
dà tóu zhēn
  • pin
大头针 [dà tóu zhēn]
  • [pin] 一端有个圆疙瘩的用来别纸的针

大头针[dà tóu zhēn]
  1. 他用大头针在箔纸上戳一些孔。

    He pricks holes in the foil with a pin .

  2. 只要你心诚,往喷泉里扔下一根大头针,然后盯着泉水看,就能看见未来伴侣的影子。

    Any true lover casting a pin into the fountain and gazing into it will see his or her future partner

  3. 用大头针在纸上扎洞。

    Prick holes in the paper with a pin .

  4. 那个小男孩用大头针把气球戳破了。

    The little boy burst a balloon with a pin .

  5. 他用磁铁捡起了所有的大头针。

    He picked all the pins up with a magnet .

  6. 裁缝用大头针把样式别在布料上。

    The dressmaker used a pin to fasten the pattern to the cloth .

  7. 但上个月,一块牌子出现在洛杉矶的联合车站,上面用大头针钉了一些美元钞票,并写着“留你所有,取你所需”。

    But at Union Station in Los Angeles last month , a board went up with dollar bills attached to it with pins and a sign that read , " Give What You Can , Take What You Need . "

  8. 用大头针在纸样需改动的地方打裥。

    Pin tucks across the pattern at the alteration places .

  9. n.大头钉地毯被用大头针钉固定在地板上。

    tack The carpet was fastened to the floor with tacks .

  10. 辛亮相前,这场派对布置了一个自动照相棚,还组织了其他一些派对活动,比如,把避孕套拉伸固定到LELO的振动棒上,用大头针刺破。

    Before Mr. Sheen 's appearance , the event had consisted of photo booths and party games like pricking a pin through condoms stretched across LELO vibrators .

  11. 大头针、刀子、铅笔等的尖儿

    The point of a pin , knife , pencil , etc

  12. 把它撕下来连大头针一起放进背心口袋里。

    Pull it off , put tack and paper in vest pocket .

  13. 地图上的每一根大头针代表一个地方办事处。

    Each pin on the map indicates a district office .

  14. 医生还要移除他腿中的大头针。

    They 've got to remove those pins from his legs yet .

  15. 他们更进一步被为额外的安全以一个猛拉大头针保护。

    They are further secured with a hitch pin for extra safety .

  16. 锋利的刀、尖的大头针、尖的针

    A sharp knife , pin , needle , etc

  17. 他是以摆弄大头针和线的游戏开始他的科学生涯的。

    He had started his scientific career by plating around with pins and threads .

  18. 不要把大头针戳进椅子里去!

    Don 't stick pins into the chair !

  19. 大头针被用以把东西钉在一起。

    Pins are used to fasten things together .

  20. 那只死昆虫被用大头针别在卡片上。

    The dead insect was mounted on a card by means of a pin .

  21. 大头针把两页纸别在一起。

    The pin held the 2 pages together .

  22. 地图都用大头针固定在墙上。

    Maps were pinned to the walls .

  23. 用一个大头针固定指针。

    Fix the hands with a pin .

  24. 用大头针别住纸。

    To perforate paper with a pin .

  25. 你能听到大头针撞上涂了漆的木质地板时发出的叮铃声。

    You could hear the plink of metal as it struck the painted wood floor .

  26. 我还没缝好那道缝合线,它只有用大头针固定好。

    I have not sewn that seam yet & it is held together by pins .

  27. 大头针:推荐使用光滑的钢制大头针。

    Pins : satin steel pins recommended .

  28. 把两块东西连接起来的通过凹槽插入楔子和大头针。

    A wedge or pin inserted through a slot to hold two other pieces together .

  29. 非常长的扎牢她通常保存向上以木制的竹子大头针用针别住的黑色头发。

    Very long pitch black hair that she usually keep pinned up with wooden bamboo pins .

  30. 我们也放入了燃料大头针,在同样的锆合金的管子里。

    And we 'll also be putting the fuel pins in the same zircaloy cladding tubes .