
dà běn yíng
  • base camp;home base;supreme headquarters;garrison
大本营 [dà běn yíng]
  • (1) [supreme headquarters]

  • (2) 指挥员发布命令和履行其职能的地方

  • (3) 企业的总部或总店

  • (4) [garrison;base camp]∶军事据点的所在地

  • 柏林已经成为盟国军队的大本营

大本营[dà běn yíng]
  1. 计算机房是高校图书信息自动化管理的大本营,计算机房的安全是图书馆正常运作的重要保障。

    Computer room is the supreme headquarters about information automatization in a university library . Safety in the computer room is an important guarantee to daily library work .

  2. 这个选区是工党的大本营。

    The seat was a stronghold of the Labour party .

  3. 他们同以南方为大本营的教育改革势力集团有着密切的联系。

    They are well-connected with the south-based education-reform mafia .

  4. 他会留在大本营工作。

    He would stay to work at the base camp .

  5. 8月11日,德玛斯和另外两人抵达大本营。

    On August 11 Demas and two others reached the base camp .

  6. 不知从哪里,他们在我们的花园里建立了大本营。

    Out of nowhere , they had set up their base camp in our garden .

  7. 他很期待在大本营里过冬的挑战。

    He was looking forward to the challenge of spending the winter at the base camp .

  8. 外国的《生活大爆炸》、《老友记》、中国的《快乐大本营》里都有罐头笑声。

    The Big Bang theory , Friends and Happy Camp in China all have canned laughter .

  9. 不过底特律仍然是三巨头(BigThree)的大本营。

    Yet Detroit remains the home of the Big Three .

  10. 美国国家足球联盟田纳西泰坦的大本营LPField也受到威胁。

    It even threatened the LP Field , home to the NFL Tennessee Titans .

  11. 其次,在它的大本营有一家有力的竞争对手上海航空公司(ShanghaiAirlines)。

    Second is a vigorous competitor on its home patch , Shanghai Airlines .

  12. 个人立场:骑车上班,但喜欢看《车迷大本营》(topgear)“化石燃料非常有趣”。

    Personal stance : cycles to work but loves top gear " fossil fuels are fun " .

  13. 在《快乐大本营》节目中,我们会看到一个活泼、风趣、幽默,能够把现场的气氛弄到最HIGH的何炅。

    Happy camp program , we will see a lively , funny , humor , and be able to get the atmosphere at the scene of the most HIGH Kyung Ho .

  14. 给曼彻斯特夜总会景象增添的最新亮点就是“K行星”,遗憾的是它的大本营是在曼城最破旧的街道上。

    One of the latest additions to the Manchester scene is Planet K , which is unfortunately based in one of the city 's seediest streets .

  15. 这家美资银行将与杭州工商信托投资股份有限公司(hangzhouindustrial&commercialtrustco)合作,基金将以华东城市杭州为大本营。

    The US bank is partnering Hangzhou Industrial & Commercial Trust Co and the fund will be based in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou .

  16. 受地震影响的日本北部地区是丰田(toyota)等多家汽车制造商的工厂大本营。

    The earthquake-affected north of Japan is home is home to factories belonging to several carmakers , including Toyota .

  17. 保证飞行的大本营&访AMR维修与工程中心

    A Visit to AMR Tulsa Maintenance and Engineering Center

  18. neptune郡长办公室是一个向下锁定,绝对全大本营?

    The Neptune sheriff 's department is a locked-down , squared-away citadel of security ?

  19. 以新加坡为大本营的国际投资者吉姆罗杰斯(jimrogers)表示,市场上有一些明显的热点,但不存在席卷整个亚洲的普遍泡沫。

    Jim Rogers , the Singapore-based international investor , said there were clearly hot spots but no general region-wide bubble .

  20. 即使在MBA的大本营美国,这类商学学位也越来越具有吸引力。

    But even in the US , the backyard of the MBA , there is a growing attraction to this type of degree .

  21. Randy说TheVoice基本上是个回锅肉大本营没有进入其他比赛的人才会来参加TheVoice

    Randy said The Voice is basically kind of a second chance place , people that don 't get in someplace else go to The Voice .

  22. 此次地震的震中接近珠峰大本营(EverestBaseCamp)。在4月25日发生的地震引发的雪崩导致18名登山人员丧生后,珠峰大本营的人员已经撤离。

    The quake 's epicentre was close to Everest Base Camp , which was evacuated after an avalanche triggered by the April 25 quake killed 18 climbers .

  23. 如今,旧金山是新兴数字经济的大本营,其中的代表包括Airbnb、Uber,当然还有Twitter。

    Now it 's home to such new-establishment icons of the digital economy as Airbnb , Uber and , yes , Twitter .

  24. 来自BBC消息:在欧洲之星的大本营伦敦圣潘克拉斯国际火车站中,奥运五环旗悬挂在一辆即将驶往巴黎的欧洲之星列车上方。

    The Olympic Rings , the symbol of the Olympic Games , hang at London 's St Pancras International Station , home to Eurostar service to Paris .

  25. 那是一个仲夏的下午,在两人的美国大本营洛杉矶,本高特和德霍曼-克里斯托坐在洛杉矶康韦录音室(ConwayRecordingStudios)的一个控制室里。

    It 's a midsummer afternoon , and Bangalter and de Homem-Christo are sitting in a control room at Conway Recording Studios in Los Angeles , the city that serves as their stateside headquarters .

  26. 美国的南部城市休斯顿不是一个极负盛名的城市,但是在中国它是最有名的一个城市之一,因为NBA球队,火箭队的大本营在那里,姚明的家也安在那里。

    The southern American city of Houston is not one of great renown , yet it is one of the most famous in China because Yao Ming has made his home there with NBA team , the Rockets .

  27. mbia正试图将公共财务业务从抵押贷款业务的大本营结构性金融资产组合中分离出来。

    Mbia is trying to separate its public finance business from its structured finance portfolio , the home of its mortgage business .

  28. 但ISIS在叙利亚的地盘正受到美国空军和叙利亚库尔德民兵组织的压力,他们正准备向南推进,进逼ISIS的大本营拉卡(Raqqa)。

    But Isis territory in Syria is coming under pressure from the US air force and Syrian Kurdish militia , now poised to push south towards Raqqa , the group 's stronghold .

  29. 随着基于应用的叫车服务优步(Uber)迅速从其大本营旧金山扩张至全球各地,它也不断面临来自通常拥有政治影响力的现有出租车运营商的抵制。

    As Uber , the app-based ride-hailing service , has spread rapidly from its San Francisco home to cities around the world , it has repeatedly faced resistance from incumbent taxi operators , who are often politically influential .

  30. 以香港为大本营的单伟建正计划设立一只关注亚洲机会的基金,不过他仍将在一段未指明长度的时期内担任tpg的高级顾问,并继续担任投资组合内一些公司的董事。

    Hong Kong-based Mr Shan is planning to set up a fund focused on Asia-wide opportunities , although he will remain as a senior adviser to TPG and continue to serve on the boards of some portfolio companies for an unspecified period .