
  • 网络big war;The Great War
  1. 而获得SOA技能的挑战对于IT天才们来说不仅仅意味着是大战争中的一场小冲突。

    Yet the challenge of acquiring SOA skills is more than just another skirmish in the larger war for IT talent .

  2. 第一次世界大战期间,一场大战争正在进行。

    A big battle was going on during the First World War .

  3. 第一次世界大战只被叫做“大战争”?

    World War I was just called " the war "?

  4. 啤酒从未引发过一场大战争。

    Beer has never caused a major war .

  5. 有的人想发动考试大战争。

    Some people want to launch a war .

  6. 两大战争时代,发生了两次大战即希波战争和伯罗奔尼撒战争。

    Two war era refers to period of the Persian War and the Peloponnesian War .

  7. “欧洲分割成两大战争集团,每一个都最终依附于一个超级大国的支持,因此易受不断增长的分散力量的影响”(斯科特·沙利文)

    " The division of Europe into two warring blocs , each ultimately dependent on a superpower patron , is subject to ever-increasing centrifugal stress "( Scott Sullivan )

  8. n.异常的大灾祸战争是可怕的大灾祸,其间有许多人丧失生命,许多建筑物被摧毁。v.恐吓;

    catastrophe The war was a terrible catastrophe in which many people died and mnay buildings were destroyed .

  9. 这场战斗可能会升级为规模更大的战争。

    The fighting could escalate into a more general war .

  10. 今天的暂时的妥协,即酝酿着明天的更大的战争。

    A temporary compromise today engenders a bigger war tomorrow .

  11. 你们将在下一年中看到一些大的战争。

    You are going to see some big battles this next year .

  12. 在一场大的战争中,要把军事和政治分开是不可能的。

    It is not possible in a major war to divide military from political affairs .

  13. 为此郡、国的军队很少,一般不能作战。大的战争要依靠中央军队。

    Therefore , armies in prefectures and fiefdoms were too few to fight independently , and a big war had to resort to the central forces .

  14. 大教堂为战争中的死难者鸣钟。

    The Abbey bell tolled for those killed in the war .

  15. 乌克兰本身正面临着规模更大的语言战争。

    Ukraine itself has its own larger battles over language .

  16. 大首领认为战争经济是人类天性不可或缺的一部分。

    Big Boss found a war economy a necessity in human nature .

  17. 但是我们引发了大范围的战争。

    We have got the big bang-bang war going .

  18. 终于可以抓到这个大魔头结束战争了。

    We 'll be able to capture that monster and end this war .

  19. 罗斯福时代移民政策是在经济大危机和战争接踵而至的情况下出台的。

    Those afforded the historical background of the immigration policy in the FDR Times .

  20. 在我一生所经历的大萧条和战争时期,他们都曾期待我们被打败。

    In my lifetime in depression and in war they have awaited our defeat .

  21. 那些面对大萧条和战争的前辈,在砥砺中变得更加强大。

    Those who faced the great depressions and great wars , and came out stronger on the other side .

  22. 在大萧条和战争时期,我们的人民在困难面前表现得无比英勇,克服我们共同的困难体现了我们共同的优秀品质。

    Our national courage has been clear in times of depression and war , when defending common dangers defined our common good .

  23. 她说,大萧条和战争年代的年轻人干出的许多事,放在另一个时代也许不会被理解。

    She said young people did a lot of things during the Depression and the war that people in another time might disapprove of .

  24. 拉伯雷在小说中用大篇幅描写战争,并借此表达对侵略战争的厌恶,对正义战争的支持,突出了人在战争中的重要作用。

    In this novel , a lot of space is devoted to describing war , by which the writer expressed his hatred to aggressive war and support to justice .

  25. 常规导弹因其远战能力强、作战节奏快、杀伤破坏力大、对战争进程影响明显等特点,越来越为兵家所重视,并逐渐成为现代战争中一种重要的作战样式。

    Conventional missiles are now more and more concerned by the Military experts , as for its strong capacity of long-range striking , fast-paced attacking process , huge destructive power , obvious impact on the course of the war . Conventional missile operation has become an important Combat Format .

  26. 我们要求有大的作用的战争指导者。

    We need directors of war who can play a significant role .

  27. 但不仅如此,她还打赢了一场大得多的战争。

    But she also won a much larger war .

  28. 这是一件绝大的事,战争首先要靠它取得胜利。

    This is a matter of immense importance on which our victory in the war primarily depends .

  29. 而游牧民族与汉族之间经常发生或大或小的战争与摩擦。

    There were always some small or big conflicts and fights occurring between the Nomadic People and the Han Nationality .

  30. 伊拉克战争和阿富汗战争带来的惨痛教训是,英国再也没有能力投入大部队打长期战争。

    The painful lesson of Iraq and Afghanistan has been that Britain can no longer fight long wars with large numbers of troops .