔萃。

    VW is the star performer of the motor industry this year .

  4. 大众汽车公司的机械式G型增压器

    Volkswagen 's G Type Mechanical Supercharger

  5. 根据伯恩斯坦研究公司(BernsteinResearch)的计算,收购菲亚特-克莱斯勒将会在短期内降低大众汽车的每股股东收益。

    According to Bernstein Research 's calculations , the cost of acquiring FCA would be dilutive to VW shareholders in the short term .

  6. 这是一个非营利性的研究机构,正是他们将大众汽车柴油发动机性能不足的问题记录下来,报告给了美国国家环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)。

    The council is the same group that documented the performance shortfalls of Volkswagen diesels in the United States and brought the matter to the Environmental Protection Agency .

  7. 德国大众汽车公司的Polo型轿车是欧洲汽车市场上经济型轿车的主导车型。

    VW Polo is the guiding type car in European car market .

  8. 但该部又表示,初步调查结果显示,中国只有1900余辆进口大众汽车搭载了旨在欺骗尾气检测的所谓“减效装置”(defeatdevice)。

    However , it added that an initial investigation revealed that only 1900 imported VW cars included the so-called defeat devices designed to fool emissions tests .

  9. 就在一周前,大众汽车(Volkswagen)和塔塔汽车公司(TataMotors)也对个别品牌采取了类似的降价措施。

    Volkswagen and Tata Motors made similar price cuts for certain brands a week earlier .

  10. 塞斯纳的首席执行长厄内斯特说,大众汽车(VolkswagenAG)旗下奥迪(Audi)子公司和通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCo.)就成功避开了这些浅滩。

    Cessna 's Mr. Ernest says Volkswagen AG 's Audi unit and General Motors Co. have succeeded in navigating such shoals .

  11. 而通用汽车和大众汽车(Volkswagen)将只能争夺老二的位置。

    GM and Volkswagen will have to fight it out over second place .

  12. 香港——中国是大众汽车(Volkswagen)的最大市场,此外它还在和通用汽车(GeneralMotors)争夺该国最大汽车制造商的地位。

    HONG KONG - China is Volkswagen 's single-largest market , and the company vies with General Motors as the country 's biggest automaker .

  13. 大众汽车公司(VW)还拥有铃木汽车公司(Suzuki)19%的股权。

    VW owns a 19 % stake in Suzuki .

  14. 今年早些时候,美国调查人员发现了这些不法行为,致使美国环保署(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)与大众汽车正面对抗,促使大众汽车承认存在欺诈行为。

    Those same irregularities , when uncovered by US investigators earlier this year , led the US Environmental Protection Agency to confront VW directly , leading to the admission it had been cheating .

  15. 大众汽车(VolkswagenAG)开始提高田纳西州查塔努加(Chattanooga)一家新建工厂的产量。

    Volkswagen AG is ramping up production at a new plant in Chattanooga , Tenn.

  16. 虽然欧洲依然在经济危机的苦海里挣扎,但至少有一个欧洲之子仍在蓬勃发展,它就是德国大众汽车公司(Volkswagen)。

    As Europe wallows in economic doldrums , at least one native son is thriving .

  17. 五年前是大众汽车(volkswagen)。

    Five years ago it was Volkswagen .

  18. 福特汽车(FordMotorCo.)和大众汽车(VolkswagenAG)的净利润分别为202亿美元和197亿美元。

    That compared with $ 20.2 billion in net income by Ford Motor Co. ( f ) and $ 19.7 billion by Volkwagen AG .

  19. 据JDPower统计,大众汽车的市场份额上升了1个百分点,达到18%,轻松成为市场领导者。

    According to JD Power , VW 's market share has risen by one percentage point to 18 per cent – making it comfortably the market leader .

  20. 大众汽车(volkswagenag)计划于2011年下半年在田纳西州新建一家工厂,组装一款新轿车。

    Volkswagen AG plans to build a Tennessee plant that will assemble a new sedan in the second half of 2011 .

  21. 就在2014年10月,大众汽车集团CEO海兹曼还声称,大众汽车正在为中国市场研发超过20款电动汽车。

    In fact , in October 2014 , Volkswagen 's CEO Jochem Heizmann announced the company was developing more than 20 electric vehicles for the Chinese market .

  22. 电池技术的进步意味着到2020年,电动汽车一次充电可行驶最高600公里,这是大众汽车为其ID电动概念车承诺的目标。

    Battery advances mean that they should be able to drive up to 600km on one charge by 2020 , the range VW promises for its proposed ID car .

  23. 在大众汽车,保时捷(Porsche)和皮耶希家族掌握了51%有表决权的股份。

    At VW , the Porsche and Pi ë ch families control 51 per cent of the voting shares .

  24. 两年前,中国市场上的领军企业大众汽车(volkswagen)似乎遇到了大麻烦。

    Two years ago , it looked as if the market leader Volkswagen was in serious trouble in China .

  25. 今年前三季度,通用汽车与上汽集团、一汽(FirstAutoWorks)以及五菱组建的多家合资企业的乘用车销售量超过了110万辆,同期大众汽车(Volkswagen)的销量约为190万辆。

    Its various joint ventures with SAIC , First Auto Works and Wuling sold more than 1.1m passenger vehicles over the first three quarters of this year , compared with Volkswagen 's almost 1.9m .

  26. 大众汽车(volkswagen)曾表示,有兴趣收购马来西亚国家汽车工业公司,但马来西亚政府似乎不愿意把控制权交给外国人。

    Volkswagen has shown interest in buying proton , but the Malaysian government seems reluctant to hand control to foreigners .

  27. 欧洲最大的汽车厂商大众汽车(VolkswagenAG)去年12月9日表示,不断下滑的销量可能会加大2010年增长目标的实现难度。

    Volkswagen AG , Europe 's largest car maker , said on Dec.9 that waning sales may make it harder to reach growth targets for2010 .

  28. 大众汽车(VolkswagenAG)周四发布预警称,公司可能在第一季度出现亏损,而且今年的收益情况可能会明显逊于去年。

    On Thursday , Volkswagen AG warned it might record a loss in the first quarter and that earnings this year would be'significantly lower'than in2008 .

  29. 而对于欧洲最大的汽车生产商大众汽车公司(VolkswagenAG)来说,去年中国就已经成了它销量最大的地区。

    For Europe 's largest auto maker , Volkswagen AG ( VLKAY , VOW . XE ), China became its largest sales region last year .

  30. 近日,皮耶希的妻子乌苏拉(ursula)被提名加入大众汽车董事会。

    Last week , his wife Ursula was nominated to join the VW board .