
dà kē xué
  • big science
大科学[dà kē xué]
  1. 在大科学时代,对“科学知识”的社会学考察即SSK的理论工作是必要的。从某种意义上说,是波兰尼凭借其默会理论开创了这一先河。

    In the times of big science , it was necessary for SSK to study science knowledge with sociological research methods .

  2. 但随着大科学(BigScience)时代的到来,科学本身越来越被认为是某些社会问题或者是许多社会问题的根源。

    But with the Big Science ( BigScience ) era coming , science itself is increasingly seen as the root of many social problems .

  3. EAST极向场电源是国家“九五”大科学工程EAST非圆截面大型超导托卡马克装置的子系统。

    The power-supply control system of poloidal field system is a sub-system in EAST ( Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak ), which is a National Mage-project of Science Research of China .

  4. 1999年,EGF的研究成果被世界最具权威性的学术期刊&美国《科学》杂志评为当年十大科学成就之首。

    The research of EGF is honored the top of " the ten accomplishments of science " by magazine of American in1999 .

  5. 设计了应用于国家大科学工程HT-7的中性束注入数据采集系统。

    The data acquisition system for neutral beam injection applied in national great science engineering HT-7 was designed .

  6. 步入21世纪以来,非编码RNA的相关研究连续获得Science评选的年度十大科学突破,并在2006年获得了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

    Since we entered the 21st Century , the research on non-coding RNA has been voted consecutively as top ten scientific breakthroughs for several years , and it won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2006 .

  7. 国家大科学工程HT-7U托卡马克(Tokamak)是一个全超导核聚变实验装置。

    HT-7U Tokamak , Which has been funded as a Chinese national science project , is a fully superconducting experimental device for nuclear fusion .

  8. 多年来,NTSC的守时系统以完美的表现满足了国家大科学装置&长、短波授时系统的发播控制任务的要求。

    Since its establishment , the time-keeping system of NTSC has greatly satisfied the broadcast of time signals of long and short-wave standard time service system .

  9. 国家同步辐射实验室(NSRL)通过建设国家大科学工程项目,在真空紫外和软X-光光学系统方面积累丰富的经验,建立了比较齐全的设计和检测等软件和硬件设施。

    The National Synchrotron Radiation Lab ( NSRL ) has setup the basic design and test facility for the optical system in the vacuum ultraviolet to soft X-ray range .

  10. 二战后科学霸主地位的确立、大科学观念的形成、反文化运动的兴起等是SSK产生的社会背景。

    The establishment of hegemonic status of science after Second World War , the prevailing of the " Counter-cultural Movement " are social backgrounds of the formation of SSK .

  11. 一项国家大科学工程超导托卡马克HT7U的建造目前正在中国科学院合肥等离子体物理研究所实施。

    A National Project of the HT 7U superconducting tokamak device is under building in IPP , CAS .

  12. 该文的研究成果对于正在研制中的我国大科学工程项目大天区面积多目标光纤光谱天文望远镜LAMOST的环境监控系统的设计具有相当的参考价值。

    The research practice has particularly provided valuable experience for the design of environmental monitor system of the ongoing large sky area multi-object fiber spectroscopic Telescope ( LAMOST ), which is one of the large scientific projects in China .

  13. 朱莉娅:我听说他开创了四大科学革命。

    Julia : I heard that he started four scientific revolutions .

  14. 我国的大科学研究与国际合作

    Research and International Cooperation on " Big Science " in China

  15. 高校承接国家大科学工程项目管理体系的研究

    Research on Management System of Huge Scientific Project Carried by University

  16. 大科学观决定了科学教育应从分科走向综合。

    So , science education inevitably makes towards integration from nature branch .

  17. 知识经济时代与大科学战略选择

    Knowledge economy age and the strategic choice of big science

  18. 《周易》的大科学观

    The Great Viewpoint of Science in The Book of Changes

  19. 论大科学时代的国际科技合作

    On the International Science and Technology Cooperation in Macro - science Age

  20. 自然科学史和大科学史的学科结构

    Disciplinary structure of natural science history and great science history

  21. 唯物史观是马克思一生中两大科学发现之一。

    Historical Materialism is one of the two scientific discoveries of Marx .

  22. 建立现代大科学体制发展上海科技事业

    Establishing Modern Comprehensive Scientific System , Developing Science and Technology in Shanghai

  23. 自由而负责任的科学&大科学的价值和当代中国科研体制的选择

    Value of Big Science and the Choice for the Scientific Research System

  24. 这种必要伴随着大科学的崛起。

    This necessity comes with the rise of big science .

  25. 我国大科学装置发展战略研究和政策建议

    Strategy research and policy proposal of our large scale scientific Facilities ' development

  26. 本文介绍一种大科学装置&同步辐射装置。

    The synchrotron radiation faciliry ( SRF ) is a huge scientific equipment .

  27. 大科学既不同于中科学和大工程,也有别于小科学;

    Big science is different from little science , medium-science and huge project .

  28. 大科学思维与现代地理学的发展问题

    Big scientific thought and developmental problem of Contemporary Geography

  29. 当代的大科学观模型与大科学管理体制的构想

    Contemporary model of the big-science view & vision on the big-science manage system

  30. 大科学需要懂得管理文化创新的领导;

    The big science needs the leaders who understand the management culture innovation ;