
  • 网络Geodetic Coordinate System;CGCS
  1. 针对大地坐标系下,超视距目标状态方程和量测方程复杂的非线性,提出了一种基于Unscented卡尔曼滤波的超视距目标跟踪。

    Aiming at the intense non-linearity of the state and measurement equations which are established in geodetic coordinate system , a new algorithm based on unscented Kaman filter ( UKF ) was proposed .

  2. 利用GPS地形变资料在大地坐标系中计算应变

    Deduction of strain from GPS crustal deformation data in geodetic coordinate system

  3. UTM坐标转换成大地坐标系的算法研究

    Arithmetic research for the transformation from UTM reference frame to earth reference frame

  4. 首次引入PSD位置敏感器件对平台相对于大地坐标系微小转角进行测量。

    This study firstly introduced the Position Sensitive Detector ( PSD ) into the system to measure slight rotation angle of SAR antenna relative to ground reference frame .

  5. ITRF的发展及其在建立和维持地区性大地坐标系中的作用

    The Development of ITRF and Its Role in the Definition and Maintenance of National Coordinate System

  6. 本文介绍如何求解系统转换参数,将WGS-84坐标转换为我国目前使用的是1954年北京坐标系或1980年国家大地坐标系。进而可以利用GIS技术建立活断层信息管理数据库系统。

    In this paper , how to transfer WGS-84 coordinate system into Beijing 1954 geodetic system or state 1980 geodetic system , and build up information managing system of active faults by GIS .

  7. 2000国家大地坐标系椭球参数与GRS80和WGS84的比较

    Parameters of the CGCS 2000 Ellipsoid and Comparisons with GRS 80 and WGS 84

  8. 本文利用旋转矩阵(R),度量矩阵(H)和雅可比矩阵(J)按矩阵代数导出不同大地坐标系和不同空间直角坐标系的换算公式。

    This paper deals with the formulae for transformation between two different geodetic coordinate systems and between two different rectangular space coordinate systems derived in terms of the matrix algebra with rotation ( R ) , metric ( H ) and Jacobian ( J ) matrices .

  9. 众所周知,GPS定位成果属于WGS-84大地坐标系,而实用的测量成果往往属于某一局部坐标系,GPS成果必须转换至局部坐标系才能投入运用。

    It is well known , the GPS localization Achievement Belongs to the WGS-84 earth coordinate systems , but the practical survey Achievement often Belongs to some partial coordinate system , the GPS Achievement must transform to the partial coordinate system can invest the utilization .

  10. 采用新型大地坐标系进行地形变分析的探索

    Analysis of crustal deformation with a new type of geodetic coordinate system

  11. 坐标参数为长度量的一种新型的大地坐标系

    New Form of Geodetic Coordinate System Taking Two Length Quantity as Coordinate Parameters

  12. 新型大地坐标系中的地表形变分析

    Analysis of the Crustal Deformation in the New Form of Geodetic Coordinate System

  13. 新型大地坐标系与大地坐标系之间的转换

    Transformation Between Geodetic Coordinate System and Its New Form

  14. 不同大地坐标系间坐标转换模型研究

    Research in Transformation Model Between Two Geodetic Coordinate Systems

  15. 常用大地坐标系的分析比较

    Analysis and Comparison on General Geodetic Coordinate Systems

  16. 中国大地坐标系建设主要进展

    Main Progress of Geodetic Coordinate System in China

  17. 新型大地坐标系中大地线的微分方程和微分式

    Differential Equations and Differential Relationships of Geodesic Lines in New Form of Geodetic Coordinate System

  18. 利用包围盒技术在大地坐标系中进行杆条与飞机的交点求解;

    The points of intersection between rods and aircraft are calculated with envelope box technology .

  19. 2000国家大地坐标系下点位坐标转换方法浅析

    A Discussion on Methods for Transforming Point Position Coordinate from Previous Geodetic Coordinate System to next Generation CGCS 2000

  20. 通过坐标转换矩阵的解算,可得到加速度、积分所得六维速度等运动矢量沿大地坐标系的分量。

    Calculated with the coordinate transform matrix , the acceleration , the velocity integrated at earth coordinate are output .

  21. 不同大地坐标系和不同空间直角坐标系换算公式及其应用

    The formulae for transformation between two different geodetic coordinate systems and between two different rectangular space coordinate systems and its application

  22. 地球导航定位通常采用空间大地坐标系,导弹发射通常采用发射坐标系。

    Space-earth coordinate is commonly used in navigation and positioning , but in navigation system of missile emission coordinate is usually used .

  23. 不同大地坐标系大地坐标求解转换参数模型的应用和权阵的选取

    The application of the solving transformation parameter model by using geodetic coordinates of various geodetic coordinate systems and the selection of weight matrix

  24. 在此基础上,给出了适用于我国1954年大地坐标系和1980年大地坐标系的实用公式。

    On this basis , the practical formulas fitting it to the 1954 ' and 1980 ' geodetic coordinates of China are given .

  25. 综述了测绘工作中常用的几类大地坐标系的建立方法,全面介绍了我国参心坐标系、地心坐标系和世界地心坐标系的发展及其现状。

    It gives a whole view of the development and status of geocentric coordinate system , ellipse-centered coordinate system and world geodetic system in China .

  26. 为更好地满足沪杭磁悬浮工程全线施工定线的需要,提出了引用一种新型大地坐标系的设想。

    In order to satisfy the requirement for the route location of the Shanghai-Hangzhou magnetic suspension project , a new form of geodetic coordinate system was proposed .

  27. 为了解决地图制图中不同坐标系之间的相互转换的问题,采用构建通用地理坐标转换类方法,实现常用大地坐标系和平面投影坐标系之间在相同或不同参考椭球参数下的相互转换。

    To solve the problems of difference geographic coordinates transformation , the paper adopts the methods of establishing general coordinate transformation class , and implements the coordinate transformation .

  28. 本论文中引入一种新型的大地坐标系,这种坐标系是以经纬线为坐标曲线,以长度量为坐标参数的新型坐标系。

    In the paper , author introduces a new geodetic coordinate system . The longitude curve and the latitude curve are the coordinate curve in the new geodetic coordinate system with length as coordinate parameter .

  29. 基于地球椭球面上所构建的新型大地坐标系,推导出用新大地纵横坐标表述的大地主题解算公式,并研制了相应的正反解算法。

    Based on the theories of Differential Geometry and Geodesy , algorithms and formulas for direct and inverse solution of geodetic problem in the new form of geodetic coordinate system on the ellipsoidal surface are deduced in this paper .

  30. 摘要讨论了我国科学地采用地心三维大地坐标系,主要涉及到的该坐标系的定义、采用的大地测量基本常数以及与此有关的潮汐改正等三个问题。

    This paper discusses how to scientifically employ a geocentric 3D coordinate system in China and analyzes three main scientific problems involved in this regards , i.e. the definition of the system , the geodetic fundamental constants and tidal correction .