
  • 网络Grand Pier
  1. TOMATO大码头品牌设计顾问致力于品牌研究,品牌创建,品牌沟通、推广及品牌管理的专业顾问设计策划机构。

    TOMATO Brand Designing & Associates is a professional design organization which is focus on brand studying and brand building , brand communication , brand spreading and management .

  2. 长江南通河段新大码头水域冲淤成因研究

    Study on Cause of River-bed Scouring and Siltation of Yangtze River Nantong Reach at Xinda Dock Waters

  3. 真的,她还从来没有和一个跑过大码头,见过大世面,见多识广性格活跃的人打过交道。

    Indeed , an experienced traveller , a brisk man of the world , had never come within such close range before .

  4. 在大水之上,西曷的粮食,尼罗河的庄稼,是推罗的进项。他作列国的大码头。

    On the great waters came the grain of the Shihor ; the harvest of the Nile was the revenue of Tyre , and she became the marketplace of the nations .

  5. 她是东西交汇、南北贯通的一个水陆大码头,也是中西、新旧文化的大熔炉,所谓“海纳百川”是也。

    Like a great ocean embracing hundreds of rivers , it is not only a land-and-water transportation hub for the whole nation but also a cultural confluence of the East and the West , the old and the new .

  6. 沉入式大圆筒码头结构的CAD技术

    CAD Technology for Immersed Type of Large-diameter Cylinder Wharf

  7. 深入探讨了沉入式大圆筒码头的CAD系统开发技术和CAD软件开发的技术发展趋势,并编程实现了该系统;

    Development of CAD system for immersed type of large diameter cylinder wharf and its developing tendency is discussed .

  8. 大圆筒码头模态试验和动力修改技术研究

    Modal tests and dynamic modification for large cylindrical wharf structures

  9. 深水大跨度码头结构型式研究

    Study on Structural Type of Deepwater Large Span Wharf

  10. 大圆筒码头结构模型振动台试验研究

    Study on Model Tests of Large Cylindrical Structure of Wharf by Shake Table

  11. 大圆筒码头抗震试验研究

    Study on earthquake-resistance of large cylindrical wharf structures

  12. 大圆筒码头设计简介

    Brief Introduction for Large Cylinder Wharf

  13. 在市场需求的强烈推动下,中国各大港口码头竞相规划,建设投资。

    Strongly driven by the market demand , Chinese ports intensely compete planning , construction and investment .

  14. 首次将模态试验分析和动力修改技术引进到大圆筒码头。

    Techniques of modal tests and dynamic modification are applied to the analysis of large cylindrical wharf structures .

  15. 大直径圆筒码头结构的有限元分析

    Analysis of large cylinder wharf structures using finite element method

  16. 沉入式大圆筒结构码头工作机理离心模型试验研究

    Centrifuge modeling of quay walls composed of large-diameter cylinders embedded below mud line

  17. 沉入式大直径圆筒码头稳定性计算方法研究

    Method of stability analysis of embedded large-diameter cylinder quay

  18. 当天晚上他就悄悄地跑到河边,在一个大农场的码头上隐藏起来。

    That night he crept to the riverside and hid himself near a plantation landing .

  19. 大吨位油码头登船梯三维参数化设计系统开发与应用

    The Development and Application of the 3D Parametric Design System for Boarding Ladder of Large-scale Oil Terminal

  20. 安装、携带方便,广泛用于各种船舶海上过驳、外海大型码头及潮差大的各种码头。

    Installation and taking convenient , it widely used all kinds of vessel , barge , large scale dock and dock with large tide scope .

  21. 酒店位于天津塘沽港口中心区域,与中国第二大的货运码头-津港相连。

    The Hotel is located in the center of Tianjin Tanggu port , with strategic proximity to Tianjin Port ( China 's second largest container terminal ) .

  22. ○2山区大水位差码头,陆域条件受限,码头后方很少有可供自动扶梯收缩的场地。

    ○ 2 The land condition is limited because of the mountain big level difference terminal , that it has little dock behind the escalator contract for the site .

  23. 大铲湾码头(一期)是深圳西部港区内的全新世界级集装箱码头,是集散泛珠三角各主要生产基地货物的理想站点。

    Dachan Bay Terminal One is situated in the Western Shenzhen Port area in South China . It is a new world-class container terminal serving the Pan-Pearl River Delta cargo catchment areas .

  24. 摘要介绍双桩浮式消能设施的结构型式及特点,船舶靠泊吸能原理、适用范围以及设计要点等,可供大吨位浮码头的设计借鉴。

    This paper describes the structural type and characteristics of double-pile floating energy dissipating installation , principle of energy absorption during vessel 's berthing , scope of adaptability and main points of design , which may serve as a reference for design of large-tonnage floating wharves .

  25. 当大帆船驶进南安普顿码头时,几百只小船聚集在其周围。

    Hundreds of small boats clustered round the yacht as she sailed into Southampton docks .

  26. 大圆筒重力式码头漏砂的原因分析和处理

    Cause Analysis and Treatment of Sand Leaks of Large Cylinder Gravity Wharf

  27. 大直径圆筒结构码头原型观测数据处理技术

    Processing technique of prototype observation data for large-diameter cylinder wharf

  28. 大直径圆筒结构码头性状分析

    Numerical Analysis of Behavior of Large Diameter Cylindrical Wharf Structure

  29. 大直径圆筒结构码头工程的设计

    Design of Wall Quay for Large - Diameter Cylindrical Structure

  30. 无底大圆筒在南沙码头中的应用

    Application of Large Bottomless Cylinder in Nansha Wharf