
  • 网络Bigeye Tuna;Thunnus obesus
  1. 大西洋大眼金枪鱼渔场、资源及环境特征的研究

    Study on resource , environment and fishing-ground of Atlantic bigeye tuna

  2. 试验钓具大眼金枪鱼的捕捞效率高于传统钓具;

    The efficiency of the experimental gear for the bigeye tuna was greater than that of the traditional gear ;

  3. 基于HSI模型的印度洋大眼金枪鱼栖息地研究

    Using HSI model for analyzing the habitat suitability of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) in the Indian Ocean

  4. 印度洋大眼金枪鱼Thunnusobesus(Lowe)的渔业生产和资源状况概述

    Outline of Fishery and Resource of Bigeye Tuna , Thunnus obesus ( Lowe ) in Indian Ocean

  5. 大西洋大眼金枪鱼(Thunnusobesus)是高经济价值鱼种,其分布几乎覆盖整个大西洋水域。

    Atlantic bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) has high market value . It covers almost the whole Atlantic Ocean .

  6. 论文将以《太平洋大眼金枪鱼延绳钓渔场与SST叠加分布图集》和《东海中心渔场预报图》为例,简要介绍海渔况信息产品的制作原理及其应用。

    This article will gives the execution process of how to make fishery information products based on " Pacific big eye tuna fishing ground and SST superpose distribution graphs " and " Forecast of the central fishing grounds of The East China Sea " .

  7. 大西洋海域大眼金枪鱼年龄与生长的初步研究

    Age and growth of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus alalunga ) in the Atlantic Ocean

  8. 大眼金枪鱼的资源现状

    Fishery resources of big - Eye Tuna

  9. 印度洋中南部大眼金枪鱼生物学特性研究

    Biological characteristics of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) in the southern and central Indian Ocean

  10. 大西洋大眼金枪鱼渔业概况

    Fisheries of the Atlantic bigeye tuna

  11. 酸橘汁腌辣大眼金枪鱼里含有蓬松的藜麦、卤蛋黄、牛油果、山药和日本香松调料;

    a spicy bigeye tuna ceviche with puffed quinoa , soy-cured egg yolk , avocado , mountain yam and furikake seasoning ;

  12. 太平洋大眼金枪鱼延绳钓渔获分布及渔场环境浅析

    Preliminary study on the catch distribution of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) longline and fishing grounds environment in the Pacific Ocean

  13. 西北印度洋延绳钓大眼金枪鱼渔获率的时间序列小波特征

    Time series wavelet characters of the catch rate of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) caught by longline fishery in northwest Indian Ocean

  14. 根据三种主要渔业(延绳钓、围网和竿钓)的渔获量,可看出大眼金枪鱼渔业的发展概况。

    From the catch of three main gears ( longline , purse seine , baitboat ), the development of its fishery can be seen .

  15. 当以大眼金枪鱼为目标鱼种时,建议使用试验钓具,以提高捕捞效率;

    When the target species was bigeye tuna , the experimental gear was suggested to be used in the operation to increase the fishing efficiency ;

  16. 结合各海区大眼金枪鱼的产量,对大眼金枪鱼在各海区的渔业历史和现状,按照不同渔具进行了分析。

    This paper reviewed the history and recent status of bigeye tuna fishery according to the nominal catch and analyses the fisheries of each ocean by different fishing gears .

  17. 大眼金枪鱼的摄食种类中,头足类(鱿鱼)或杂鱼的出现频率较高,分别占48.36%和24.59%。

    In the bigeye tuna 's species composition of prey , the percentage of cephalopod ( squid ) or miscellaneous fish is relatively high , 48.36 % or 24.59 % respectively .

  18. 本文分别论述了大眼金枪鱼在大西洋、印度洋和太平洋的渔业概况、生物学特性、资源状况和管理对策。

    This paper describes the big eye tuna fisheries , their biological characteristics , resource status and management countermeasures in the Atlantic Ocean , the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean respectively .

  19. 结果表明,大西洋大眼金枪鱼延绳钓渔场主要分布在赤道两侧南北纬15°范围的热带海域,渔场分布具有显著的季节变化;

    The study shows that , fishing-ground of Atlantic bigeye tuna long-line fishery is mainly located in tropical area between 15 ° N and 15 ° S , and has seasonal variation obviously .

  20. 东南太平洋金枪鱼延绳钓大眼金枪鱼钓获率与水温结构因子的关系信天翁总是被延绳钓的诱饵所吸引,从而被布满诱饵的绳子缠绕溺死。

    Relationship between temperature structural variances and hooking rates of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) in tuna longline of Southeastern Pacific Ocean The albatrosses try to eat the bait and get dragged down and drowned .

  21. 大眼金枪鱼的分布很广,在南、北纬40°以内的太平洋、印度洋和大西洋均有分布,是金枪鱼渔业的重要捕捞种类之一。

    The big eye tuna is widely distributed within 40 o N and 40 o S of the Pacific Ocean , the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean , and is one of the important tuna fishery species .

  22. 根据2001及2003~2005年农业部渔业局金枪鱼延绳钓科学观察员获得的生物学数据,对主要捕捞对象大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼的生物学特征进行初步分析。

    Based on the data collected by Fishery Scientific Observers in Chinese tuna longline fleet in the Atlantic Ocean during 2001 and 2003-2005 , the biological features of main fishing species i.e. , bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) and yellowfin tuna ( Thunnus albacares ) were analyzed .