
  • 网络large- sized irrigation district;large-scale irrigation district
  1. 基于ANN技术的大型灌区节水改造后农田水环境预测

    Prediction of farmland water environment after reconstruction of water-saving in the large-scale irrigation district based on the ANN technology

  2. 大型灌区地下水资源承载力评价指标体系及评价方法研究

    Study on the Theory and Evaluation Method of Large-scale Irrigation District Groundwater Resources Carrying Capacity

  3. WTO绿箱政策与大型灌区改革

    WTO Green box policy and reform of large irrigation districts

  4. 网格GIS在大型灌区信息化建设中的应用

    Application of Grid GIS in Large-Sized Irrigation District Information Establishment

  5. 大型灌区陆地水循环模式的参数化方案:LWCMPSID

    Parameterization scheme of land water-cycle model for large irrigation districts : LWCMPS_ID

  6. 本文研究的是基于网格GIS的大型灌区地理信息管理系统的集成框架技术。

    What this text studied is the integrated frame technology of the large-scale geographical information management system of irrigated area based on net GIS .

  7. 简单介绍了DCS系统的发展和结构形式,对该分布式控制系统的设备选型和软件设计作了详细说明,该控制系统的使用是实现大型灌区综合信息化的重要前提。

    The development and structure of distributed control system is introduced , and the hardware and software design are also discussed .

  8. 选用DEA方法的分向量模型分别度量了陕西大型灌区和各市的灌溉水规模效率和总技术效率,估算了各灌区和各市的农业节水潜力。

    Sub-vector model of DEA method was adopted to measure the technical efficiency and scale efficiency of the irrigation districts and regions before the utmost water-saving potential was estimated .

  9. 辽宁省共有大型灌区9处,有效灌溉面积35.7万hm2。传统的灌区水资源管理模式,使有限的水资源得不到合理的开发利用,造成了水资源的极大浪费。

    There are 9 large-scale irrigation area in LiaoNing provine , effective irrigation area is 357,000 hm2 . The traditional irrigation management mode , make the limited water resource unable to get rational utilization , have caused the water resource wasting greatly .

  10. 大型灌区集中开采条件下地下水数值模拟

    Groundwater Numerical Simulation under Centralized Exploitation Condition in Large-Sized Irrigation District

  11. 大型灌区信息化应用系统分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of Large-scale Irrigated Area Informationization Application System

  12. 大型灌区农业高效用水的对策

    Strategies for Agricultural Efficient Water Use in Large-sized Irrigation Districts

  13. 大型灌区闸系分布式监控系统设计

    Distributed Control of Gate System for a Large Irrigation Area

  14. 景电一期灌区是全国大型灌区节水改造重点工程之一。

    Water-saving modification works usually result in a large amount of spoil .

  15. 广西大型灌区进一步深化体制改革的思考

    Discussion on further deepening system reform of large-scale irrigation zones in Guangxi

  16. 大型灌区灌溉水利用系数的分析方法

    Analytical method of irrigation efficiency of large size irrigation district

  17. 大型灌区输配水自动监控系统

    Auto-Monitoring and Controlling System of Water Transporting and Distributing in Large-Sized Irrigation District

  18. 全国大型灌区工程老化状况与对策

    On Hydraulic Structures Aging Situation and Strategies of Large-Scale Irrigation Areas in China

  19. 大型灌区基础数据库的设计

    Data Base Design for Large Scale Irrigation District

  20. 大型灌区现状和节水改造紧迫程度评价

    Evaluation of Present Situation of Large-Sized Irrigation Districts and Urgency of Water Saving Reform

  21. 加快大型灌区节水改造增加粮食生产能力

    Speeding up Rehabilitation for water saving in Large-scale Irrigation Districts for Increasing Grain Production Capacity

  22. 大型灌区骨干工程长效利用与管理体制改革探讨

    Sustainable utilization of the main works and irrigation management reform in large - sized irrigation districts

  23. 宁、陕大型灌区地面灌溉存在问题与对策

    Key Problems in Reconstruction of Large Irrigation Districts for Water Saving Purposes in Shaanxi and Ningxia

  24. 北方大型灌区节水改造规划的几个问题

    Several Problems about Remake Plan for Water Saving in Large Sized Irrigation District in North China

  25. 大型灌区高效用水技术选择探讨

    Discussion on the high - efficiency water use techniques selection in large - sized irrigation districts

  26. 基于信息流的大型灌区信息传递与控制模型研究

    Study on the model of information transmission and controlling of the large-scale irrigated area based on information flow

  27. 青铜峡灌区作为国内大型灌区之一,有着非常悠久的历史。

    Qingtongxia Irrigation Area as one of the domestic large-scale irrigation area , has a very long history .

  28. 因此,这两种方法在大型灌区地下水动态预报中具有一定的应用价值。

    As a conclusion , both of these two methods have application values in the large irrigation districts .

  29. 我国住宅节水现状的分析山西省大型灌区工程续建配套与节水改造的思考

    Consideration of Continuous Construction , Conveyance System and Water-saving Transformation of Large-scale Projects in Irrigated Areas of Shanxi Province

  30. 应加大对大型灌区等农业基础设施改造的投入,确保农业综合生产能力不断提高。

    Hence , rehabilitation of these large-scale irrigation districts shoued be put for ensuring the upgrading of agricultural production capacity .