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  • rock;boulder
  1. 他毫不费力地举起了这块大石头。

    He lifted the big rock without effort .

  2. 他们一点点地把那块大石头移上坡。

    They inched the rock up the slope .

  3. 一块大石头飞进了窗户。

    A large stone came flying in through the window .

  4. 那块大石头替他们挡住了寒风。

    The boulder sheltered them from the chilling wind .

  5. 他俯身捡起一块大石头扔了出去。

    Stooping down , he picked up a big stone and hurled it .

  6. 一块大石头挡在路上。

    A big stone is blocking the road .

  7. 移动那块大石头很费劲。

    Moving that huge stone was difficult .

  8. 大家一齐用劲,把大石头搬开了。

    We all heaved together and removed the boulder .

  9. 我们试图把大石头抬起来,但它连动都没动一下。

    We tried to lift the rock but it wouldn 't budge .

  10. 这个坟墓就象一个洞穴,它没有门,而是滚一块大石头挡在门口。

    It was a cave-like place , and instead of a door , a big stone was rolled in front of the opening .

  11. 另外有一次,Mila和Oa正挣扎于他们的健康问题。他们见证了一小群蚂蚁在一块大石头上搬运一只死黄蜂。

    Another time when Mila and Oa were struggling with their health , they witnessed a small group of ants carry a dead wasp up a large rock .

  12. 这个同计划每日最重要的事情(MITs)几乎一样,只是这里计划每一周而非每一天。这里的大石头指的是每周最重要的任务。

    This is a similar concept to MITs , except on a weekly scale instead of a daily scale .

  13. 我来到有一块大石头的地方,那儿大路岔开,左手一边通到荒野,有一根粗糙的沙柱,北面刻着W.H.,东面是G.,西南面是T.G.①。

    I came to a stone where the highway branches off on to the moor at your left hand ; a rough sand pillar , with the letters W.H.cut on its north side , on the east , G. , and on the south-west , T.G.

  14. 大石头从山边滚下。

    Big rocks were bounding down the side of the hill .

  15. 便坐在一块大石头上思考。

    And then sat down on a large rock to think .

  16. 她心上的大石头还是没有落地。

    The heavy weight did not seem lifted off her heart .

  17. 威武的石狮子是用大石头雕成的。

    The mighty stone lion is sculpted out of large stone .

  18. 我没有抬动这块大石头的力气。

    I haven 't the strength to lift the heavy stone .

  19. 他骂着,不管不顾地使劲把那块大石头扔向河里。

    He cursed , recklessly throwing the rock towards the river .

  20. 许多大石头从四周陡直的山坡上滚下来。

    The boulders rolled down the steep slopes on either side .

  21. 他足够强壮,把那块大石头移走了。

    He is strong enough to move the big stone away .

  22. 这块大石头挡住了去路。

    The big stone is standing in the way of stepping .

  23. 咱们把那块大石头从马路上挪开吧。

    Let 's move the big stone away from the road .

  24. 最后撞上了一个大石头停了下来。

    Before finally slamming to a stop up against a boulder .

  25. 他想把那块大石头放回原处。

    He thought about putting the large stone back in place .

  26. 我们可以用滑轮来搬动这块大石头。

    We could use pulleys to move the huge stone .

  27. 但是像这种大石头,不久就会暴露。

    But a big stone does not stay secret for very long .

  28. 三个人推了一块大石头把墓口堵。

    Three men pushed a huge rock over the entrance .

  29. 在大石头的耐久表面上搭建厨房。

    The durable surfaces of large rock slabs make good kitchen sites .

  30. 当他从在一个大石头上摔下来时他伤到了腿。

    Hehis leg when he fell over the big stone .