
dà dù zi
  • pregnant;big belly;big-bellied;potbelly;big eater;landowner or capitalist;gourmand
大肚子 [dà dǔ zi]
  • (1) [potbelly;big belly;big-bellied]∶胀大的、臃肿的或突出的肚子或胃

  • (2) [big eater]∶指饭量大

  • (3) [landowner or capitalist] 〈方〉∶对地主或资本家的憎称

  • (4) [pregnant]∶怀孕(或胎)的;体内怀有未出生的幼仔的

大肚子[dà dù zi]
  1. 她觉得自己很糟糕,然后这两个女人之间的联系产生了,所以当她挺着大肚子时,她还是决定去发展一段新关系。

    She wasn 't feeling so good about herself and there 's this connection that 's made between those two women , and so Tina goes out and has a full-on relationship while she 's hugely pregnant .

  2. 你看到他那大肚子了吧!

    Have you seen the gut on him !

  3. 他吃完甜点,拍了拍他的大肚子。

    He finished his dessert and patted his paunch

  4. 她说我眼大肚子小!

    She said9 I had eyes bigger than my stomach !

  5. 我怀孕了,我滑稽可笑地瞒珊而行,大肚子上压着全世界的重量。

    I am pregnant . I waddle awkwardly and my big stomach pressed against the weight of the world .

  6. 凯特眼大肚子小,她去吃自助餐时总是盛得很多,最后不得不浪费掉吃不完的食物。

    Kate has eyes bigger than her stomach – she always ends up wasting10 food at an all-you-can-eat buffet11 .

  7. 是的,女士们先生们,那个距离你们的Kindle电子书或是iPhone电话几厘米远的大肚子里,装着的可是我们这个伟大城市未来一代的一分子。

    No , ladies and gentlemen , her protruding stomach inches away from your Kindle or iPhone holds part of the future generation of our great city .

  8. 你那个冒牌大肚子呢?

    What About that big belly you 're so proud off ?

  9. 一个魁梧有力,大肚子的人走进宿舍。

    A powerful big-stomached man came into the bunk house .

  10. 一个头发金黄的大肚子男人正在焦急地看着哈利。

    A fair-haired , big-bellied man was watching Harry anxiously .

  11. 烤面包的灶突出来像个大肚子。

    The baking-oven sticks out of the wall like a GREat knob .

  12. 一份超级豪华大肚子汉堡,安德鲁斯先生的。

    I have a super deluxe big belly buster for a Mr. Andrews .

  13. 我已经好久好就没有进电影院了,最后一次还是大肚子去的。

    She just had the second birthday at the end of last month .

  14. 在大肚子云下搜寻小虫。

    Cruising for bugs beneath the bellied cloud .

  15. 是的,我吃大肚子汉堡上瘾。从没吃过。

    Yeah , I 'm addicted to big belly burger . Never had it .

  16. 和小山一般的大肚子。

    He was always eating too much .

  17. 在地铁上,大肚子其实不是那么明显。

    ' Large bellies don 't really stand out that much on the subway . '

  18. 他有个大肚子。

    He has a large belly .

  19. 他戴着顶硬草帽,上身带条纹的运动夹克裹着他的大肚子。

    The man wore a straw boater and a striped blazer which bulged over his paunch .

  20. 通天的白色鞋柜和大肚子灶台都是自得之作。

    " Exceeding lofty or great " white shoe ark and abdominous hearth are complacent make .

  21. 仿佛是有一大肚子的话要说,却又不知从何说起。

    As if there is a potbellied say , but I do not know where to start .

  22. 不过这样怀疑也无可厚非,准妈妈们到底是如何支撑着她们那装着宝宝的大肚子以保持平衡还不会跌倒的呢?

    Still , how do pregnant women manage to haul their baby-filled bellies around without falling over ?

  23. 我只得由他挺著大肚子骑车送我去。

    He thus persuaded me to let him ride me to the meditation venue despite his swollen belly .

  24. 他的大肚子上沾满白色的污点,双手双脚都是蓝色的。

    He had a huge belly covered with white spots , and his hands and feet were blue .

  25. 戈登:你好,这里是大肚子网络公司,我是戈登,你需要我帮你把电话转接过去吗?

    Gordon : Hello , Big Belly . com , Gordon speaking , how may I direct your call ?

  26. 戈登:你好,这里是大肚子网络公司,我是戈登,请问您找哪位?

    Example : Gordon : Hello , Big Belly.com , Gordon speaking , how may I direct your call ?

  27. 梅丽莎走过来,把她的手臂放在我的大肚子上,看着我。

    Melissa walked over to me , put her arms around my big tummy , and looked up at me .

  28. 你知道,我是有点儿大肚子但是我…我不会用它来代替我的名字.

    You know , I have a little paunch too but ahh ... I wouldn 't name myself after it .

  29. 他至少有5英尺6英寸高。他不算胖,但是有个大肚子。

    He is over five feet , six inches tall , and he has a medium build and a big belly .

  30. 马上要生第2个孩子的格温妮丝·特洛,上个月挺着大肚子在墨西哥度假。

    Gwyneth Paltrow , who 's expecting her second child , bares her belly while on vacation last month in Mexico .