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  • 网络the daning river
  1. 我们绕道溯游大宁河,观赏了几处小峡谷。

    We made a detour up the Daning River to see some of the smaller gorges .

  2. 河流地貌发育对大宁河两岸古文化分布有着重要影响,随着河床逐渐向西摆动,使得大宁河大昌地区古文化中心发生多次迁移。

    The development of rivers geomorphology greatly impacted on the distribution of ancient culture along the Daning River . The ancient cultural center in the Dachang zone of Daning river might transfer many times along with the riverbed movement to the west .

  3. 基于SWAT模型的大宁河流域污染物负荷分布特性分析

    Analysis of characteristics of pollution load distribution in Daning River watershed based on SWAT model

  4. 该方法已成功运用于重庆市巫溪县110m净跨的大宁河大桥的维修加固工程中,取得了很好的社会经济效益。

    The method has been successfully applied in the rehabilitation of Daning River bridge and presented remarkable social and economic benefits .

  5. 大宁河巫溪段水体总磷TMDL估算及分配研究

    Research on Estimation and Allocation of Total Phosphorus TMDL in Wuxi Reach , Daning River

  6. 土地利用和生态系统服务功能变化研究&以三峡库区大宁河流域为例

    Dynamics in land use and ecosystem service & a case of Daning River Watershed in Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  7. 评价结果显示,1990年前后大宁河流域生态环境综合评价等级9所占比例最大,约40%;

    The integrated assessment result shows that level 9 has the biggest proportion in the year of 1990.The proportion is about 40 % .

  8. 三峡入库河流大宁河回水区浸没土壤及消落带土壤氮形态及分布特征

    Nitrogen Forms and Its Distribution Character in Immerged and Water-level-fluctuating Zone Soils of the Backwater Reach from Input River of Three Gorges Reservoir

  9. 本文通过朝天门大桥和大宁河大桥的极限承载能力分析,确定了钢桁架拱桥体系的破坏路径和破坏机理。

    With the ultimate carrying capacity analysis of Chaotian Gate bridge and Daning River bridge , paper determines the failure route and mechanism of steel trussed arch bridges .

  10. 以遥感数据为数据源,通过自动分类和人工解译相结合的方法获取了以上土地利用类型,并对三峡库区大宁河流域的土地利用变化过程和驱动力做了分析。

    Using the remote sensing images as the data source , types of land use were auto-classified and manually interpreted , with the detailed analysis on the process and driving forces of the changes in land use of Daning River Watershed in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area .