
  • Big winner;【电影】Da ying jia
  1. 星期二的大赢家为索尼公司,其股票上涨至9,070日元的高点。

    Tuesday 's notable gainer was Sony , which reached a high of 9,070 yen .

  2. 这两个大赢家是,请先来点鼓声……FamilyDollar,这并不出奇,还有美国烟草USTobacco。

    The winners are , drum roll please , Family Dollar , no surprise there , and US Tobacco .

  3. 旅行技术咨询公司总裁诺姆·罗斯(NormRose)说,技术发展快于公司政策改变这种局势让商旅者成为大赢家。

    Norm Rose , the president of Travel Tech Consulting , said travelers were the big winners as technology moved faster than corporate policies .

  4. 此外该剧还获得4项技术奖项,使最终获奖数达到7项,比当晚另一个大赢家,美国犯罪剧《绝命毒师》(BreakingBad)还多一项。

    Four technical awards took the total haul to seven , one more than the night 's other big winner , the US crime drama series Breaking Bad .

  5. NBA的大赢家:开拓者复兴了其招牌;凯尔特人赢得总冠军。

    NBA team valuations Big winners : The Trail Blazers resurrected their brand and the Celtics won the title .

  6. Tanya:听起来我们将会成为一个大赢家!

    Tanya : Sounds like we 'll have a winner on our hands !

  7. 从这个星期开始黄金时段的美剧就已经开始陆续回归了,而回归的美剧自然会从电视收视上看到效果,而昨晚的大赢家就是CBS。

    Some primetime shows are already back from reruns and the ratings definitely reflect the new programming , handing CBS a huge win .

  8. 大赢家是像约翰?鲍尔森(JohnPaulson)这样的人,他是一位并购专家,2006年才开始研究住房市场,但他为自己麾下的对冲基金赚得创纪录的200亿美元。

    The big winners were people like John Paulson , an expert in mergers who only began researching housing in 2006 and scored a record $ 20 billion for his hedge fund .

  9. 说到云技术,存储和网络方面还有很多技术难关要攻克,iosaferoggedportable是大赢家。

    And speaking of cloud , in the storage and networking category , the alter rugged and bullet proof , IO safe rogged portable is the winner .

  10. 按照自己的方式,以自己的节奏在您的财务约束下进行这一切,听起来DHL像是个大赢家。

    Doing it on your own terms , at your own pace , and within your financial constraints sounds like a win for DHL .

  11. 上市价格被定在较低水平,这种操纵方式可以确保上市首日带来巨大刺激,使得一些在IPO之前申购中签的幸运投资者迅速成为大赢家。

    Listing prices were set low , a form of manipulation that ensured great excitement on an IPO 's opening day and made instant winners of investors lucky enough to have got shares in the pre-IPO ballot .

  12. 不过设计师们看重的倒不是谁是奥斯卡(Oscar)大赢家,他们考虑的是另外一个问题:在促使观众买下那些他们在红地毯上看到的服装上面,哪个明星最有说服力?

    But rather than picking the Oscar winners , designers are asking another question : Who will be the most effective at getting viewers to buy the clothes they see on the red carpet ?

  13. 所以你们继续去吹捧,去宣布詹姆斯才是大赢家吧。但是在我们看来,他至少还得等到下一年,科比才是我的MVP。

    So go ahead and proclaim LeBron the big winner , but for my money , at least until next year , I 'll take Kobe as my pick for MVP .

  14. 上述损失尤其惊人,因为PelotonABS是此轮美国次贷危机的大赢家之一,去年上涨了87%,因此前该基金押注低质抵押贷款将会下跌。

    The losses are particularly striking because Peloton ABS was one of the big winners from the US subprime crisis , gaining 87 per cent last year after betting against low-quality mortgages .

  15. 今年29岁的这对姐妹花非但没有成为昙花一现的名人时装设计师,相反,这对昔日的女星成为稳扎稳打的大赢家:从业近10年后,她们去年在洛杉矶的梅尔罗斯广场(MelrosePlace)开设了首家零售门店。

    Rather than becoming a flash-in-the-pan celebrity fashion line , the former actresses , 29 , have proved slow and steady wins : after almost a decade in business they launched their first retail store in LA 's Melrose Place last year .

  16. 今年的大赢家、导演KathyrnBigelow的《拆弹部队》赢得了最佳影片和最佳导演双料大奖。

    The big winner as this year 's awards was Kathyrn Bigelow 's war thriller The Hurt Locker , which won Best Picture and Best Director .

  17. 因此,中国很可能成为大赢家。

    So China is likely to emerge as the big winner .

  18. 他们是操控金融市场的大赢家。

    They are big winners from the rigging of the financial markets .

  19. 本杰明:我非常喜欢《英语大赢家》这个节目。

    Benjamin : I like Winner 's English very mush .

  20. 就在社交网络领域内,就有可能出现大赢家。

    And within the social networking universe there may be spectacular winners .

  21. 当晚其他大赢家包括米兰达·兰伯特和布莱克·谢尔顿。

    Other big winners on the night included Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton .

  22. 总体来看,印度是去年的大赢家。

    India was the biggest overall winner last year .

  23. 今年确实有一些大赢家,但是并不多。

    There are actually some big winners this year , but not many .

  24. 给我们说说你的感觉如何,你可是比赛的大赢家啊。

    Tell us how it feels like , life is a major winner .

  25. 我觉得这些人才是大赢家。

    Those are the real winners , I think .

  26. 其中一些会成为大赢家,其余的将成为输家。

    Some will be huge winners , which will make up for the rest .

  27. 向这些大赢家多征点税在政治上似乎是可行的。

    Taxing these huge winners a bit more heavily seems a politically obvious move .

  28. 因为他成为了大赢家,连自己是谁都不知道了。

    Because he 's winning , and he can 't say who he is .

  29. 每个人都得到了乐趣,而你是大赢家,你有了晚饭。

    People will have fun and you 'll have dinner on top of it .

  30. 规避损失而不是发现大赢家,这才是长线制胜的法宝。

    Avoiding losses is the key to long-term success , not finding big winners .