
  • 网络large airway
  1. 大气道在激发4周以后才出现较大的结构改变,增长幅度最小。

    The changes of large airway appeared as later as the 4th week after activation .

  2. 结论镍钛合金支架治疗大气道狭窄是一种有效、安全的方法。

    Conclusion The placement of NiTi stent is an effective and safe method for the treatment of large airway stenosis .

  3. 多层面CT重建诊断中央大气道良性病变

    Diagnosis of Benign Diseases of Central Airway with Multi-slice CT Reconstruction

  4. 目的:分析多层面CT三维重建诊断中央大气道良性病变的价值。

    Purpose : To investigate the diagnostic value of multi slice CT reconstruction in benign diseases of central airway .

  5. 材料与方法:34例有病理证实的大气道病变的病例均经多层螺旋CT(MSCT)容积扫描。

    Materials and Methods : Thirty-four patients with large bronchi diseases veri-fied by pathology performed MSCT volume scan .

  6. 经支气管镜高频电刀治疗伴大气道阻塞的晚期中央型肺鳞癌的临床研究螺旋CT、电子支气管镜及痰脱落细胞联合检查对中央型肺癌的诊断价值

    Endobronchial Electrocautery Treatment of Tracheobronchial Obstructive Lesions in Inoperable Tracheobronchial Squamous Cell Carcinoma Diagnostic Value of Spiral CT , Electronic Bronchoscopy and Sputum Cytology for Central Pulmonary Carcinoma

  7. 目的:应用脉冲振荡法(IOS)探讨大气道内肿物的呼吸阻抗特征和临床意义。

    Objective : To study the characteristics and clinical significance of respiratory impedance in patients with intratracheal tumor with impulse oscillometry ( IOS ) .

  8. COPD稳定期主要致病菌为表皮葡萄球菌、微球菌及肺炎链球菌等,细菌量<10×103cfu/ml,主要在大气道。

    Major pathogens found in stable COPD include Staphylococcus epidermis , Micrococcus and Streptococcus pneumoniae . The bacteria were less than 10 × 10 3 cfu / ml , present mainly in large airways .

  9. 大气道平滑肌[3H]TdR掺入量;

    The amount of TdR incorporation into central airway smooth muscle ;

  10. 纤维支气管镜下介入微波治疗大气道狭窄的疗效评估

    Effect of narrow large-airway with treatment of micro-wave by Bronchoscopic

  11. 大气道疾病16例误诊为支气管哮喘

    Misdiagnosis of large air passage disorders as bronchial asthma : report of sixteen

  12. 硬质气管镜结合可弯曲性支气管镜治疗大气道内肿瘤

    Rigid Bronchoscope Combined with Soft Electronic Bronchoscope for Treatment of Main Airway Neoplasma

  13. 纤支镜介导下内支架置入治疗大气道病变

    Stenting under fibrobronchoscope in treatment of major airway lesion

  14. 大气道压差对气体流量系数的影响

    Effect of High Port Pressure Drop on Flow Coefficient

  15. 结论:经纤支镜纵隔、肺针吸活检是一种安全的活检技术,可为大气道旁的纵隔或肺部病灶的诊断提供有意义活组织标本。

    Conclusions : TBNA is safe and valuable for lung and mediastinum lesion .

  16. 内镜下支架置入术治疗大气道狭窄的护理

    Nursing care in the treatment of airway stenosis by implantation of the stent under enoscope

  17. 电子支气管镜介导下高频电刀治疗大气道肿瘤27例临床分析

    Investigation of electric bronchoscope treatment for benign and malign trachea tumor with high frequency knife

  18. 良性大气道狭窄的支气管镜介入治疗

    Endoscopic treatment of benign central airway stenosis

  19. 大气道结核延误诊断与影像检查的关系研究

    Study of the Relationship between Delay in Diagnosis of Larger Airway Tuberculosis and the Imaging Methods

  20. 采用手术及钛镍记忆合金支架治疗恶性肿瘤大气道阻塞28例。

    Twenty-eight patients with malignant tumor and large airway obstruction were treated by operation or stents .

  21. 化疗为主的综合治疗成功救治老年晚期肺癌导致的大气道阻塞2例报告并文献复习

    Successfully Using Chemotherapy-Based Combineded Therapy Rescued Two Cao Cases Caused by Lung Cancer and Literatures Reviewing

  22. 大气道狭窄的支架治疗

    Stenting of major airway constriction

  23. 手术前应对大气道状况进行准确评估,并制定手术后机械通气策略。

    Evaluation of the airway conditions before surgery and design of the postoperative mechanical ventilation management are important .

  24. 目的探讨纤维支气管镜(简称纤支镜)介导下内支架置入治疗大气道病变的方法和效果。

    Objective To investigate the method and effect of endobronchial stent placement guided by fibrobronchoscope in major airway lesion .

  25. 方法2002年9月至2004年11月,应用电视激光硬质气管镜为13例大气道肿瘤病人进行了15次手术治疗。

    Methods From Sep.2002 to Nov.2004 , 13 patients ( 15 procedures ) with tracheobronchial tumors were treated with video-assisted rigid bronchoscope .

  26. 大气道恶性狭窄者采用放置支架,或用电刀、氩气刀或激光灼烧瘤体使之再通的姑息治疗;

    In cases with malignant tumors , stenosis or obstructions were relieved by implantation of stents or cautering with electric argoulaser knife .

  27. 主要表现为咳嗽、胸痛、咯血、发热、反复发作性肺炎及大气道阻塞性呼吸困难。

    The main clinical manifestations were cough , chest pain , hemoptysis , fever , repeated pneumonitis and dyspenea due to obstruction of the main airway .

  28. 小气道病变可以仅发生在小气道本身,也可以是肺和大气道病变的延伸。

    Abnormalities of the small airways may originate within these airways themselves or result from extension of diseases involving either the larger bronchi or the lung parenchyma .

  29. 沙丁胺醇气雾剂所形成的气溶胶直径约为4-5μm,人体吸入后,由于惯性嵌顿和重力沉降作用而易在大气道沉积。

    The collosol diameter of salbutamol aerosol is about 4-5 μ m It is easy to deposit in large airways because of inertia halt and gravity sedimentation .

  30. 方法在纤支镜介导下金属支架置入治疗20例包括气管、支气管狭窄和瘘的大气道病变。

    Method Data were analyzed from 20 patients with bronchostenosis or bronchus fistula , who were underwent endobronchial stent placement guided by fibrobronchoscope for major airway lesion .