
  • 网络tang dynasty
  1. 杜甫目睹大唐王朝在经济上的种种弊端之后,提出了不少生财、用财、理财观念。

    Du Fu , having witnessed economic faults in Tang Dynasty proposed many ideas of collecting , utilizing , and managing money .

  2. 历时三百余年的大唐王朝,走过了它的发展、壮大、顶峰与衰落的阶段。

    Lasting more than three hundreds years , the great Tang Dynasty went across its stages of growth , strength , summit and ending .

  3. 从公元618年唐朝建立到907年被朱温灭掉,大唐王朝共存在了289年。

    In 618 , Li Yuan established the Tang Dynasty after the fall of the Sui Dynasty , and the Tang Dynasty lasted for 289 years till 907 , when Zhu Wen destroyed it .

  4. 耿滓作为大唐王朝历经安史之乱,由盛世走向衰落的见证人,他的诗歌中无疑回荡着那个时代的音符。

    Geng Wei acts as a witness which Tang Dynasty from prosperous period to be on the wane , after going through Anshi Rebellion . Undoubtedly the era of notes resounded through out in his poems .

  5. 政治上,不计出身,只看个人是否真正身体力行地为大唐王朝建立卓著政绩;在功勋上,要求勋官、封爵都位列首席。

    In politics , does not count the family background , only looked at individual whether truly by actual efforts for Datang dynasty establishment outstanding achievements ; In the meritorious service , the request merit official , seals jue all the position row seat of honor .