
  1. 因此,本文拟研究样地法进行农用地定级的理论、方法及其在江都市大桥镇农用地定级中的应用。

    And further , as an example of Daqiao Town in Jiangdu City , Standard Plot Method is applied in farmland classification .

  2. 润扬大桥建成后,镇扬两个旅游城市将连为一体。

    The Runyang Yangtze River Highway Bridge will link Zhenjiang and Yangzhou , two famous tourist cities .

  3. 大桥的建设已经为大桥南端的慈溪镇和大桥北端的海盐镇带来了经济利益。

    Meanwhile , construction of the bridge has already brought about economic benefits for Cixi County at the southern end of the bridge and Haiyan County at the northern end .