
  • 网络long-span spatial structures
  1. AUTOCADVBA在大跨空间结构几何造型中的应用

    Application and study on AutoCAD VBA programming in geometry molding of long-span spatial structures

  2. 大跨空间结构若干理论问题研究

    A Study on Some Theoretical Aspects of Long-Span Spatial Structures

  3. 介绍了一种针对大跨空间结构抗风分析时域方法的具有空间相关性风场的计算机模拟方法(AR法),给出了各种算法的关键步骤;

    Both considering time and spatial correlation , several stochastic wind field simulation methods are introduced for time-history analysis of spatial structures against wind load and the key algorithms involved are given .

  4. 本文以大跨空间结构和高层建筑结构两类大型复杂结构型式优选为研究内容,建立了基于自组织竞争神经网络(SOFM)检索机制的实例推理系统,并应用于结构选型决策;

    This paper mainly discusses the selection of target structures for large scale complicated engineering structures such as high-rise buildings and long-span spatial structures . A case-based-reasoning system based on self-organizing-feature-map ( SOFM ) is put forward to solve this decision problem .

  5. 为了弥补索穹顶这种新型大跨空间结构在动力方面研究的不足,通过对120m跨度的肋环形索穹顶结构进行模态分析,得到了不同的参数对索穹顶结构的自振频率影响曲线;

    Filling the blank in dynamic research on cable dome is a new kind of large-span space structure , whose 120 () m () span cable dome was analyzed and the affection curve of cable dome frequency vs different ( parameters ) was obtained .

  6. 大跨空间结构智能选型方案生成系统

    Scheme generation system for intelligent form selection of large-span spatial structure

  7. 一种新型的预应力大跨空间结构动力特性分析

    Analysis for dynamic characteristics of a new-style pre-stressed long-span space structure

  8. 大跨空间结构的分类及发展特征

    Sorts and development characteristics of long - span space structure

  9. 不对称荷载下大跨空间结构体系可靠性设计研究

    Research of system reliability design for long-span spatial structure under asymmetric loads

  10. 济南奥体中心体育场大跨空间结构总装分析

    Whole structure analysis of the large-span spatial structure in Jinan Olympic Stadium

  11. 大跨空间结构在非一致地震输入下的弹性响应分析

    Study on Elastic Vibration of Space Structures under Non-uniform Excitations

  12. 大跨空间结构选型的因素体系模型

    Model of factor system of structural form selection for large span structure

  13. 大跨空间结构智能方案设计的评价与决策系统

    Evaluation and decision system for intelligent scheme design of large-span spatial structures

  14. 大跨空间结构是目前发展最快的结构类型。

    Great-span interspace structure is the quickest developing structure presently .

  15. 大跨空间结构选型的方案评价方法

    Scheme evaluation method for large-span spatial structural form selection

  16. 基于神经网络的大跨空间结构脉动风荷载的随机模拟

    Random Wind Load Simulation for Large-span Spatial Structures Based on Artificial Neural Networks

  17. 大跨空间结构理论研究和工程实践

    Theoretical Study and Engineering Practice of Long-Span Spatial Structures

  18. 总装分析对大跨空间结构设计的重要性

    Importance of whole structural analysis in long-span structural design

  19. 被动控制技术在大跨空间结构中的应用概况

    The present situation on application of passive control technology in long-span spatial structures

  20. 大跨空间结构的风场和流固耦合风效应研究与精细识别

    The Research of Wind Field and Fluid-Structure Interaction and Fine Identification for Space Structure

  21. 大跨空间结构施工支撑拆除影响的试验研究

    Experiment Study on the form stripping in the construction of long span space structure

  22. 新型大跨空间结构&索穹顶结构

    Cable Dome : A New Long-span Space Structure

  23. 一种新型大跨空间结构&张拉整体索穹顶

    A New Type of Long-span Space Structure

  24. 周边双塔对大跨空间结构的风荷载干扰效应研究

    Research on Wind Load Interference Effects of Neighboring Double-tower Structure on Long Span Roof Structure

  25. 大跨空间结构风模拟的改进方法及其小波识别

    The improved simulation and Wavelet Identification of wind speed time series for large-span spatial structures

  26. 大跨空间结构的选型设计属于概念设计范畴。

    The lectotype of large span spacial structure is in the range of concept design .

  27. 火灾下大跨空间结构升温模型的比较分析

    The comparison and analysis of heating-up models of temperature in large space structures in fire

  28. 大跨空间结构模态参数的温度敏感性与应变预警方法研究

    Investigation of Modal Parameters ' Temperature Sensitivity and Strain Based Prewarning Method for Space Structure

  29. 大跨空间结构智能选型设计初探

    Intelligent selection of long-span spatial structural designs

  30. 静、动力稳定性问题是大跨空间结构分析中最重要同时也是最复杂的问题。

    Static and dynamic stabilities are the most important and intricate problems in Large-span space structures .