
  1. 西安东大街街道表皮研究

    Research of the Street Surface of Dong Da Jie Street

  2. 西安明城段中轴线南北大街街道表皮特质初探

    Study of the Street Surface of the North and South Street in the Ming City in Xi'an

  3. 本文试图从城市形态演变的视角出发,将东大街的街道表皮作为研究对象。

    The thesis took the Dong da jie street 's surface as research target from the evolution of urban form angle .

  4. 林荫大道:大街宽阔的城市街道,通常树木荫蔽的和风景秀丽的

    " Boulevard : a broad city street , often tree-lined and landscaped . "

  5. 当两辆原军用装甲车和摩托车载着20名露点女星和几个男人驶过大街,围在街道旁边的一群男人纷纷举起手机和摄像机拍照。

    A mostly male crowd wielding camera phones and video cameras massed along the street as two armoured ex-military vehicles and motorbikes carrying 20 topless women and a few men drove by .

  6. 全文共分四章,拟解决以下四个问题:一,从中央大街名称变迁的角度出发,探究中央大街这个街道的身份在不同历史时期的表述特征。

    One , from " the central avenue " name change Angle , explore the identity of this street in different historical periods of expression features .