
  • 网络ofunato
  1. 户田公明表示:这不只是大船渡市的问题。

    This is not only an issue for Ofunato city .

  2. 根据东京中国大使馆网站的的信息:救援队周一早上在日本东北部岩手县大船渡市开始搜索与营救。

    The rescue team started search and rescue operations Monday morning in Ofunato city of Japan 's northeastern Iwate Prefecture , according to the website of the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo .

  3. 高达12到19英寸的海啸袭击了大船渡市,地震引起的高达4到12英寸的海浪还袭击了这个地区的至少其它4个城镇。

    Tsunami waves of12 and19 inches hit the city of Ofunato , and4-to12-inch waves generated by the quake struck at least four other towns in the area , the agency said .